How the fuck do you become more articulate?

how the fuck do you become more articulate?

Live life.

Read books

Learn to speak and write properly. Then do it.

Read books. Literally (no pun intended) the only way. The best way. READ FUCKING BOOKS

>read books

>ankhi decks with top 500 words (from a-z) that are used in English standardised tests

>write short stories

>Plan to do all of these but don't actually do any of them, continue to sleep all day and fap all night

i actually read a decent amount... i dont have any problems with understanding philosophical texts or novels and i rarely need to look up some words i dont understand, but i struggle with actually expressing those words ive learned in regular conversations or when writing anything by myself
what do you mean by that ? elaborate

like what i mean is the words ive learned from reading dont pop up in my head when speaking

I don't know, don't they have speech therapy for those sort of things?

Like theses fags said, read.

I'll go further and say read anything that interests you. Read news stories. Read blogs. Read fan fiction, whatever. You're reading right now, you ain't got no excuse.

Stay off the internet, and read books written two generations ago or more. That's all it takes.

Same here user.
I can do it when I get on a roll though, but then later people complain about me having talked about something they don't care about either too detailed or too long.

So now I just don't talk to people anymore.

Practice in your head. Conversate with yourself more and trying slowly adding the words your learning to your thoughts before trying to just interject them into your speech.

Get a job that requires it. I worked help desk for a state payroll department for 2 years. Now I business write like a demon. Not sure if its effect or affect? Google it and develop.

exactly, its such a shitty feeling, i feel like an illiterate retard lowlife sometimes dude
i dont think reading books and learning new words would do much .. the last 2 books i read were from the 1600s and 1700s and had more than 500 pages.. its more about utilizing the words i learn and implementing them into my vocabulary. i guess i should look into those word decks and card things

You need to train your active memory of words.
Passive is what you've described, someone says a word and you recognize it.
Active is thinking about an object/situation and having the right word to express it.
Imho, you can strengthen both through reading, try watching TV/Theater to train the active part more or just converse, write, express yourself more, even if you're talking to yourself.
Make a point of knowing small differences in words, such as argue, discuss, converse and make sure you're using the correct word in the given situation. Describe your situation/surrounding in your head, when you're bored. Try using 'new' or lesser known terms when doing that.
of course, you usually train both aspects at the same time, but expressing instead of consuming is generally better for active memory.

Free form jazz, destroy your filter

listen to this user.

Sup Forums is a great place to practice because there's always deep discourse there. Sup Forums can be good, but it's a crapshoot. i would also suggest watching videos of speakers and debates on the jewtoobs. you can never go wrong with a little scotch and hitchens.

bumping for op, some choice advice here

scat-dippy-dap-tododdly-dap-pap-pap-pow... how articulate.

OP you just need to have more conversations with like minded people about subjects you enjoy. Have you tried /soc? Maybe enter a web chat room and talk with anons there.

Thanks, if you also happen to speak German/French/Spanish/Italian, you can often use/determine the meaning of an english word through one of these languages.
E.g. Zeitgeist is german for spirit of (the) time, which makes its meaning a lot easier to remember.

wow you are smart as shit and that is amazing advice, how old are you?

I got most of my articulacy from conversing with a close friend of mine who is extremely hard of hearing and refused to use any hearing-aid as it made him look retarded.

Also from being in WoW guilds together with Russians, Chinese and Spanish people so many big hurdles of understanding to step over on voice com.

Do Jordan Peterson's 10-step guide to clearer thinking through essay writing fggt.

On the off chance you're not being sarcastic.
27 grew up trilingual, german french english. Learned a bit of spanish and italian as well as japanese.

first trick is but to do a word with but not that stuff. then it is important to learn to all the words, but not in that order. When that clock is done, gopher won't be admitting to be all the brown locomotive from sunshine, but nevertheless all owls will be on time. There are no more cats in Elbonia, but keep looking.

Never again, but once more will theater pie be shorn and pink donuts will clog the accelerator. Everyone will bounce, but not that sheep forest but never as much as the first time. So many oscillators inside Dan Quayle.

did you run your original text through a pidgin translator or something

pie? no, but all moths are coming to bread basket. But not without flat power drill muffins. Both poodles are dropping now, inside all crumbling fry biscuits, honey glazed to perfection.

Listen to audio tapes and find words you like.
Or got to

You practice articulating shit.

>OP you just need to have more conversations with like minded people about subjects you enjoy.
Then OP will never get out of his comfort zone. You need to talk to NON like minded people.


you get better at things by doing them. Get a job, join a club, chat with the bank teller or person standing next to you in line. Talk more and you'll get better at talking.

Stop using the F word so much, and you'll start to improve.



I'd just say through reading or researching many topics

Dont browse Sup Forums

Good advice, certain boards will just make you lose brain cells

Say more fucking words gooder