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interesting. do you think it's accurate? where are you from, user?

more bumps

Im from the UK and I would say its pretty accurate lol

Only correct answer

so you basically don't care?

Pretty accurate tbh

I would be fine with this


Technocracy is the only correct choice.

good to see.

You call yourself a centrist


good luck coming to a decision about anything ever

you literally had to shop that because it's impossible to get 50% on everything.



stand for something or you'll fall for anything

So this is what autism looks like


TFW I'm the only capitalist here

Capitalism is a flawed system that only benefits the top 1-2% over time. The money never rolls down hill it just amasses at the top and is taken out of the pockets of the working classes.

Well, I'm an anarchist, a radical unionist, and I was antifa (with ARA) in the 80s, so the results aren't surprising.

imagine seeing the words equality and markets and thinking it's good that you are less interested in equality than "markets" what a fag


Have this shit too

Am I reasonable or just milquetoast?


Imagine being so brainwashed by the media that you think capitalism works in your favor.

May I interest you in a helicopter ride?

Yeeeaaah, because we all know that the media is so pro capitalism.

It is. Do you really think the anti socialist media campaigns for the past 60 years accomplished nothing?

Radical centrismâ„¢




haha fucking neo-liberal cuckolds

What's your thoughts on the current Antifa thing ?
A bit younger, but was (am) an anarchist, was rolling with antifas in the 200', and I have some reserves on what it became

Neither. You're a moron.

You think being centrist gives you a moral high ground, when all it does is put you in the firing line of every side. Grow some balls and try standing for something.

your result is what a reasonable person should be getting something around

Yeah, I have the same reservations. When I was rolling with ARA, we used to put boneheads in the hospital. Just to join my branch you had to prove you could handle yourself in a fight by tracking down a bonehead and putting the boots to him by yourself. ARA emerged from the punk movement and we were very much about independent action and not worrying what the media or the soft liberal left thought of us.

I see some of the pudgy, pink-haired "words hurt" folks who identify as antifa today and wonder how these people are going to deal with death squads and real oppression when it comes -- because it IS coming, sooner or later.


I think the movement has been overtaken by middle class wimps. I never was a brawler, so I never joined antifa per say, but back in my days they were tough,and could actually fight.

Nowaday I think it's just a bunch of bourgeois kids with a passing and superficial interest in social issues. I tried to have sympathy for them, but I really can't.

Glad to see I'm not the only one in that case

My father was an amateur boxer who taught me to fight by punching me repeatedly in the face until I was able to block or dodge the punches, and I grew up in a tough neighbourhood where you fought with your fists to survive. That was the 70s, and it was a very different world than today. I'm always surprised when fellow anarchists tell me that they've never actually been in a fistfight.

That said, don't be too harsh. It's not their fault they've grown up soft, and they still have the ability to grow hard. I've seen some of the typical campus harder-core-than-thou radicals I've been forced to work with turn into seasoned organizers just as a result of being immersed in the right networks over time and with enough experience. I think the kind of pitched street battles we're starting to see are going to weed out the wheat from the chaff pretty soon.

> I'm always surprised when fellow anarchists tell me that they've never actually been in a fistfight.
Small size, cheddar fists, can't do much by myself. I started reading about anarchism in college, decided it was the most reasonable approach to life in general.

I can't fight, but I've been in brawls...but really, I know my limits.

I remember when I left the social movements altogether - we were trying to do a filtring blockade at this university, was doing great, until that girl started screaming gendered insults to one of the guys we were blocking.
The dude charged with his friends, we had to intervene and we took the blows for her. After that I thought -no more. That's not what I want.



Size matters in a fight, but not as much as you might think. Speed and ruthlessness are the most important things in a street fight. Over the years I've had plenty of fistfights with guys who claimed to know various martial arts, and they all learned fast that there's a difference between a dojo mat and a streetcorner.

The most important thing to understand is that once the adrenaline starts flowing, no one feels any pain. You can sense the impacts, but they don't hurt. Once the fight has started, the only way to end it is to render someone incapable of fighting, and that's by ringing their bell: you slosh their brains in their skull. You want to hit them at the corner of the jaw for maximum sloshability, whether it's with your fist or your boot.

But the thing is, you never want to let it get that far if you don't have to. A street fight doesn't have a referee. There are no rules. You put the either guy down as fast and as hard as you can, and you don't wait for it. A sucker punch has saved me from many beatings over the years. You don't have to be a giant combat machine to knock someone out with a sucker punch. Don't let anyone tell you it's "unfair" or a "pussy move." Winning is what matters, and sucker punches win fights.


Bend over, faggots. Motherfucking lenin coming through.

American here. Apparently I'm a centrist.

Am a Yuropoor tho

I did it quite a while ago. but I remember being an Authoritarian Socialist, I think. Something along those lines.



running for potus in '24



all teh answers github.com/8values/8values.github.io/blob/master/ideologies.js


>a central view isn't something to stand for.
Nice slippery slope.

Don't be an idiot, user. Life isn't black and white.

I think Marx had some interesting ideas, ultimately though humanity in general is too corrupt for them to work.

That's not to say people should be paid to sit on their ass, but pay disparity between people with actual intellect as opposed to those who talk out of their ass at such a rate that people don't even have time to consider that they're just clueless fuckwits with a business degree is kinda disgusting. Pay to an extent should be reflective of their contribution to society, but that's not to say those incapable of doing much should starve. People born stupid/generally incapable weren't born so of their own volition. I think generally that heirarchy (apart from figureheads as representatives of groups of people) should be scrapped.



So this is apparently the average ideology of the thread (I collected all results).
I've also collected results from Sup Forums and they're right-wing populists.





Not ironic.


Not 'murican either

Am I autistic enough


So uh, what does this mean?

Shit forgot pic



progress, open projects, no authority, fair and honest people, progressive. better education, global market, open borders.

>LOLbeard shit quiz
I'm a unapologetic Nazi
Fuck it lets see how I score.

Seems like most people here are Social-Libertarians.

Finished fucken lol what a fag quiz for fagots.
>It is important that we think in the long term, beyond our lifespans.
Yes answer these overgeneralized bumper sticker slogans.
Whoever disagreed with this question about long therm thinking needs to go to the gas chamber.
If some fats wants to fuck up the world because
>I don't care
Why should anyone younger then him simply not kill the old fucker?

Traditionally, Sup Forums skews left, progressive, and anti-authoritarian. What happened is Anonymous scared the absolute bejeezus out of the alphabet agencies, who hadn't considered a bunch of basement neckbeards to be a viable subversive force. They threatened to seize m00t's servers, so m00tiekins -- having the spine of jellyfish -- began systematically kicking everyone with a triple digit IQ off the website.

That tipped the balance in Sup Forums, with the majority now being the subnormal, mouth-breathing, middle school teenyboppers. The Stormfag bigots who would eventually become the alt-right realized they had an opportunity to take control of Sup Forums and use it to recruit "useful idiots," in a campaign they called "Operation Swarmfront" (see attached pic for links to proof).

The result was an influx of alt-right neanderthals who began trying to convince the moron middle schoolers that bigotry and hatemongering was cool and normal. Which is why Sup Forums looks the way it does today.

Is anyone outside of children and old autists AKA libertarians/anarcho-capitalists taking these over simplified peaces of propaganda seriously?

They represent oversimplified slogans that are detached from any thing real.
Like everyone is supposed to obey arbitrary abstract ideas like some libertarian made up.

If everyone was this level of retarded they always get burned see windows 8 or the windows release cycle.
If you are retarded and only think in a childish absolute of
>Must have progress or no progress
>I'm pro progress
>Win8 is new, win8 is progress; so I must use it

Nazi porn request

And this, kids, is one of the idiot alt-right invaders I was mentioning. His kind would have been mocked and run off in the Anonymous days.

>left liberal bias: CNN, CBC, ABC, MSNBC, NY Times, HuffPost, Buzzfeed
>conservative bias: Fox, Breitbart
Yeah for real poor lefties

Are you talking about me?
No I'm not one of the autistic-right who spam cuck all the time (how I hate this word).
I'm actually HARD-right.

I'm from Russia, and I just can't understand. Why in country which has SUFFERED from socialism for 70 years much people still support leftism. I guess we just can't learn of pur mistakes

You're actually an idiot. Fuck off.

I think its a accomplishment of these pro market retards.
They redefined Marx's definition of capitalist = the rich guy who exploits you all to
>Look at me I'm a sub minimum wage worker
>I'm a capitalist!
>If only the government removed minimum wage and my employer payed me less then I would be the riches man in the world.

Yes its this level of stupid.

Kinda as i expected

No need to shop, just edit the url

>saves files as antifa
>has at least 9 antifa images
>associates with Antifa at all

I ran with ARA in the 80s, doofus, and put a lot of boneheads in the hospital.

it's possible.

Damn, you are hardcore hitting unsuspecting victims. I wish I could be that cool. :(


Maybe that is why you have been fighting for "the cause" since the 80s and have accomplished fuck all.
