1st ever match on tinder after 2 weeks

>1st ever match on tinder after 2 weeks
>"sorry I accidentally liked you"

why go on

I haven't tried Tinder for this exact reason.

The fear of no girl "liking" you. It's got to be depressing AF.

Fecken' tinder... dowloaded it and made an acc few days ago to find some distraction after a bad heartbreak, and been almost exclusively swiping right, and no matches so far... didn't think i was that ugly

Same, until like i said, last week.... and it is depressing

post ur face?

You wouldn't fucking believe it, i opened tinder to take a screenshot and i got my first match, pic coming up

If you're a White guy, don't use Tinder.

It's full of white sluts looking to find and try Black/minority dick.

You would have to have perfect aesthetics to get pussy from Tinder... if you're a white guy.

Dont listen to this dude, he more than likely hates himself and the world

how long does it usually take to get a match? i started using it yesterday, no match as of yet.

>Sorry, I accidentally liked you.

when I'm spamming likes quickly till they run out, within 12 hours till they refresh I usually get a few matches

Post your photos/bio
Your not looking like a male model? You don't have a chance on Tinder. Numbers are geared against you. I'm a attractive guy but have shitty pics, so I don't stand out

Get a friend with a DSLR to take a few shots. Look at other successful males profiles.

Meet some people in real life. Tinders only good for girls

LOL then prepare for immense disappointment in the date, and sex only cuz she's not seeing anyone else and you're a last resort

source: me

Why do people comment this shite?

Tinder releases regular statistics on it's matches by race and black men are the least successful demographic on there with everything barring black women.

STFU you fucking ugly loser.


I got married before Tinder existed. Kinda wish I had been able to "test the waters" on Tinder, but my wife is awesome so no regrets there.

I was on dating sites for about 6 months. Got a ton of messages from single moms. My profile was like a goddamn resume. Wish I could go back and punch myself in the face for that embarrassing shit. I was a skinny geek, maybe a 5/10 on a good day. Since then I put on 40lbs, toned up, grew a beard, got motorcycles, stopped dressing like a preppy faggot... Holy shit what a difference. I'm loyal to my wife but it is pretty fucking cool to ride up alongside a SUV full of college chicks and they're all checking me out. Throw em a nod and a rev and they melt. Doesnt matter what kind of bike either, cruiser or sport bike. I've owned several of both and it just attracts different women.

Like the old addage goes, confidence is key. You want to be right on the line of arrogance.

Also, playing the "nice guy" card DOESNT WORK.

Or maybe figure out what it is that turning them off and fix it?

They think you're a dork for revving that bike.
Total fag.

>Get rid of the glasses
>Trim the beard
>Shitty choice in clothing.
That's why, now let us see the what your profile looks like so we can help you out.

Keep thinking that... I don't go around revving like a douche. You wait until they're all looking, throw them a nod, light turns green, two finger wave, take off on one wheel.

They fucking love it.

this has to be a bait

I'll field a guess
>the Heisenberg glasses
>the hair
>the beard
>the ghetto clothes
>the obvious parents house
>using the 'nigger glare' instead of smiling

Also all those millions dont help

You know the pic in the OP isn't the OP right? That's Conor "Pillowhands" "I'm a quitter" "No cardio" "Shit boxing" McGregor.

Conor pls go

Kek kinda relate but you sound like a bit of a faggot

Women love beards if it's well-groomed and full. It's just an easy way to advertise one's testosterone production

I actually kind of did, but he looks so skinny in the picture, I thought it was a coincidence.

tfw when 130 matches on tinder, 260 likes on lovoo
you guys suck


Males have actually been proven to increase match rate if they don't smile, and vise-versa for women.

Feels bad man

it's obviously Conor McGregor you idiot... but "nigger glare" did make me lose my sides

He looks kinda sad too. Maybe he's depressed and not eating since Mayweather took his soul.

i used to get matches all the time on tinder when i was 17-18 i was getting another girl to fuck each weekend you had unlimited likes, but i went on it this year you get like a limited amount of likes a day and its been invaded by girls who dont want sex but want attention bro its fucked now dont use tinder expecting to get shit i get like 4 matches a day now and its just a girl trying to crack 'funny' chat up lines and then follow me on this or that... its done bro go outside its taken over by normies even fucking tinder

Bulking up is a step towards the right direction but the key thing here is that WOMEN DONT LIKE NICE GUYS. They want a nigger (just any kind of asshole doesn't have to be a black guy). Someone who shits on their way of thought and feelings. Girls wanna fix people for some reason and if you're always playing the nice guy they want nothing for it. I got a few matches on tinder and my open is always something douchey. "Yo, I'm tryna eat the WHOLE ass." Or "Damn bitch, I wanna put those lips to use." I'm a black guy btw, but my white friends are just as successful as me. Just be a subtle dick and you'll fuck bitches. Profile pictures need to be decent too. Lay some mystery on your profile picture.

I've gotten a few likes since I downloaded the app a week ago but no matches, should I just lower my standards?

Too many cats.

Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur