A message to all you pornposters and newfags

a message to all you pornposters and newfags
Sup Forums is for anime

Sup Forums is for anime but yes

Sup Forums is anime/random.


>complaining about what type of content there is on a random image board

if you don't want to see something filter it out

any last words, newfag?


OP == shotafurfag

thanks for the bump





hey im pornposter lol


Kanna is foir pats not faps

such wow, many waifu


you're the cancer that's what's wrong with this board

but your opinion is invalid.

oh no the trips have spoken


too soon lmao

weep weep

>desperately pretending that you will ever touch the skin of your waifu
topkek, kys



but no one cares about what you do.
Not even your parents.

your mom grounded you, you can't talk

did I hit a nerve, or is it just general butthurt about the fact that no one cares?
kys, it's the only way to join your waifu in non-existence.

Sup Forums hasn't been for anime since moot changed the board's name from anime/random to plain random

Might as well reclaim Sup Forums for guro while you're at it

it seems like I've struck a nerve
go back to funnyjunk

got no comback but to repeat what I already said?
lol, like a child throwing a tantrum.

kys, and ease your parents the burden of having brought you up, manchild.

Who is this anime girl


I'm a woman
we all know you're underage

A worst and a slut.



a 2d drawing for which time and paperbacks got wasted.


>I'm a woman
your dangling dick tells us otherwise.
Also, tits or gtfo.

your cunt doesn't matter.
since you're anime spamming cancer, calling itself "otaku", you are a basement-dwelling manchild.
Deal with it.

Also, tits or gtfo.

worst girl, but her friends are ok

>implying any of them have any character outside of what a fat, sweaty japanese chainsmoker gave them when drawing them up to fap about them

porn, yes


>Sup Forums is for anime

shit, I got me

Pretty sure is for anime

Sup Forums Is not for weeabo you fucking nigger