>still haven't started your hormone replacement therapy

what is wrong with you

Other urls found in this thread:


Not gay?

What about lobotomy instead?

Traps are gay

Still waiting on my mental illness to kick in.

not really interested in being a man with tits

also i like to have sex with girls, not be one

gimmie the fackin source

Gay is wrong, it implies you have a preference for who you would want to procreate with, which is just wrong, you must be able to feel the same love for all human beings.

you see, really traps are the least gay. it's like 25 percent gay.
if you've got a dude and chick. that's 50 percent gay
if you've got two chicks that's 100 percent gay
if you've got two dudes, 100 percent gay
two traps, that's only 25 percent gay


>what is wrong with you
Nothing thats why I dont do this

What the fuck are you babbling about?

>after trump's victory
>still believes most of his country loves degenerates

Because I'm poor af


not necessary to be gay.

Traps are dudes still so 50+50= 100%
g a y

Alice (warmfreshpaint)

traps are half dude, half woman. so one of them is 50 percent gay. two of them together is 25 percetn gay



Traps are dudes with tits you're in denial


stop being so mean to poor girls :(

But, I already am.
15 mo HRT.
There really is no excuse. I can get as much cock as I want tbqh.

good girl

Source? Plz

I want to be ah'la femme but I don't want to go insane and cut my penisor off.

Fucking idiots look


Do they ever fuck or do anything more than oral?

If so link?

those are men

you are in denial smh

Because I don't want boobs.

I just wanna look cute.

boobs are very cute :3

Every tranny I know is batshit crazy. I don't want to take the risk of turning out to be like that while certainly being ostracized by my family.

Ok this was much hotter when I thought the one sucking was a girl.
But if they both have dicks, it's gay.

Their feminine penises makes them women. Get it right you oppressive man-pig

But you admit it looked hot before your insecurities ruined it for you?

I've analyzed the footage with a fine toothcomb, and from what I can tell their balls never touch. So nothing to worry about user, it's perfectly straight.

Might be rotated counterclockwise

So how much cock have you had so far?

Just for research purposes... honest...

You're really cute

This is the purest form of disgrace

dis i grace?

>straight guy
>that webm turns me on like fuck
>mfw i love traps now

You could get this cock any day any way

nice hair


one of my favorite teachers used to say "it's only the face that matters , you will fuck any hole as long as they have the pretty face" lol

because no matter the medical procedures you will never be a girl.

I'd love to drink their pee and suck their wieners.

That's okay, as long as I can look like one.

>you will fuck any hole as long as they have the pretty face

kek this is true as shit

then i wish you luck in the genetic lottery.

at least the hormones will stop you reproducing

I'm not gender dysphoric and am comfortable in my own skin.
Why would I transition and through that get dysphoria and be uncomfortable in my own skin?

I've never done anything with a dude but I would fuck you so hard

I'll never understand faggots. Now checkem

>he does not freeze his sperm for later impregnation purposes
it's like you don't want to live a happily lesbian life with your with bearing your children

Check yourself right out of this life.

Not me sadly.

Sauce pls

Look.......... Im gay now, id fuck the shit out of the dude in the pic, bless you


THESE FAGGOTS are gonna die

>still haven't started your hormone replacement therapy

Because I'm too old. That's the only reason

The GAY community

i still can't find sauce for these,but is hot ad heeeell

who are those two from ops post?

Please tell

show cock
or vag. i really cant tell

literal nazi for not knowing how ZIR personally sexually self identifies

youre cute. can we get more?


m-l 9967293

aren't we all?



one on the left kind of looks like Quiet from MGS for some reason
