Who the hell is this cunt

who the hell is this cunt

It's a dude.


still nuzzle her penis

Dont bump your own threads

its a fag

aw man I missed a new alice thread?

does anyone have a face pic for proof

You said it.

Alice. It's a dude.



find it an post it

find it yourself faggot

no im a newfag ................Im asking who is this cunt .......

She is my future wife. She is my life and I am her light. Without her the world is pure darkness and despair. She is my light, and she will forever be my love.

Really? You dont know her???


definitely newfag

yup I legit said it ...........I know who it is ..................But like it there a story behind it .....i mean why are her threads spammed with gore

Because haters gonna hate

they are spammed with gore because of newfags like you who don't understand or comprehend her threads. People try to flood them because they're too stupid to just NOT CLICK if they don't like something

What's so funny?

because this isn't reddit, "she" can fuck the right off

if "she" wants to garner a following, he should just do IRL streams on twitch, which he plugs at the end of the attention whoring thread. or just take it to reddit/youtube where trans faggots are all the rage

Sup Forums has had enough of it

Some people just hate attention whores and circlejerking plus they hate cucks like this one

I dont get how they even have obtained so much gore

>That time Alice forgot her nipple was out

At least she produces OC, unlike you lazy fucks looking to tear someone else down.

Or you could just NOT CLICK on it if you see her thread. This isn't your fucking safe space. Go to tumblr for that shit.


Hahahahaha this beta is mad

Because thats a moot

So you prefer andy sixx and fap threads?

I dont see anything

That would be too complicated for the haters. I don't like sissy/trap/dickrate/dicktribute threads, so i don't click on em. It's a tough concept but I save myself my sanity. I don't cry about it and try to get people to change

On the right, zoom in.

Because there is nothing.

right?! These people complain like she's ruining b. It's the same fucking threads over and over, at least Alice comes in with some original shit.

Oh but hey we need fur thread x1000 and "boibutt" pt 500

looking at a topless mail is not a turnon

If you hate him you are a virging newfag.
t. Beta orbiter


fucking white knights who are into traps are cancer

isn't there a leak of her vagoo somewhere?

But that's not a letter user its a girl

no. just her glorious ass.

Found the celeb thread poster
Stop attacking our regulars because you are bored, faggot

I can't see shit. Looks like a mole

I'm not even white knighting,I'm saying why her threads arent a big deal if you don't make it one.


So much samefagging in this thread.

>Topless mail

I guarantee she's female.

Unless you can deliver on that "guarantee" then it's useless

where is it then?
we demands it

> topless mail

that would be quite the accomplishment for someone with a dick...

get out normie, fuck back to le ddit

"her" threads will be even less of a deal when he scare off the crossdressing faggot with real Sup Forums shit (aka gore, spidermen, etc

I could, but I will not.

then you're no better than people who claim god exists

thus, this is a guy


We fuck them already Let's go back to the chat xDdD to report him about this

"scare off"? She makes a thread every day. I don't think you're scaring anyone.

Fuck off faggot, he has a penis

Lurk more you entirely unashamed newfag
There is nothing you could do to Alice that she hasn't dealt with dozens of times over before. Just stop
It's embarassing. In making these threads you are increasing her presence on the board.
Fuck off and go fap to yoga pants

A shameful BLACKED actress with too much time on his hands.


>lurk more [sic]
>has the audacity to call me (or anyone for that matter) newfag

top kek


Nigga what even are you getting at


That's boy nipple



Alice is my neighbor, I know all about her. And she is a her!

If that were true there would be proof that Alice is a she

You guys don't get it, if you really are so sure that Alice is a she then give us some form of proof. If you don't you just look like a mother blabbering maniac.

Oh ye of little faith

a trap

user, I don't think you get that most people in Alice threads do not care whether she's male or female. They're not in the threads because Alice is a girl, they're in the threads because Alice helps people out.
I for one don't even give a care. I think Alice is a cool girl (and I say girl because there isn't proof she's male, so the best we can do is take her word for it, especially since she isn't a liar) and she's helped me before with my problems. I'm thankful. That's all.

post UGLY ass pic

>he doesn't just watch her stream


Hey man, I'm being honest. Alice doesn't deserve all the shit she gets, and she only gets it because there are so many thirsty niglets lurking here that don't go to other boards for their porn.

HE gets. All you fags are the same.

user, there's no way to prove either one. That's why I'm not correcting anyone. Believe what you choose to believe. And what do you mean by that? I think I'm being pretty reasonable, but if I'm not, please, enlighten me.

people who genuinly believe she's a trap are beyond retarded. Shes Asian, half japanese/half something, its not uncommon that they have small boobs

also she streams all the fucking time, you've got to be brain damaged if you think shes a dude

Why are you so weirdly insistent on Alice having a penis?

Whether she does or not, it doesn't change the things that she does for people.

cannot believe someone this nice and caring can be female - it contradicts past experiences he had with the opposite sex.

quads dont lie


i mean people called boxxy a dude when she was popular

Boxxy actually shows her face

you are missing the point