Faces of Sup Forums

Faces of Sup Forums

you're asking for a boots of Sup Forums thread, son



I think you're cute op


Eh why not

Well, I'd fuck you too




Cutest guy

Cutest girl


Google: Franco Escamilla

You look like a Filipino lesbian.

fuck it

My fragile little ego is gracious.






thanks dude :3

lmao you fucked up

do you mean i fucked up by being at Sup Forums on Sup Forums (which is true as fuck)



Nah, he means you should not admit to being under 18 or else you risk a ban



How new are you?

sorry, my autism can bend reality, what is texan/10 equal to?

underage, mods might care but they're all faggots so maybe not


i've been here for like half a year. semi newfag

it means you look like a texan

Anything under 5 years is a newfag.

oh ok >texasfeelsgoodman

How do I become a mod overlord?

>what are you then

yeah, but not complete "the hacker known as Sup Forums" newfag

i'm from commiefornia

lurk moar, ive been here for 2 years and lurked for half of it, by that time i already got bored and went to Sup Forums

get your shit together

>this thread

then you probably still have a foreskin, eh

buy Sup Forums pass and fuck moot and the chink

i'm not only on Sup Forums but i probably should of lurked for longer

>this site

Fuck wid me



I'm not sure I'm okay with that.

shut up jamal go back to beating your wife

I always get ignored :(


fuck you

You dare show your non-aryan face on Sup Forums

yeah well ur gay

sup Sup Forums

no lube required though




whats ur social security number

Holy shit Iam Filipino

nice try faggot. there arent any 8's on this shitty site



Damn user thanks!

honesty is the policy

post tits or gtfo

oh wait thats not you nevermind go fuck yourself

where born?


yea but, white american...

why such a personal question


rate me bitches

if you combed your hair and smiled maybe 6.5

Damn son/10

Traps are cool

Nice tits/10

ITT - liberal faggots

fuck me even the underaged commiefornian looks less retarded then you



that isn't him

6 maybe 7 if you didn't have acne and fixed your teeth

you better stop letting the enamel break off your teeth man youre to young homie!

Ever planning on shaving that nut hair off your face?/10


well this is happening.....

im 18, never posted before

sigh here it goes

>haha I'm gonna tell her "it's not you" in hope that she posts tits to prove me wrong. Haha reverse psychology ftw

stfu you faggot ofc thats me


damn Pablo. You finna be roasted now boy

like what if the sweet of baby jesus its like a 40 yr old but a 12 yr old


Why does it look like you've seriously planned either a school shooting or get a "Reeeee~" tattoo?

I have to deal with getting carded without that nut hair.


its why I dont normally smile in photos. A lot of them I take like this or some shit.

then show tits or gtfo