Should i see a hooker?

Should i see a hooker?

How about now o great 8 ball

Was op going to see a male hooker?

Should I become a hooker?

Is OP's mother a hooker?


Is she gonna let me put it in her butt tonight

Should I kill myself

stream it faggot

Should I stream it?

Will I get that sweet horse pussy?

Will they sent me to West Point?

Will Lyndsey have sex with me?

should i flirt back with her?

Magic 8-ball, Will Lyndsey have sex with me?


should i try to smashh

Will I get laid this week?

Should i quit being a hooker?

This month?

Oh fuck off. 2 months?

I feel like the 8 ball hates me.
What about this, will i get laid by the end of 2017?

Should I see a hooker?

Will I get through this week with a desirable outcome?

Oh fuck
I mean relatively speaking you fucking autist

Will Communism rise again?

You don't need to get laid, you already fucked yourself pretty hard.

Is today the day I finally get my shit together?

Should Bomber Harris 'do it again?'

Nah I've gotten laid before I just want more

By my birthday, 8 ball?

Will i become a Millionare?

Was the ethic cleansing in the Balkans justified?

Will there be a Falklands War 2?

Are all of my friends superior to me in one way or another?


welp time to kill myself

Will the south rise again?

Will I ever get a relationship with the girl from my dreams?

Is this user going to die alone?

Will she keep contact with me after I go?

Will we ever see Half Life 3 in our lifetimes?

Will I ever find love?

Will she return my feelings?

Ask again? Right then..

Will she return my feelings?

will i get a girlfriend within the next 18 months?

Did I get dubs?

Does she feel any sort of affection towards me?

ask your sources once more

Will i fuck her?

Should I start using meth again?

Is Kimmy gonna drop the bomb?

Will anything ever come of it?

Are they all a black cat?

Will I see a fungina again this year?

Is Trumby gonna drop the bomb on Kimmy?

Ask again
Should I start using meth again?

Well shit, I'll see you all in valhalla, then.

Fuck should i see a hooker?

Will it work?

Without a doubt

Fuckkkin lets get on the gear

Should we bomb the nips a third time?

Will Rhodesia ever rise again?

I know I'll fuck her but will be this year?

can my brother see me?

Should I get my dick cutted?


Will I fuck her within the next six months?

will I actually an hero this year?

Ask again
Should I get my fucking ugly smelly dick cutted?

Due to recent circumstances, will Germany overthrow Merkel and return to a fascist state?

Fuck, does op moms likes my dick anyways?

Will the B-52 ever be removed from service?


Follow up question, Will Bomber Harris 'Do it again?'

Asking again,

Will Bomber Harris 'do it again'?

Blowout soon?

Will we be together one day?


Should I keep up with my plans?

Will I see RGE next month?


Does she want to suck my fucking dick

Does she want my penis?

Was it just because pity?

Will Lindsay go out with me?

Will anything happen with me and emily

Really? This is my last chance of doing something right


Will they invite me back?

Is april mad

Go see a tranny hooker who is strictly a top
rolling for 7

will I get a gf within this year? srs

Will she stay mad?

Will I have sex this year


Lol rekt u stupid faggot. Two 8s confirms you must not do it

Will i see marcus again?

wow rly

Will we be together

Is it acceptable to have sex with traps?