Took dmt an hour ago AMA

took dmt an hour ago AMA

Why is there someone beside you, user?

gotta have a trip sitter homie

did you say hey to the machine elves?

ask god something.


Also kek

any cosmic revelations?

nah but the cloud lady was real friendly

I'm serious dude.. You're sitting in a room right on your phone, your light is on and you're wearing jeans.
Ask your trip sitter man because I can see them.

nope i'm not joe rogan, just an acidtard. in the moment though a couple, LIFE DOESN'T MATTER ITS JUST AN ILLUSION type shit. I descended into my genetic code and became enlightened that we are just machines running off the 4 different nucleotides in our DNA

Did you break through or just see stuff on the walls?

got me bro lol, how my man tits look in this light?

Are you enlightened or confused


it was a 50mg dose so i broke the fuck through

What was it like? Describe. I've down other psychs before. I want to do DMT.

nihlism is enlightenment dude, or is it stoicism can't remember the last philosophy text i read

decent but I was hoping for some cathulu type shit

I can write up a trip report in a minute if there is interest

yeah i just went up and then went in i guess, no spookieness, was pretty chill overall

You know you came back to the wrong timeline, right?

there is.

yep. Please

fuck it felt like a long time, but I never knew how long wewlad

Aight give me a minute dudes

Nice, was it a checkerboard throat? What was your worm hole like?

Have you ever taken dbt?

do you feel really drained and depressed?

The first time I took acid I took maybe 150 mics, it was a great trip and i even had a really nice afterglow

Last night I took about 300 mics and the trip was pretty good overall, some dark moments but I've been out of it and depressed this whole day, is that normal?

To be kind of out of it and tired is normal. If your depressed that's probably from something else.

do u like massage parlors girls and escorts?

nah i pay for my pussy through dates. Also gonna post what i got via greentext in a minute

Like I pulled a ripcord parachuting and was pulled up out of my body and into the sky. Kinda exploded up into space. Guess as far as visuals during this it was foggy/cloudy with an ethereal glow behind it all, moving fast as fuck in my mind

How much did you take, and did you smoke it

GreenText Now Begin ...

>alright my plug came upon some crystals of our favorite highly potent hallucinogen
>I got the text from him and went and picked up.
>Shit was so exciting, I’ve wanted to do ayahuasca/dmt for ages but never had the chance, this shit felt like fate.
>People will say that DMT comes across you, not that you come across DMT but not only does that sound gay it is fucking dumb
>As subscriber to the HST school of gettin fucked up.
>So fast forward to tonight, I ended up buying 100mg of “pure DMT dude” so the plan was for my homie to take one dose and I trip sit then we switch spots

50mg off a dab rig