Okay, just got a VPN (IPVanish) what's next? Do's and don'ts would be helpful

Okay, just got a VPN (IPVanish) what's next? Do's and don'ts would be helpful.

shameless self bump

don't do anything

I will take your advice into consideration.

Apparently you can't post to Sup Forums from a Swedish IP without a membership...

Do not check anything that requires your IRL identity login

By this I mean - dont check your email.
Dont go to netflix
use the vpn only for your special browsing. also use incognito mode.

If you need to send email use a trhow away account

that is correct


I have esmart security on my windows 10. I visited a couple pages (nothing too bad) and it warned me that the websites were sketchy and may have content I may not want to see. should I disable my esmart security while browsing???

Should I compound TOR with this? It seems like a hassle. Not to mention speed.

while the connection from you to the vpn is encrypted, from the vpn to your email may not be. anyone watching can see your login info, so they can find you. If using google, it is secure (https) but as a rule NEVER pollute your VPN with your normal day to day websites.

It is called OPSEC.

And do not trust TOR - it has been compromised.

no do not disable it. evaluate the warning. could be anything from hackers to just plain ol porn

No. Do not use a vpn with tor (I doubt you have the tech ability to)

I mean, I've used TOR before. I'm fairly tech savvy. Not a pro but I dabble. I've fucked around building rasberripi's and shit.

But my email client is just always logged in, pushing email.

Why should it go directly through my ISP instead of a VPN?

And OPERATIONAL SECURITY isn't for regular people. The fuck kind of emails are you getting?

R Pis are cool. Check out Odroid.

Are you connecting to email server via HTTPS?

NO? go directly to jail

OPSEC is not for just email user. These people are doing sketchy things otherwise they dont look at VPN

Oh fuck that looks sweet. I'm too busy to be doing that shit now. Plus, I've got more pi's firesticks, NVidia shields, and shit than I know what to do with. Got Kodi on 'em. Got plex on 'em. I would just be wasting time and money buying more shit.

I feel ya user. I have R-pis, odroids, Chrome sticks, arduinos etc. PLUS mac minis, VMware servers and laptops.

Post cp to verify function.


Fuck off nerd

i get that google doesn't want to hurt its own marketing data but any argument you can make for https everywhere you can make for minimal opsec and sane inconvenient defaults

Gibe sauce ples

I just got one because i got an email warning for torrenting a movie. I just don't like being watched.

no one cares
post moar feets

Yes only torrent using a vpn

good idea to also search for your torrents using vpn. meta data is a bitch

And how is using a vpn less secure than not using one?

Kek. THIS. And sauce for OP pic

nigga what?

Use a vpn for your nefarious activities.

look up nefarious on google faggots

He's right you know. Your post was cringey as fuck. Who even talks like that.

I don't do anything nefarious. I just don't want my ISP knowing what porn I watch.

Like they actually give a fuck

I just don't like it.

Dude - are you in north Korea?
No one gives a shit that you watch cuck porn. If you watch those skecthy cp things tho...

>Yes only torrent using a vpn
>good idea to also search for your torrents using vpn. meta data is a bitch

I use the TOR Onion site for The Bay of Pirates to get my magnet links and then download them using a VPN enabled sandboxed Virtualbox guest.

Even if TOR is compromised, they are after drug dealers and kiddie phuckers not your average downloader...

Most VPNs are banned from posting because of abuse from prior users.

Ok user - you are golden and know what you are doing.

But do remember:
They came for the pedos and I said nothing
They came for the homos and I said nothing.....

>sketchy cp things
Provide link to this I want to know exactly what you mean

Nice try FBI


Do check for DNS leaks, use a site like ipleak.net
Do disable webrtc
Do get an addon to delete cookies automatically (cookie autodelete or something like it).
Do use https and get an addon to enforce it (https everywhere)
Do use privacy badger

Do not log into google or facebook or twitter or any other cancer site that knows who you are and has a fuckton of trackers distributed all over the web.

Generally though, really no one gives a fuck unless you're looking for cp. And if you are, you'd use TOR or some other shit I don't know about.

Just stick to loli hentai, man. It's good..

this is good advice

Fuck up faggot