Friends you want to fuck pt 2

Friends you want to fuck pt 2.

have a story behind her

Story behind her as well


Id fuck both, but mostly the one on the right. THICC



Anyone else?


keep going user, more of original right and left

lets here it with moar pics

moar of her?


Any interest?


so go on, tell us



Oh fuck. More !




sure, I have a ton

Amazing. Got kik?

yeah, notfucidine

moar! left is very fuckable, right looks like a fun time for a night or 2

Do you cuck for her atm?

4some with these 3, might kill an user but what a way to go! moar of these 3 user

I know that renfaire...those chicks are wild

Gotten some pretty solid head from her but I haven't had an opportunity to fuck her

story time user, entertain Sup Forums! and more pics too

Ok Got 2 stories w/ her

Met this chick in college.
>Met first day, was in massive group and me and this italian play boy type dude were hitting on her. He was better looking, I was more interesting and fun
>I'm no chud, but guy was model material
>At the end of the night, she ends up leaving with the italian dude.
>No big deal. It's the first week of college. I hooked up with 3 different chicks that week alone.
Get to know girl more
>She's a bit of a drunken slut
>Not in a bad way, or dramatic way, she just tends to fuck when she's drunk.
>Her and Italian boy go out for about a month and break up
>He can't stand her drinking (she was faithful the whole time to him)
she's heart broken
Her and I become friends, but I'm dating someone by then
>She's actually a really funny chick
>even pleasant to be around sober
hang out etc.
>In between relationships we even made out and I finger blasted her once. Never went all the way tho
>Used to get her drunk and watch her make out with my GF
>She likes hanging with me cause I'm fun
>Has her emotional moments
>Likes I'm a straight shooter
>Likes that I like hanging with her and am not always trying to fuck her despite that I would totally fuck her

Doesn't do relationships, only does hook ups.

Eventually we slowly grow apart and she is Leaving uni because reasons

She writes on Fagbook
>user, of all the people I met. You are the person I wish I were closer to
>You always were straight with me, and you never treated me like garbage
Then she brings up when we first met
I thought she forgot all about.
>I think back to that day alot. I wish I chose you.
>You were the only guy that I opened up to that didn't try and use it to their advantage

She was a great girl, but horribly flawed.
>She had intemacey issues
>she falls hard in a relationship. She was tore up over italy guy for a year.
>They dated for a month
>Guys dump her when she opens up
some where along the way, this scared her. Great girl. Flaws & all

go ahead user

There is one time I actually fingered her, me and my BPD gf at the time were on a break. Chick and I are getting drunk and having fun. I was making her laugh.
>Tries to "wrestle" me
>Pin against wall
>You know if you werent in a position where you had me pinned against a wall I would win
she had a weird sense of humor like that. I laughed and said "fine"
>Swap so I'm against the wall
>Pin arms behind her and pull her in to "pin" me against wall
>Presses forehead against me and exclains "HA! I AM IN CONTROL YOU FOOL! I HAVE YOU PINNED AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO!"
I used my face and head to push back her head while my hands pin her hands on her ass and I pull her in.
>Forehead to forehead
>nose to nose
>Cheek to cheek
>she stops strugling and kisses me.
>we make out
>go to bed
>she's on top of me and I'm feeling her up
>She breaths into my ear "told you I'd pin you"
>We were getting ready to fuck and I was fingering her
It's BPD girl threatening to kill herself and our friends trying to get me to de escalate and since I answered I can't just pretend I didn't hear it.

Fuck my life

That said. With as flawed as chick in pic is... She is a genuine girl. I remember once I got sick she brought me oatmeal. We weren't together, she just did. She stuck up for me when BPD chick started acting crazy and would leave big parties to hang with me cuz she knew BPD chick was trying to undercut me from my own friends.


As for her...


please more!

a fine story for Sup Forums user, of course it is all true lol, and more pics?



>Know this girl in highschool.
>Same group of friends
>Kind irritated by her. She's a cokehead with no impulse control
>Fucked family background
>Tollerate her, but by no means are we close
5 years pass
>We cross paths, find out shes prego
>Things aren't working out with baby daddy
>Says she's gonna turn life around for the kid
(In my head I'm laughing because I've heard from every fuck up mom)

Fast forward more and a strange thing happens, I gain respect for her cause she actually does it!

>She is working on nursing degree. Legit working too, not "single mom at comunity college working"
>She marries a military guy because she believes it will provide a good life for her kid
>Stops drugs
>most of all, she's an amazing mom. It shows in the kid. The kid is a legit awesome kid. Joy to be around.

You think this would be hapilly ever after right?


friend's ex. been dreaming about eating her ass.


Despite that she made all the right decisions it still blew up in her face.

>leaves to diff state for better life for kid, but is miserable there.
>College she went to gets shut down for fraud making all her work worthless
>Husband is a neurotic psycho (her words not mine, I get along with the guy).
>They fight all the time
there was an incident where he got into a fight with her because reasons, she decides to take her kid and go elsewhere to not be around that. He knew she had a glass of wine before fighting and called cops for a DUI with her kid in the car.
>He pulls shit like that all the time
>She sticks it out because he's good to the kid and doesn't fight infront of her for the most part
>She hates him
>Dad had lots of money and was paying for her, but got arrested for drug running.
I found all this out cause me and my GF now live in the same state as her and we hung out with mutal friends that were visiting.

She has kept inshape with Yoga, her body is tight as fuck and she is that mix between Still likes to party and knows when to cool it. I've had many sex stories from her and she's even told me about how she digs 3somes so long as she likes both parties. Her exs say she fucks like a champ too

>Part of me admires her. She was dealt a shit hand and legit pulled herself up. As a result that kid has been raised well. She made good on her promise to be the mother she said
>Part of me pitties her. She made all the right moves and steps and it all blew up in her face she should be a hapily wed nurse right now.
>Part of me wants to rail her in a 3way. My gf has brought up the idea more than once. I would love to cum inside both of them


Seeing the trajectory of how things are going. I sometimes fantasize (not the right term I wish her well but I can't say I don't ignore what will probably end up happening) in 1 to 3 years when her situation implodes, and she doesn't have many contacts to go to in our hometown. She has to hit me up. I'm only an acquantence, in no way a 1st choice (and I was kinda a dick the first 5 years we knew each other). Probably not even 2nd or 3rd. She has no clue I even was annoyed by her as much as I was or that I respect her as much as I do now.

but if things implode as bad as it looks like I may be her only shot.

>Honestly I wouldn't even try and fuck her if it came to that. She's had it rough enough as it is and deserves a break.

But my GF and I sure as fuck wouldn't say no to tag teaming her

and next both hands in the air!



Yeah, but I have to scrub and alter them and I'm too lazy cuz they are on another drive.
Whenever I share pics on Sup Forums I try and live by 2 rules
>Scrub Exif data
>No real names
I figure its shitty enough I'm telling real stories with real pics

whateva user, pics on a pics forum would be good though



A lot. What is she like? Stories? I don't expect nudes or bikini pics but she looks like a fun chick. 10/10 as well


Keep going. Any nude with face?

alol, and now both hands in the air facing the camera!


Sorry mate i don't actually have their nudes.


no worries mate, share the best you have of their tits


Any hardcore?


Nah sorry

Roger that. She's a 10/10. Tell us about her....

shes not scared to use her assets is she? nice!

bent over maybe?



Any nudes?

Damn, any wins?

My daughter and her slut friends.

is she left or right from the original pic? keep sharing more of both user, thanks

Her tits are amazing

Show us

Any pics?

which one's your daughter? they all look distinctly fuckable



nope :(

2nd from right

No, just slutty photos.

Does she live in or near Nashua, NH?

I#m really into the ginger/blonde one Got more of her?

keep going user



Damn she's fine


what's that? a David Hamilton photo ?

after much consideration, left wins, keep sharing left user, and have you fucked her?

Keep goin

Sorry we are just friends I have only ig pics
No, she is from eastern europe


Fuck, moooar

What country btw?

met her in a uni mixer.
hung out with her all night. she was very touchy feeling and i could smell her perfume all night.
just when i was abt to make my move, she drops that she has a bf.
fuck. i would have licked the sweat off her armpits...

I still keep tabs on her in case she gets dumped.

moar user, keep sharing! good stuff so afr
