Hurricane Jose is going to hit New York as a Category 5 on September 20th

Hurricane Jose is going to hit New York as a Category 5 on September 20th.

3 major hurricanes in one year, with another right behind Jose. This is the apocalypse.

If only we paid more taxes! The Paris accord could have saved us! Damn you drumpf!

For Americans, yes. It's okay here in Europe. Just like in movies

HAARP boys

Irma is the fidget spinner revenge!


Where's the proof?

thats it! butterfly effect with the world becomig overcome with popularity of fidget spinners the tiny wind the fidget spinners have let out has caused nature itself to shift!

in the bible


God hates you obviously, and for good reason.

how the fuck do you know that
thats cant be true weey

This is the best timeline. Fuck the east coast and fuck the south

see you Hilarytards!

the models say its going to happen my friend

theres no way aroudn it

This model doesnt really show that, and its the most recent.



Get rekt amerifats


Laughing at you fat ameriturds, can't even handle a little wind and rain.

flag up nerd

I'm all for jew york getting btfo, but can the weather do a solid and category 6 the cancer that is the Pacific Northwest!?