Anyone else think they blew this way out of proportion

Anyone else think they blew this way out of proportion

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Every time.

Yep. Didnt even lose power or water. Now I have a bunch of shit I'll never eat/use again. Waste of money.

Dumb fucking out of stater. Leave my state.

Dodged a bullet son

You plan for worst case scenario. Up until the last minute, had it done what they thought it was going to do, it would have been off the charts.

We just got lucky, is all.

Every fucking time this happens. It's not luck, it's every damn time. All you idiots making gas and water prices go up because your scared of nothing.

Was anyone else kinda hoping Miami would just disappear?

I wish I could, but I've lived here too long by now. Sorry.

Georgia reporting in, worst is still to come for us.
>Now I have a bunch of shit I'll never eat/use again.
...did the stuff you buy suddenly become inedible?

Well that and people blasting on the news: "If you don't evacuate, you *will* die. If you get trapped, no one will come for you until its over. Write your ssn on you arm so we can identify the body."

Its probably a bajillion granola bars.

Sensationalized news increases views and makes them money.

A few years is not too long kiddo.

No, I just never would eat it otherwise. Probs just gonna donate it.


That's why you don't watch the news you cuck. It's all a joke anymore.

Since 2005. Not that I really need to justify anything to you, but it's giving me something to do.

Yes and no. It's better to expect the worst than under sell the severity of it

Sounds like you bought dumb shit then.

>Sensationalized news increases views and makes them money.

Nobody even bothers to watch news on the fake MSM anymore.

It's hillarious the shit Americans will complain about. "We were TOO PREPARED FOR THIS."

I bet those broken cranes are also a lot of nothing? And the dead people too?

posting here: dry state teens trying to act tough

It may not be /nothing/ but it's 'nothing' compared to what was 'supposed to happen'.

I've been through several hurricanes. Sometimes it isn't a big deal at all. Sometimes it ends up being a really big deal. Sometimes it is in the middle. You never really know which it will be until the storm is right on top of you or more realistically, until it is over. There are a million dynamics at play that determine what effect it will have on a particular area.

>moving the goalposts
nigga you dumb

You're a fucking idiot.

Shit that would last for what ever time the power was out. Again, a bunch of shit I normally wouldn't eat. Never claimed to be canned food queen, since you're clearly claiming that role, but hey, it would have been something to eat had the worst happened, which it didnt, so not gonna eat it now that I dont have to. Someone else who would need it more than I do now deserves it.

It was a big fuckibg nothing because it was sensationalized. "Oh look at what a CAT5 did to these poor tiny islands! THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!" And it never fucking does. The carribbean islands act as a buffer to Florida. Only two things could duck Florida
1 If the hurricane hit it directly on, skipping the carribbean and all
2 after passing through the islands it lands in the gulf of mexico, gets strength and goes up.

Every year after Andrew the news fucking goes into overload when a hurricane nears florida. It's because of Andrew that news companies know they can make a shit ton of money off natural disasters, and Andrew took the biggest cake since there was a lot of destruction. Biggest destruction so far, a tower crane broke.

>Anyone else think they blew this way out of proportion

The danger is very very real.

But so are those that exploit such things.