I lack confidence and suffer from crippling anxiety...

I lack confidence and suffer from crippling anxiety, as a result its made me hate other people living great lives with relationships etc.

What's wrong with you b?

Bumping for interest.

just knowing you exist , makes me feel good
the fact that you are so lazy and controlled by your electronic devices that you cant function , makes me feel very powerful and successful,
I don't know yet if I am glad that you are a social failure , but it makes me smile knowing that you are afraid of the outside reality ...it makes me want to be even more successful...

Glad I'm helping someone

>suffering from crippling anxiety

you never heard of anti-depressants ?
no wonder you amerifats are turning your country into a wasteland and daycare state for the mentally ill.


I got a puppy and meet cute girls all the time now, but I'm still ugly, short and uninteresting so it makes zero difference.

Not Americunt

Shit sucks bro, I never log into facebook anymore either because it instantly makes me feel like the loser i am

lol let me guess, you are wanting to also be a girl and like trap hentia also .
why is that human disaster even relevant , he went from being an Olympic super hero that inspired people to do better , to dream and to achieve great things , to a mentally disabled disaster , is this what you aspire to be OP ? to be just like it ?

Nope. Fairly right wing. I posted the picture simply because he's a product of how retarded society has gotten and I wanted to get your attention.

ITT: the reasons More CHLORINE should have added to the gene pool .


Bummer, how's the hallucinations going?

I feel as if I'm barely able to adequately understand the world I live in and the mind I live in, ams yet everyone else consistently proves themselves so horribly inferior that I feel trapped by my "superior" intellect. So I do a lot of drugs and waste my potential. The usual Sup Forumstard stuff.

I was with you until the whole "superior intellect" stuff, perhaps they are smarter because they know how to actually enjoy life, something we possibly lack.

>"superior" intellect
lol that made me laff
you are doing great user ,

" my "superior" intellect "
I do not think that means what you think that means

I would say you have more problems than OP. the fact that you feel better/superior to someone because you read two lines of text makes you a weak bitch that probably has the mental capacity of a retarded faggot

Medication is on track so i'm actually doing pretty well on that :3

Happy to hear it :)


self diagnosed schyzoid

Self diagnosed? Like one of those facebook "whats' wrong with you" things in which no-one gets the answer "You're normal" because people enjoy thinking they have some sort of disability?

Bro, facebook is like self marketing. People only upload pics of the more interesting shit they do (although how interesting the food they had for dinner is can be debatable). The reality is most of those people are losers too and facebook exists to show the world all the best parts of you, minus the 90% of time you spend being boring as fuck.

Only a fool would Taka anything they see on facebook as a reflection of any kind of reality.

You maybe a loser, but so are most people.

Sincerely, thank you for saying this. It helped.

heh , you failures keep telling yourselves that ..if it makes you feel better about your failure as humans...
the fact that you cannot exist with your iphones and other isolating devices ,with your texting , instead of talking ..with your social media following the useless shit lives of people who are actually shitty people.
none of you know hoe to even carry or hold a conversation about anything , because none of you can think for yourselves , because the devices you have tell you what to think and what is important so that you do not even bother to look around at what is happening around you .. and you are angry that people who are not imprisoned by the tech you use are able to live happy and satisfying lives .

just fuck off back to you basements and jack off to cartoon porn

I agree , it lets them not be responsible for there lives and actions if they can be broken some how

No problem mate. I actually deleted my facebook as I was getting angry how mundane these people were when they are clearly trying hard to look interesting.

The conversation that made me delete that shit was between my cousin and his friend that went something like this.

Cousin: I'm not sure what to have for dinner tonight, any ideas? Lol
Friend: how about bacon sandwich lol
Cousin: how do you know my favourite? Lol
Friend: it's my favourite too lol
Cousin: ketchup or BBQ sauce? Lol
Friend: no sauce, just as is lol
Cousin: you're crazy lol
Friend: I know! Lol

I fucking lost it.
Updated my profile and told everyone that in 2 days I was going to be deleting a lot of people. If you get deleted, it means I never really liked you or find our continued relationship meaningless and it's not worth the effort speaking to you.
Then deleted the entire thing.

Social media is the best way to make people more unsociable as they feel they are connected to others and can reach out at any time. Seeing a post from them once a month is enough to keep that false sense of being a friend.

You're better off without that shit man.

Oh and you're probably not as much of a loser as you think you are. Happy trails my friend.

That was a total miss but im glad you are all knowing, and that you feel so highly about yourself. Plus the fact that you wrote that on the net with your electronic device is really ironic and it made me kek.
You are weak and you know it

Logic doesn't come hand in hand with seeking attention online he's probably bullied at home

I've deleted mine multiple times but met people online who are my buds and they use it. Plus I have a "Michael C Hall Appreciation" page I like to post pictures of Micheal in drag to.

I love the way you went out lmfao mad props.

> tells people if you get unfriended I didn't like you
> deletes entire profile

lmfao oh shit this is a really good idea.

Thank you for your kind words.

I have a planned facebook post for Christmas regarding Micheal C Hall, then I think I'll delete my Facebook for good.

We're all getting weaker. Technology strives for what? To make our lives easier? To take away any effort we might need to put forth? Electric can openers are the pinnacle for me. How fucking lazy can you be? Doors open by themselves, escalators (which is a misleading name, they don't escalate anything - rather replace the need for walking). Fucking walking replacers.
The Japanese have toilets where the lid lifts itself, heats up he seat, sprays water at your ass and drys it off before flushing automatically after you stand up. Fuck that, I wipe my own ass.

I was born at the wrong time. Humanity is turning itself into a lazy, fat blob and I'm powerless to do anything about it.

Go out and lift bros. Get fit. Fuck all the others who are bringing the species down.

>Fucking walking replacers

The people who cared enough to ask me why I unfriended them sent me an email. Old school I know, but it sorts the wheat from the chaff and I appreciated that gesture. Takes a lot to email people these days...

You'll be fine bro. And it feels good to be free of all that pretentious, fake bullshit.

Take care!

I still use email to this day, and regularly email people i know with funny shit.

Sadly they're all the Facebookers and never reply to my emails.

Email is +50 years old reliable and perfect, why have we forsaken it :(

you are angry because you still cant figure out how to function in actual 3d reality ...
nothing you say on here is going to change that ..
and the term electronic device in this context refers the smart phone or smart tablet . if you understood that then you would be making headway in your life , but because you find fault with the premise means you fail again
you will always fail at everything because you refuse to take responsibility for your life ...
as for being weak ??....I could show and explain how this is incorrect , but because you have already made up your mind , then nothing I present as evidence to the contrary , you will say is false ,
you are still choosing to be weak minded and letting everything else tell you what to do ...you here on this chan because no one will listen to you in the 3d reality, they view you as an outcast ,, and you perpetuate that by acting like an exile and a pariah, instead of learning any form of self improvement....

We're not in 3D, we're in 4D, time is the 4th dimension.

that is not correct you moron ..YOU do not live in the 4th dimension ..YOU live in the 3rd , while the 4th D gives you a frame of reference to the events of the 3rd because you only move in a single direction With clocks we measure numerical order of material change. This numerical order is the only time that exists in a physical world.

you are just to stupid for words..

How are you so cocky, its like im talking to a wall filled with self importance. Does your mom tell you how special you are and how you are better than everyone?
Somehow you have this idea planted in that sad brain of yours that you are better and more important than other people which is not true. The sooner you realize you are just some stupid kid who has no importance to the world the better it will be for you

so does everyone else you self promoting edgelord. get the fuck over basic human emotions and learn to live with it like your suppose to in middle school.

>to stupid for words
type of kid who watches rick and morty and thinks they're top shit

What are you talking about, hes right we live in the 3rd dimension

wow you are really self absorbed
and blinded to what is ...you consistently refuse to accept what is in front of your own eyes ..no matter what evidence is produced for you , no matter the line of logic used to refute your arguments and show how they are flawed you steadfastly refuse to accept that YOU are the reason YOU FAIL ...that things YOU do are the reasons why you will not improve... that YOU FAIL because all YOU do is make excuses for why you are not successful instead of changing the stupid shit you do that does not work ....and learning and then DOING the things that would work..
so keep making excuse for your failures . you will never go anywhere , and no one else is going to bothered to care if you fail or not. you will always continue be a nobody who lives nowhere and does nothing.

You are so stupid you cant even stay on one topic for half an hour, and of course you are responsible for your own actions, what are you even talking about anymore.
I Never said the world was unfair to me and that my mistakes arent mine. You just cant come up with an argument so you are just spitting pure shit at your phone or whatever

again you lash out from pure stupidity ,
>I lack confidence and suffer from crippling anxiety, as a result its made me hate other people living great lives with relationships etc.

this statement explains why you fail ..
everything that I have posted IS related to this NARSISSITIC post ..
YOU hate people because that are not a self absorbed whiny little cry baby who can't cope with reality , because HIS social skills are shit , because he cannot and does not KNOW HOW TO interact with real people , while instead relies on his "DEVICES" to have a Pseudo form of interaction, and when confronted with real people has no idea of how to even have a meaningful form of "interaction" instead YOU just stand there with your teeth in your mouth and look stupid all the while blaming them , for your inability to be able to connect on any level other then shallow and trivial...

this picture made me laugh way too hard

He is right though. Fucking moron.

This user know whats up. OP has a losers attitude. Too bad he won't change it though.

I'm in a great relationship and my cripling anxiety and agoraphobia really don't make it easy.. I don't know why he hasn't left me.

Elliott's ghost?

because she gets you...and has found something worthwhile in you that she can work with...


But thanks man, never thought of it that way.

He really is a great guy.

opps ..heh..

He , I mean

Im over critical
Your a faggot that wants attention

do you make threads from time to time ?

Successful in my own right, but parents psychologically ill, drove my brother into schizophrenia with all their putdowns, parents oblivious about the effect of their relentless negativity from a young age on my bro and me, still lashing out with utter toxic bullshit.

Waiting for them to die to inherit what's left. Sad but true.,

Go around and pour hot coffee and tea on hot young couples in public like the supreme gentleman.

I would never kill anyone because of my shortcomings.

my father second wife ( my mom died when I was 16 months old) was like that everything was a put down , heard shit I never said , thought shit I would have never even come with and then punished me for it told me " I was an embarrassment to the family " accused my father of adultery shit goes on and on, she died 4 months ago , thought I would be happy about it was hoping it would have been sooner, my dad died 17 years ago
strange I feel nothing about it , now we are just waiting on the attorneys and paperwork

Well I am a hypocrite, because I feel similar to you OP. But the only things you get in life are what you take. If you want something to happen, you have to make it happen. If not you will sit at your PC for 70 years and die never doing what you want. So you should probably get to doing things, despite how you might feel currently. Or get dying. No since in hanging in between.

> Movie quote: "You see, in a shark attack, or any other major tragedy, I guess the important thing is to get eaten and die, in which case there's a funeral and somebody makes a speech and everybody says what a good guy you were. Or get better, in which case everyone can forget about it. Get better or die. It's the hanging around in between that really pisses people off."

I'm sorry you went through that, bud.

a hypocrite is someone who lies about being something they are not , then criticizing those who are ..if you making even the slightest attempt at doing something different ...then you are being successful and not being a hypocrite..

P.s hang in there user.

Maybe this is why you are alone and miserable. Just make sure you stream your suicide, make your life count for at least a single moment.


thanks ,
gettin on with gettin on , this boat is not gonna steer itself

Yair Sorry matey you scrape the flesh of the bones eat it and move on

lol dude don't you give up ?
I was telling this user , who is at least trying to improve , which is something YOU are not doing , to keep chugging along at least he going in the right direction ...while you just whine and complain that mommy hasn;t changes your sheets yet...fuck and you wonder why people act like you are a leper when you show up..

You are a complete faggot mate