For the past year i have been living a seriously fucked up double life

for the past year i have been living a seriously fucked up double life

>2 years ago
>started hormones in secret after high school
>didn't tell fam or friends
>year passed on hormones
>looked like a girl
>hid body under baggy clothes and my long hair in a beanie
>decided that year to follow though with transition stuff like name change, birth certificate change and education history change
>accomplished all in 2 months by myself
>fully legally female and even have new drivers license with new name and it says female on it
>family still doesn't know about me
>decided to try going out full time as a girl when outside the house
>snuk out every night done up in makeup and dresses and heels and went to parties and walked the city and went to the mall and had fun and stuff
>eventually got a bf and became his butt slut
>we have a pretty serious thing now and want to move in together
>he doesn't know I still live part time as a guy
>my job and fam doesn't know I live part time as a girl

kinda stuck here, what should I do?

here are my budding breasts btw

Figures. OP is a faggot in real life just like he is on Sup Forums

duh I'm a fag

come out to them or find a new job and come out, i was doing this exact same shit omg



really???? How long hrt? How did u come out???

im not getting my cock removed u dingus



your family already knows. introduce your boyfriend faggot.

Nice. I'd suck those raw. I have no real recommendations. You've dug something of a hole for yourself. You should probably talk to your boyfriend first.

it is nice that you have found happiness, friends and a bf in your new self identity and its your choice to not tell your family but would you not want to share your happy and comfortable life with those that care about you?

your family will eventually know, or already do. it's better to tell them sooner then later.
also, show feminine benis

it seems like you have reached out to an anonymous board not for acceptance because you already have that, not for compassion because you must know the demographic on here, not for self enjoyment like the other cam hoes of the internet but I believe it is because you know you probably should but dont want to think about revealing who you truely are to your family memebers

>your family already knows. introduce your boyfriend faggot.

Came here to say this. You aren't gonna surprise anyone.

Your family know already. Family ALWAYS knows. Also post girldicc

op you made the thread again, are you looking for actual advice or is this a bait thread?

nigga you gay

Kill yourself faggot



Holy shit he called it...

Show feminine penis

Show us that sissy dick uwu
Lil subby sub

Here's some real advice. Tell your family, assuming they aren't uncomfortable with trans people. Living a double life is very psychologically damaging, and you definitely don't want your family finding out in a way you wouldn't want them to.

Alternatively, ask your bf what he wants you to do. Moving away and starting a new life somewhere else is always an option. Just tell your family you want to see the world or something.

I have no advice except for, if your comfortable with coming out cum out. If not let your bf do the cuming in and on for you
Also congrats on becoming a irl trap, wish i could be one tooo

You look like a man


U w U

Ok well first of all the whole gender bollocks we're living through over the past few years is complete nonsense and akin to 'what's my magic aura' last days of rome shit and this is almost certainly how your parents will feel too
Nevertheless you're a human being with thoughts and preferences so at the end of the day do what you want if you're not harming anyone. it already sounds like what you want is to 'live as a woman' and while i think that's daft, if you genuinely think it's what you want to do, you may as well just go for it
If you think your parents aren't going to go as far as disowning you or something, and you actually care about them, then personally i'd rather just be honest with them
For fuck's sake though don't refer to yourself as a 'buttslut', this is a large part of the reason normal people can never take such issues seriously. Have some self-respect before you expect others to treat you properly and don't boil your existence down to the fact that you prefer assuming a passive/submissive role in the bedroom
Basically make sure that this trans shit is what you want for your life and then just go for it
Not being facetious here when i say i wish you good luck


All opposed?

Fag enabler

If i say "i" does that mean i say "yes i want to see his subby dick"?

It sounds like you still live with your parents.

How are you doing in employment/education?

Op and op's bf

No. Opposed is everyone who doesn't want the motion to pass. You say nay, in favor says aye.

more like amirite?

Ohhh okay
So saying "nay" means "show us that dic" right?


Sup Forums - Feminine Penis and Parliamentary Procedure

No. Saying aye means whip it out. But say it after this post.
All in favor?

OP looks like the guy in the top frame.

I cant click this fast enough, op help

Yess i want to see the cute girly cock. Aye


you ruined your life in the long run by indulging in a glorified fetish for short term happiness. really think that "bf" is gonna make you his wife? id start detransitioning asap

Anyone else got their hand on their dick?

>Who the fuck trust this store?

The ayes have it. Motion carried.

i feel gay now, i love those breasts

You look like a man

He already posted his dick, he's made the same thread before and hasn't been replying here.

Probably a bait thread tbh.


>what should I do?
you can kill yourself fucking degenerate

Those are really nice.

Can you post your asshole?

thanks op now i know i'm gay :^)


any pics showing your ass? do you have a bubble butt?

>fully legally female and even have new drivers license with new name and it says female on it

so you are legally a woman with a cock?

Is this bubbly enough?

No, he's now legally a faggot.

almost, how about doggy with arched back?

You got any money? Wanna talk on kik?

No just want to jerk off for free, I'm not some kind of faggot.

You could probably make some money on Chaturbate though

I'm not even pic related. I got these pics from fags on /soc/

Might as well post your face btw your parents already know when they see your face also post boipucci
