ITT we are civil until someone gets trips, then we hate the ''gubbernmen'' who ''take way ur guns''

ITT we are civil until someone gets trips, then we hate the ''gubbernmen'' who ''take way ur guns''

I would like to roll some triple numbers of the same value my good sir.

Unfortunate, try again my fellow forum poster.




That type of language is unacceptable in this thread sir, I would appreciate it if you showed yourself out.

Good evening.

Such an unpleasant visit to the doctor and he advised to sincerely yours, autism


I wish to obtain these triple digits good sir

so close


i would really like those trips to show up fast. lets gamble

This truly is a shame indeed

I shan't participate in the uncivil rabble that were to take place after trips have been received

I must admit I find it pretty difficult to articulate myself in a proper manner.

My chances of getting three of the same numbers are slim, yet i will still give it a go because we are good sports here.

I wonder what we should talk about until thre trips have been rolled. 9/11? surely no civil conversation to be had on that topic, especially at this place. What else?


>Who the fuck trust this store?

So close and yet so far am i right gents?
I say we reminisce about the chan of old, the chan before 9/11

Well, I sure do hope someone can roll trips

I agree old chap

Cup of tea chaps?

Greetings chaps

Oy, it stings in me bumhole

afternoon fine chaps

Oh my, it seems i have dropped my biscuit into my cup of tea

Oh I'm so terribly British I think I might just colonise this thread if you fine chaps would allow it

What if we talk about the 11th of September 1973 my good chap?

Here are some more biscuits old chap

Oh good heavens no. colonization is antiquated and bad for my tan.

I must say, the lack of the three same digits so far truly is preposterous

I shall try to keep this thread from perishing to the malicious 404 hooligan

Oh my where are they

Werefore are the trips?


oh my I truly find the lack of trips in this thread disturbing, old chap

Worry not old chap, they shall arrive most soon

I must say, I do agree fine chap.

How soon is soon, I cannot take this

Forsooth, I say, 'tis is quite a long wait for some bloody fly-bitten trips, user!

Worry not, old chap, for if more of us post, we shall obtain these legendary triple digits eventually.

A proper cup of proper tea proper please

Have any of you fine chaps ever created human livestock for the purposes of a diary farm? Any feedback? Pic related, a cow and her caloire intake to produce fine milk...which I am try to reduce the ratio of floz to caloire

Would you like it with milk sir?

only if it is proper milk

Harketh! I shan't wait no longer till ye hasty-witted triple numbers be showin' up on mine screen Good sire!

Very well sir.

Here you go good sir. Enjoy your hot tea.


You were ever so close to the legendary quadruple digits my good sir. Better luck next time chap.

Yes legendary indeed

By the Will of Merciful Popacatapetl!

We do not tolerate such vulgar language in this thread. Please leave you hooligan.


I do wish I get triples.

Watch and learn you good chaps

We all dream of acquiring the legendary triples good sir.


May this thread be blessed by the triple digits of grace

Please do be patient old chap. I know this is quiet the ordeal, but the triple digits shall be ours. I wish good luck to everyone else in this thread on acquiring the triple digits.

Boy i sure hope trips are bestowed upon me

Rotate 360 degrees

I am certain that what you meant to say is
procreate, you male bird loving person of african origin, I would like it if you would be violently assaulted for sexual purposes of which anal penetration would be one of many examples.

please use appropriate words to express that you'd like to see african men get assaulted.

Triples please


Proper triples

Hohoho. I do love a good ol' hearty chuckle now and then.

Listen thee, I shan't wait no longer, indeed!

it amazes me how so many people can be so excited for a thing such as the last digits of a certain number to be the same.

on another note, please lord bless me by making the last three digits of this post the same number.

>Still a lack of triple digits
Fiddlesticks! Portrait related


Arthur Birling demands the same three numbers

This ja getting rather pathological, am I right old sports?


My golly old chaps

Oh my, hello there gentlemen how are you doing this fine evening ?

kill yourself, I'll be hostile as I want wherever I want



this kind of language is unacceptable young man!

so close Sir but yet so far

Oh my that was close

You were very to trips. Better luck next time chap.


Shoo you aggressive lower class pleb! This thread is for the sophisticated upper class only.

I say, have I got trips?

Unfortunately, you do not sir.

I do love a civil discussion

Oh my, You were very close though if I may say so

I wonder what everyone's opinions on gun control are

Indeed I was good sir.

What a nice thread

It seems that I am going to need another proper glass good sir, two proper scoops please

So gosh darn close, ey fellows

I propose a toast - to trips in the near future

Indeed, good fellow

plebeians will never understand

To trips!