According to American Horror Story this is the face of Sup Forums...

According to American Horror Story this is the face of Sup Forums. To be honest he does act like half of you autistic assholes.

fuck off faggot

There ya go!

if only people in Sup Forums were this good looking

>blue hair
>Sup Forums
Redditors clamor for attention. Sorry friendo, wrong image.

I about came being mentioned on a mainstream show, then realized this shall only increase the reign of newfags/summerfags


They literally advertised Sup Forums on the show. This is going to bring nothing but redditors

No, but I admire the guy trained whore to do his will and throws piss at beaners.

Who is this cute lesbian and how tight is her pussy?

Which season is that?

>anonymous the movie

Its going to be a good season. Its their idea of an actual "American Horror Story".
I mean it better be good after Freak show and Hotel, so many bad seasons

Newest episode

Murder house

Greentext whatever sjw shit they're spewing, rather watch mad man than this shit.

I didn't know it was back. I watch the show, even though I know the fanbase is complete cancer. 2nd season is still probably the best one.

I mean i don't get what the press is about. Its just a bunch of dudes showing each other their dicks and claiming pictures of woman are their girlfriends.

Who was the real after who molested her 1 year old sister and looks like an unconvincing trap?

Actor not after

Hotel was terrible apart from the tits, but freakshow I really enjoyed.
The worst so far has to be the covent

>fall asleep
>realise i'm lucid dreaming
>immediately start raping anyone I can get my hands on.

Is that Ryan Seacrest?

I liked Coven the most but seasons 1 and 2 we're very good. The last season with the reality TV show was alright

AHS is sooo fucking bad.

>I liked coven the most.

Well, I found the faggot guys..

Agreed. It falls apart about 4 episodes in every time


Cathy bates character was amazing, thats all i needed

Hey, Emma Roberts is in it. I'd watch her take a shit.

Don't forget dubs threads


I'd watch your mom take a shit

Is that an actual plot in ahs?

Lady Gaga ruined it


The fucking gay fashion scenes ruined it, gaga is 10/10.
Take it back

Which one? The latest?

Murder house

yes, started last week

I love lady gaga and her music, i never said she was a bad musician. Just distracting and bad for that role

Not pathetic looking enough tbh. Looks like Kurt Cobain or something, and as far as I know, alot of people liked him

Bendrnich slumberhatch

I'll have to give it a watch. Sounds exciting.

Way too skinny

It's too late

oh shit!!!Sup Forums is the quiksilver

You know, the worst thing that you can do to a person from Sup Forums? It isn't doxxing them. In fact, theres only one thing you can do to an user. You can't call them a faggot. You can't call them a cuck or a bitch, nigger or Jew. You can't threaten to kill them. You can't threaten to send them to jail.
But there is one thing you can do. One thing that will crush us. One thing that you can do that will absolutely disgust us.
You can like us. The second you make us become mainstream and start looking up to us and we recoil. Why? Because we hate conformity, we hate the normie mainstream media so much that we will do literally anything to prevent conforming to it. If you want us to stop being obnoxious and annoying, just say that Sup Forums is cool. Send droves of yourselves to us and alienate the true weirdos. The more you hate us the stronger we get but the second you put us in the spotlight and hold us up as an idol, that's when we'll stop being us, we'll change to get you to stop looking at us. The worst thing you can do to Sup Forums is to want to become one of us