Seems we've forgotten. Never fucking forget what we once were. Fucking cancer has destroyed Sup Forums

Seems we've forgotten. Never fucking forget what we once were. Fucking cancer has destroyed Sup Forums.

Sup Forums was never good

We had another dusty-like operation some months ago, look for this thread is the archives 734686953, we got the guy arrested



But we did good things. Great things.

What a fucking idiot! Posts the shit on Facebook of all places. Face, name and all.

2005 fag here. Sup Forums was ruined after project Chanology. It was actually faggots like you who insisted that Sup Forums become an altruist force for 'good' that killed it. The beauty of Sup Forums was that due to our anonymous nature and how collective we were, it was only right that we remained purely neutral, operating only on social phenomenons within our own in-group.

What I'm saying is, Sup Forums was an army, then it become a personal army, and then it became an army of fucking white-knights obsessed with social change, and that's why ((((ANONYMOUS)))) left Sup Forums and is now harboring ANTIFAggots.

You feel-good mother fuckers ruined a good thing. It was about lulz, but you newfags made it about feelz.

bravo! been here for way too long too, and that description is hella accurate

>It was about lulz
Animal abuse never was, and never will be lulzy. You're bitching at the wrong crowd.

missing the point guy. the lulz were had at the expense of the shock value, not the deed. it was never about anything

No one was using Dusty for lulz, it was touchy poofs like yourself who brought it to the table and demanded Sup Forums do something about it. I hate to sound cliche, but on the whole, Sup Forums and Sup Forums moreover, was a community for introverts, social outcasts and people on the fringes of society.

It was started at a time where being enthusiastic about anime wasn't the most normal hobby, and it was created for that very purpose.

It was an escape from reality, a nice venue to sit back and find comradery with other cunts and laugh at how fucked up the world can be from a safe distance and hey, maybe even fuck with social busy-bodies or companies or what have you from time to time.

But nah, people like OP wanted to bring reality into it. The faggots who bought the guy fawke's mask had to make it about themselves, to show everyone how cool they were for being part of some secretive 'hacker group', it become about egotism and it got beat to death.

Sorry, but it's the truth.

06-07 fag here, I agree, but you gotta admit it was bound to happen. In the search for getting epic lulz each raid became bigger and bigger. The bar just kept getting raised and due to the anonymous nature we are blamed as a collective for the actions of every member. There's a big difference in how much attention you garner from something like habbo compared to FBI friday lol.

I mean im a newfag but ive always heard about some of the cool *and sometimes not so cool* shit youve guis done.
Why does /b have porn adds
Ffs anything else is better than that shit
It encourages new user to post "wwyd" cuck threads and other faggotry like that.

Thats pretty accurate, trust me, i have been here all summer.

>we are blamed as a collective for the actions of every member.

That made it even funnier, we got to see how the rest of society was so clueless and lazy when it came to learning about a simple website. FOX branded us as an 'internet hate machine', and that shit had Sup Forums in stitches for months.

But yeah, we gained the world's attention, and moralfaggotry and anons with an agenda decided to ride it to the bank. At this point it doesn't matter, the influx from reddit has 100% ensured it stays dead anyway.

>inb4 exploding car

07 fag here, bring back dial soap

project chanology ruined everything.
id like to add that 9gag also appeared only a couplpe of months after project chanology.

07 fag here too. It was inevitable that it would eventually go to shit really, based on the volume of white-knighting,causefags and general lameness. Remember when user used to be described as the "feared, respected final boss of the internet"? Now look at us. What a joke

This website is filth, let's clean it up!
Brought to you by Dial Soap™.


Longtime lurker since 2007. Ive had lots of history rundowns on this site, and seen my fair share of interesting things. Sup Forums is consistantly changing. Every raid, and just Sup Forums it self is the cause for the shift in things. You don't think oldfags didnt get v&, or left after snacks and honeypots. Shit was fucked. But once youre here, youre here forever.

A master is out.