Hey Sup Forums try out this game we used to have a sort of Sup Forumsalliance guild in it

Hey Sup Forums try out this game we used to have a sort of Sup Forumsalliance guild in it

Every weekend has double ap regen


This is a horror mmorpg called hellrising. Its a game where you play as either vampires,zombies or humans stuck in a quarantined city trying to survive.

If you pick human your goal is generally trying to make a safe base, surviving and hunting undead. You have plenty of skills such as crafting, Gun skills, and abilities to help you search for supplies better.

If you are a vampire, they are made to hunt. Your general goal is to kill humans and fight with the zombie competition. They have skills such as the ability to track the last people they attacked/who attacked them, sensing inside building and gaining damage with everything you kill.

If you are a zombie you are great in numbers and surprise attacks. Your goal again would be to kill humans and fight with the vampire competition. They have skills allowing them to pretend to be a corpse to evade detection, they can drag people from buildings and increase their power the more zombies are in one area

There are also npcs with unique drops to kill as well as players

Anyways give it a try. I'm gonna link some useful guides here in case you want to understand the game more before giving it a try



Map of the game

Important areas of note would be fort boilings and the power plant






Gonna be posting vol 2 of makamaka as promised// actually I am gonna need to download it, I thought I had it but it seems I did not


Is this game free?











The account making is hellish


That I am unsure about since I haven't created an account in a long time



I was considering playing it but then i looked it up and it looks like a real garbage game


I can say its not for everyone but I wouldn't call it garbage


I would consider the weakest of Atari games as better than this


Bless your words

Then you obviously have shit taste because there are some horrible atari games. That or you have never played the shittiest of atari games and have no clue what you are talking about








Hey don't get pissed at me. I didn't make you waste your time playing this trash


I'm not pissed, I'm dismissing you as somebody who has no idea what they are talking about













C'mon you can admit it. You secretly know that this game is shit. Just say it already


Its not though. Please explain why you think its shit exactly? Its not my burden to prove but yours since its you claiming that. I am enjoying it.
What exactly did you look up?



















So no answer? gonna resort to posting whatever that is now?


I don't owe you an explanation ya damn cuck.

Fact is, the game is shit


then you have zero proof and are just a shit troll. somtimes retards like you pop into the threads


It can't be proven either way. It's an opinion. But an opinion based on facts.
Accept defeat vile basement dweller!


You have no facts. Specifically the atari games. I highly doubt you have even played any to compare the game with







Dude i have just over 200 Atari games in my collection. You couldn't even mention one off the top of your head that i haven't played.

Step your game up neckbeard or i shall slay thee!


then name some nigger






Ok so if you don't believe me then post a picture of your fat ass face/neckbeard and i'll post a picture of my giant filing cabinet full of all-in-original-box games.

P.s. don't be such a fucking noob. If i was lying i could easily search atari titles and copypasta.