Ex-Muslim Thread!

Ex-Muslim Thread!

I was brought up in a Muslim family & attended religious school as a child, therefore my knowledge of the fundamentals of Islam is pretty solid.

However thanks to being sane & logical, religion naturally lost its appeal to me and now I'm free.

Doubting muslims are most welcome, if you have questions about Islam, I'll do my best to answer you.

Let's start!

Do you think there will be such a thing as a moderate Islam?

You should go to a non denomination church and seek the Lord Jesus.

Now that you've seen the light.

I got a question too- where can I find the best real Muslim porn?

What didn't you like about Islam/made you an ex-muslim?

Good thing you wised up before they shoved a bomb up your ass and sent you to the train station

I second this user.

I now want Muslim porn. Dem eyes amirite?

Reforming the religion is extremely difficult.

1) Most religious schools are run by imams/ustads who themselves are traditionally trained - and they've mastered how to pass down the traditional version of Islam.

2) Most muslims start their Islamic education at a young age, when they're still not capable of being critical - as a result, most end up thoroughly brainwashed and believing.

3) The elements of hostility towards non muslims are there within the basic tenets of Islam - For example: the Quran states to not be allies/friends with Christians & Jews. Also, the end of the world won't come without the destruction of the Jews.

what do you think of fitnah and the text to kill those using fitnah as mandated. As well as jihad. What about those punishing polythiestics

wtf I love muzzies

the koran also states that as long as jews and christians accept a monotheistic god (allah), they will go to heaven despite worshiping the torah. So that makes no sense

Answer my question nigger.

Christcuckery is even worse than Ayyslam


Oh wait your serious. Now I'm just sad. You poor thing.

The truth.

Most muslims believe simply because they've been told to believe and not to question the religion since a very young age - therefore they're conditioned.

If one could read the history of the so called prophet & his sayings (hadith) & the quran itself with an objective mind - then once could see how full of shit the religion is.

Muhammad is always presented today by Muslims as a kind loving man - BS

Look it up, he was a warlord. He attacked business caravans, killed and took people hostage, and looted the spoils. - The women captured became sex slaves.

He had 21 wives, plus multiple sex slaves, waged wars - pillaged etc.

And today they're calling him the Messenger of peace? How ironic

>not a mooslim or doesn't even know his religion
Not even a muzzie and I know you are bullshitting.
Go trigger some muzzies in your containment board

back to

>clearly never even read the koran
you idiot it's literally in the second chapter. How about you learn how to read dumbfuck

Is that where the Muslim porn is? This nigger won't answer me. The unclean swine.

Christiany is literally defeatism and apathy: the religion. Its called slave morality for a good fucking reason

The quran contradicts itself & muslims choose whatever verse to justify their actions.

eg: you're a normal peace loving but believing muslims & you have Jewish/Christian friends: you quote that verse to say "look at Islam and how tolerant it is"

you're an extremist hell bent on making the whole world muslim and you want to kill infidels: you quote the other verse saying that the Christians/Jews are evil for they've corrupted the words of God (Bible/Torah) and they have to be killed"

samefagging troll fuck off

I'll pray for your spiritual freedom friend. Sorry the world has you so clouded.

percisely my point. What do you believe them? Do you believe none of it if you can't believe all of it?

>copy pasta from Sup Forums
Not a single fuck is given about Islam. Go back

I see.

Did you get the idea there was a movement that was trying to break the habit and get moderation in the religion, or did it seem static to you?

Never claimed I was different people stupid retard.

Not an argument

stop samefaggin samefag

No u. I'm rubber your glue, whatever you say sucks my dick.

I don't believe in the quran. It's a compilation of rehashed verses from torah & the bible, mixed with Arabic superstitions.

Most believers however believe that it is eternal and it is the very word of god himself.

They explain the contradictions by saying that you have to understand the context of when the verses were revealed.

Ie: Muhammad was laying seige against a Jewish tribe - therefore Allah says "Don't show em mercy, kill em"

Muhammad was pleading with a Christian king to protect his friends, then Allah says -"verily the christians are closer to you in faith"


>clearly a newpolfag
You don't even know the starter pack.
Every fucking fag know the number is 9 and not 21. You have a dedicated board to trigger your lovers.
Literally on every fucking thread in Sup Forums
Nobody fucking cares how many cocks you or sandniggers swallow.

Sadly, I think it's getting worse.

There are experts who try to instill moderation in interpreting Islam - but they're a minority.

Their voices are drowned out the by the masses who keep espousing a more conservative & orthodox/traditional Islam

And this orthodox Islam is just a step away from radical Islam.

not the previous poster.

you two are retarded.
Read the quran for yourselves if you don't believe the previous statement to be a factual one.
And if you believe it to be factual but somehow think stating this fact "incites violence", then you are nothing but self-propagandizing drones.

If you want to know what is wrong in society, keep asking the questions that everyone wants to shut up about. No theory is sacred. No statement can't be questioned. Everything is up for debate. And if it isn't anymore, it itself is the problem.

only newfags say newfag faggot.
>clearly a huge faggot who loves sucking sandnigger cock

You sound like a dirty commie to me.

But in fact I love capitalism for the equality of chances it offers.

Your prejudices failed you once again.
Maybe it's time to rethink them.

im an ex catholic, what do you do with the new found void in your life?

Now I know your a dirty commie.

Ya commie.

realize that you only have one shot at life, and one single task that matters:

shit in the funniest place possible.

Find Jesus.

So you heard the critique about islam, recognize that it's rooted in a demand for liberation of sanctimonious concepts, and now feel your own religious beliefs (likely catholicism) being under threat?

Welp, you can't argue against one abrahamic religion without questioning them all. Deal with it, redneck.

Exactly what a dirty commie would say. You need a healthy dose of the Bible and freedoms!

I said nobody fucking cares.
Go back. It is calling you

There's no void for me fortunately.

I'm now free from all sorts of mental junks..

No more fantastical tales of God & angels watching over my shoulder, no more dealing with the temptation of the devil or various other demons.

No more fatalistic perspective of this world being only a test & the real world is the coming afterlife (or the kingdom of God)

Just here and now. Enjoy your life my friend, learn, hangout with people that matter to you, have a good time!

>christian user critiques islam
>other anons join their efforts, questioning religion in general
>christian user gets mad

Even funnier when you consider that I despise communism just as much as you.

Sup Forums is a THE dedicated shithole for sandnigger discussion.
Let the faggot OP use a meme flag and start a new muzzie triggering thread there.

naw, it will stay exactly where it is and trigger both muslims and you.

Tell me why this wouldn't be a win/win for me.

This is true.

Question Everything.

Please, calm your butthurt with some tiger balm


Good man.

Do you think Mohammed was a pedophile or just didn't exist?

artists impression of teen lindsay lohan after seeing the parent trap

Would you agree?

That's a sad Outlook user.

I hope you'll be able to share some of your insights with the people around you who still cling to religion.

I'll try the same.

mohammed, unlike jesus, is well recorded by historians of that time. He indeed was an existing human, and judging from the records, he was a warlord, proficient at indoctrinating his followers with a warped version of the old testament, rewritten to center around his own person.

think hitler's occultism, just that in this age and time, it went off like a 4th july' firework within his followers.

And yet you idiots keep responding to the obvious troll. Who's the idiot here?

the one who pretends to "merely pretend" after receiving a gentle butt-fondling.
Even if you were trolling, clearly it hit home, else you wouldn't reveal your trolling-attempt as a last try to leash out yourself.
Now bugger off and repair your hurt ego somewhere else.

He's not exclusively pedophilic I'd say. A sex maniac? More likely

He first married Khadeja who was 40 when he was 25.

He started his ministry, supposedly after receiving revelations from God, when he was 40. At the time he was seen as a preacher, and indeed he was - then he started preaching against idolatry and accusing the Arabs of Mecca (his hometown) being foolish infidels.

Naturally they started harassing him & his early followers & the migrated to Yahtrib (today called Medina) where he was appointed as chieftain.

Now that he's a chieftain, wielding real political power, he began attacking caravans from Mecca and sharing the loot with the citizens of Yathrib (as per their agreement) and he attacked two of the biggest and wealthies Jewish tribes in Arabia and again made a lot of money from the exploits.

Then he began accumulating wives and sex slaves. I think having all this power just unlocked a sexual deviant that's been laying dormant in him all these years.

He married mostly young women, two old ones (the first being his first 40 yr old wife, the second being a 70 year old woman), and the youngest being Aisha who was 6 when he married her - marriage was consummated (ie: they had sex) when she was 9

Breaking away from any religion is difficult, but when that religion is Islam, a special kind of bravery is required.

You have my deepest respect, user. Welcome to humanity; I'm sorry that your journey here had to be so hard.

Looks terrible, but I agree.

Don't forget the hadith AKA the sayings & actions of the prophet. Those two: Quran & Hadith -are the pillars that Islam rest on.

Thanks you Sup Forumsros

I hope things will be better in the future for all of us.

Is there anything good you can say about it? Historically or contemporary.

Welp, it certainly united their society, lol.
Welp, until the whole sunni/shia bullshit broke loose.

>being this autistic

1) Islam's emphasis on filial piety is good. To always honor one's parents, especially mother.

There's even a verse in the Quran that says - you won't enter heaven if say Uh! to your mom.

2) Hygiene is a big requirement in Islam. Eg: if you don't wash yourself properly (ablution), then God won't listen to your prayer etc
- I wonder why most Islamic countries are dirty though

3) It's focus on not lying & always telling the truth. This is good, especially for kids. I remember how I struggled with myself when I wanted to lie as a little boy.

But then again, to accomplish all that, one does not have to have a religion.

When it comes to Islam, with a handful of good elements, you also get a pile of shit.

Go back to Sup Forums niggers


bye folks

Legit man, just science. The world is so much more interesting than that fucking fantasy book.

Thank you for the answers. It isn't often we get to hear an unfiltered Muslim/ex-Muslim's opinions and truth.

He is not a muslim, reatrdo.

Read what I said again, slowly.

why cant muslims 100% agree on how many books make up the quran? does the whole sunni vs shiite thing play a part?

He is not an ex-muslim either, retardo.

please teach other mu(d)slimes the truth

Thank you op for your unusually good answers. You are probably still a fag though

Muslim here,
The Prophet Muhammad (sws) did NOT have 21 wives. You are not an ex-muslim, you are a kike that copy-pasta from Sup Forums

Go back to Poland you kike

You sir, are a murtad, airing out your sin before the people.

If you were turned away from the deen, then it is because of something within you that Allah knows is deserving of you becoming misguided.

You may run about here and there speaking what you will of Islam, but it is only for a short time.

Do not think that which you encourage of disbelief in Islam will not be taken into account against you. Perhaps your death will be hastened to you as a result, and then you will know, with certainty, that there is no God but Allah.

I advise you to repent from your apostasy and turn back to worshiping Allah alone, lest you be driven to an eternal punishment without end.

Fear Allah.

I'm a Jew that hates Muslims.

Showing kindness to them was not possible because telling them what I am is going to inherently going to become a hostile conversation. Conservative, American Jews are honestly the kindest, most honest people on the planet and it make it very hard to dislike us. When I'd help you build your shed for two days, eight ours on the day it's hard to hate me. Even for Christians that are hardcore Jew haters.

Muslims don't seem to do that. We don't want you to be a Jew, I'm just doing it to be a good neighbor. Muslims do it because they want you to be a Muslim. There's no motive behind it, other that I want a friend.


> Conservative, American Jews are honestly the kindest, most honest people on the planet

Lazy bait is lazy

Jew tell me

Not bait, just who I am.

My family came from Alberta. My mother is Jewish so if I went to the wall, that fat idiot would put the square on my head and make my wear the cloth down my arm. The temple isn't there, and I don't give a shit. The garb means not a lick to me. I'd go to Tel Aviv and party my ass off.

I have no respect for peopel that don't respect human life. That seems to be the current Islam MO.

How can one hate Jews when there God is the real God

Non-practising Muslim reports in,

Hey user, same shit with me, muslim born but never ever entered a mosque nor attended prayer.

But I guess the Saudi Arab Islam, the wahabit Islam is the problem. I only had contact with Muslims who saw theirselves as reformed. All my family has christian friends, everyone of my Muslim friends take part in society, work, even celebrate Christmas and stuff, without going to the church but just with friends dining and stuff.

We got to get rid of the Arabs radical BS

Thats what we call and ALPHA MAN

COngrats you leaved islam just now that europe is falling in our hands by genetics destuction by Allah Allahu akbar soon u will be treated as kuffar
