Last album you physically bought? Pic related

Last album you physically bought? Pic related.

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I wanted to buy this for a fucking decade

Good taste user

That and Concrete and Gold are on my to do list. It's getting damn near impossible to buy albums offline.

It was the first one I had bought in a long time, was so keen to get home and play it. Concrete and gold is pretty good, might pick it up next couple days


Sup Forums

gud taste

Sup Forums is full of pretentious dicks

Run is their best single since White Limo.

Same as you.

I have their first album as well.

This album is definitely better than the saint cecila LP, that was rubbish

Why do metal bands always try to out-edge each other?

I honestly think it was Grohl's midlife crisis and the closest he's come to breaking up the Foo.

Arctic Monkeys: Humbug

Idk, I just like the sound.

Im keen to see them again, going for 3rd time in January

>the only remaining music store in town shut down
>only places left to buy physical albums are retail outlets like walmart and best buy with shit selections
Feels fucking bad man

Thank fuck retro vinyl stores are opening up. Hopefully it isn't just a fad.

Great album BTW


Not in my town they aren't. It's really weird too considering this is a college town with a big local music scene, you'd think there'd be music stores everywhere.


That sucks. I live in a little big town about thirty miles from a military town, so I've got a couple of choices when it comes to vinyl hunting.


Only album I've ever bought. But I am thinking of getting a seether album, maybe the latest one.


good taste, anons


My dad was in the Air Force so he was able to get me and my mom military IDs and about once a month we'd go to Ft Campbell to stock up on shit because notaxes.jpg

Their exchange was fucking crazy. They had a huge electronics selection, plenty of vidya, a whole food court, and even a fucking arcade. Haven't been there in years though, that place was cool.

No taxes rule. Your purchase is 39.95? It's 39.95, not some fucked off amount.

I think about half my video games and consoles have been purchased (whether through me or my dad) at a military base. Best fucking place to buy groceries too. Too bad I'm too old to get a military ID through him now.

>listening to music
>being this autistic and underage
Get the fuck off my board kid. You are obviously either retarded of twelve, we all grow out of childish things like music as we become adults. I mean seriously, what normal adult listens to music recreationaly? I mean grow the fuck up and listen to something with some actual merit like an audio book, or maybe talk radio, something other than a bunch of meaningless random noises strung together with absolutely no talent or intelligence required. Any moron can slap a guitar enough to make noise, but writing..... that takes talent, dedication, and a working brain to accomplish and enjoy. You music fags are an embarrassment to humanity and need to kill yourselves.



Fuck yes my man

D- bait

you try too hard faggot


Good shit

I only bought it for the book. Was worth it to me.