Cringeiest cringe thread

Cringeiest cringe thread

start it off op

How is that cringe OP?

/thread OP IS A FAGGOT

>being this new

Whatever issue you have with this dude, the problem is with you. Nothing cringe about this pic, that's a pretty sharp outfit and well fitted. If he wears that to the beach then yeah, weird, but the setting looks appropriate. You jealous of this guy or you want to fuck him or what? He seems cool.


Summers over

op is a faggot so I'll start


Oh boy is this one of the 10,000 memes that exist on this site, jeez, sorry, I'm 33 and have a life not all of us can be children on this site 24/7 for several years i a row like high schoolers and memorize every single thing that gets posted.

No, you're right. I'm a kid and you're cool and in the know. Because you are aware of this random picture of some random douche in a vest. That adds up. High five.


Being this butt hurt for not recognising one of the most commonly posted photos on the internet when it comes to cringe. My sides.


Kids not being aware of a major performer from 2 generations prior isn't that cringey. I bet they'd recognize the name The Beatles. Paul hasn't exactly been in the spotlight much for the past 2 decades and not every kid goes back into the music of 40-50 years ago.

You are everything wrong with the world today


whatever makes you happy, kid. i'll keep posting, im on the site to do this. and you can keep thinking that me typing words means im 'butt hurt'. reply to this post too, champ! tell me how cringey i am and how much you are amused. it gets me off.



You'd bang the 3rd from the left though



sure i am. because going on the internet to get all worked up about kids not knowing the frontman of a band that hasn't had an album in 40 years and whose solo work doesn't get much radio play on the stations kids listen to is super cool and whats right with the world. "The kids dont know about the past!" That's cringey. Same bullshit idiots have been saying for generations when they can't cope with getting older.

Why every art bitch do dis. Like nigga that shit ain't even original. How would these bitches feel if I painted dicks all the time. Shit nasty ain't even good

This is so sad.

This isn't really cringey, is it? Aren't they making fun of this meme, not actually ENACTING it? Its like satire, and instead of actually trying to dress wrong for their body type or being ashamed of what they look like, they are accepting that their appearance plus the outfit of this meme can bring laughter. These guys seem cool. They're making fun of Sup Forums.

Ye! Fuck em UP!


because they're young and in art school and probably just read a book about Georgia O'Keefe a week ago

im like the Juggernaut and the Blob combined, in a fedora and with a pocket watch. They don't know how to handle me.



Sup Forums has never made memes and has never been associated with meme-making

fucking shit troll

I cringed.
By definition it's pretty cringey


Its cringey but I also give the guy some credit for at least going for it rather than silently masturbating from afar. Its a numbers game, if he tries this 100 times maybe he'll get one chubby gamer girl to swallow his cum and while not a A+ that's certainly a passing C+ for effort and getting some sort of result

nah they're cool they're doing satire of Sup Forums memes, you guys just dont get satire. Watch Idiocracy and you'll understand.

>getting this upset over being called a summerfag

yiiiiiiikes, everything alright at home there, champ?

My god you're a butthurt faggot.
>That adds up. High five.
That's fucking cringe.

You probably right my man. I know a bitch that for this perfectly. Went to art school only paints vaginas and people's faces poorly. Then gets on Facebook and bitches about how no one is buying her art. Is trying to live in Brooklyn but can't make it so parents pay for everything. Sad part is she was completely normal and cool in highschool. Nothing close to this but collage radicalized her and many others like her.

>collage radicalized her
at least she showed up for classes... unlike someone else


Just end my life fam

its important for your self esteem to feel superior to others so make sure to jump on every typo and try to portray it as an indication of poor education and intelligence.

- excerpt from How To Be Rad by Joe Cool

You're microaggressions cannot penetrate my euphoria, plebs

your just jealous that im both handling this whole "situation" with such poise and grace while also having a grand ol' time with it. But please keep trying to marginalize me, sport, if it helps you with your day. FIST BUMP.

How about looking up the guy's name, since they live their smartphones so much, instead of asking it openly on fuckinv Twitter and making themselves looks like a bunch of fools?


lol you act like you are so cool and unfazed, yet you still are in the thread replying so it raises some doubts. faggots like you are the reason Sup Forums is shit now. also, "sport"? you really are a pussy

did you learn that at collage?

Yeah, that's where I pieced it together

Pssst, I think you responded to yourself and not to my reply post, sport. Don't fret about it, my good sir, happens to the best o' us!






He look like the type of nigga who purges with his family

i'm cringing so hard I gotta wear shades

The teacher's fucking face


Well autismos have problems reading facial expressions so makes sense


Same. I know a guy just like this. He also thinks it's real classy to say "cheers" whenever he can.

No one likes a condescending cunt so fuck off you fat nigger

>Faggot assumes only men play games
>Faggot uses archaic English thinking it's cool
>Faggot thinks he's intimidating
>Faggot rails on his own gender by assuming every man expects women to cook
>Faggot thinks cooking is an awesome skill

It takes a real fucking cuck to think this guy has any balls. If anything, he's a beta faggot cuck who thinks he's entitled to sex after a life of cunt-pandering.

Not even mad at the fact he thinks women belong in the kitchen, tbh, they do. It's the fact that he's willing to showcase his willingness to be a doormat that makes this especially cringy. He'll die a virgin.

How is he cringe??

Roast me!

Both you and the "faggot" are cringe and beta as fuck

Cringe? That dude is a hero.

Nice! Some of the best OC cringe we've had in a while.

too soon

The feminazi with the bangs looks pretty smashable tbh.

I wish enslaved black children only caused hurricanes