I think I have a problem, guys

I think I have a problem, guys....

I've been depressed lately. I'm socially awkward so I take just about any girlfriend that will have me. Lately I've only been with a recovering drug addict with really bad teeth, trackmarks from injecting drugs, sick, with sores all over her and I've been doing it so long, I find it attractive now and I can't be comfortable with a pretty woman with nice teeth.

I don't even see pretty girls attractive anymore, they make me scared and they seem alien and unknowable. What's wrong with me? What can I do? I'm afraid of what this means.

The girl I'm seeing has really bad teeth, needle marks all over her arms and legs, saggy skin all over her body, arthritis, etc and has a lot of mental disorders, but she feels like my family even though she spends all my money on drugs just so she can stay sane. What can I do? Should I do anything? I'm thinking of asking her to marry me.

Is that a picture of her mouth???

Murder/suicide seems like the most sensible option

No, just an random example I found on google. She never smiles and doesn't let me take her picture with her mouth open. Only time I see her mouth clearly is when she's having an orgasm, which is usually when I'm having an orgasm, so I've come to associate the bad teeth with good sex and become aroused by it.... I'm a little concerned what that means about me...

I guess I'm wondering if I'm alone in all this. My girlfriend's mouth looks more like this

>I'm thinking of asking her to marry me.

"Kids, remember when I told you uncle Barney made an AIDS-baby?"

She doesn't have AIDS, she's just a washed up, recovering intravenous opiate and meth addict.

I found her right as she was thinking of becoming a literal crack-whore like her older sister, and I saved her from that fate. I love her.

Make sure the two of you get all your shots and check-ups before getting married or procreating.

>doesn't have AIDS
>recovering intravenous opiate

Google: relation between HIV and AIDS.

I am gay for nigger teeth

This isn't healthy or helping for either of you, and you already know it! Both of you are feeding and allowing eachothers problems. You have to break it off entirely, and not go back or postpone.

sidenote; there is a lot of info on overcoming social akwardness, just make small interactions / steps and dont worry about them being correct.

She said she's clean and she's only sleeping with me since we've been together. Aside from her body falling apart, she really seems to try. She lets me have my way with her every morning and cum inside her every-time I want to, and then irons my clothes for work, and sleeps all day until I get home and feeds me whatever she threw together that day.

It feels almost like a real family just me and her, but my friends and actual family act like because of how she looks and that she's been an addict that she's a bad person, and it's making me feel bad about and question myself because I really like her

>She said she's clean and she's only sleeping with me since we've been together

Jesus Christ you're a dumbass. First of all; do you actually believe a recovering junkie? Second of all; what is the incubation-time of HIV?

Tl;dr Get tested.

- have you ever had a crush on someone before; the person is it, until you have your next one, even if you dont believe it at the moment.
- im sure she has nice traits, but this is about doing the right thing (for both of you) and not what your hormones and fears tell you to.

Why do all the cumdumpsters have to be crazy. Fuck, i miss having an on demand fuckhole. The drama was almost worth it.

Also this. However sympathetic you are, and perhaps unfortunate she was, her situation is mostly the result of bad choices. Her very state is the reason you cant trust your health to her; this includes sex.

> do you actually believe a recovering junkie?

Well yeah, she sometimes lies about drugs, sure, but why would she lie about STDs? I looked it up and she does have some symptoms, like night sweats and sores on her body, but she said it's from coming off meth, she itches and scratches her skin open all over and things like that. I don't think she would spread disease on purpose.

We're helping each other though, what's wrong with me being with her? When we found each other she was talking about selling her body, and I talked her out of it and took her in and fell in love with her.

Kind of like a budget version of Pretty Woman, honestly, except like she came to stay in my mobile home on a mattress on the floor instead of a penthouse suite.

Oh please. Please get tested. Wait six months and then get tested. Then think about all I've said while you're getting immunosuppressors from the pharmacy.

Don't jinx me, man, we don't have aids, I want to get her pregnant and we're going to have babies once she gets off the drugs and I want her to know what it's like to be a good cherished wifey and not just someone's random methwhore.

I'm on Sup Forums, man, I'm not exactly the world's perfect 10/10 man or anything, either, but I've been with 3 girls counting her, and I haven't felt like this about anyone else. I'm in love with her.

I have the answer: murder-suicide

Rid the earth of your defective genes. Do it for humanity.

ah, you are the rescuer, the knight with shiny armour, but ultimately she is a fucked person, that also has a big drug problem.

As soon as she gets better she will become abusive.... you are just playing this game as you are the superior and your game of wishing is so pure and good manered.. But you are fooling yourself.

You are as fucked as she is as normal people would not get emotionally envolved with someone so damaged.

Get rid of her and get yourself a therapist and sort out your own shit.

>you are fooling yourself.

maybe so, friend, maybe so. Maybe we all are.

no you've bought yourself a front row ticket to a massive fuck up.

I've done all the shit you are talking about, several times over and each time it ends badly.

There is no fast tracking you, lets hope this doesn't cost you your life. It will cost you your mental health and bring luggage to your future relationships. Your future is pretty bleak. After she destroys you and you split up, she will recover faster than you, and become the oposit of what she is today... You, will just be hurting and fucked, and wishing it all went acording to the fairy story you are dreaming off now...