I've got a toothache, tried most remedies and pain relief things but they didn't work, any help?

i've got a toothache, tried most remedies and pain relief things but they didn't work, any help?

go to a dentist, Ted

get your boyfriend to jizz on it

Ibuprofen will help for a while, but the only way to completely got get rid of the pain is to go to the dentist. If you don't have insurance, figure it out now cuz it's only going to get worse and you'll wish you dealt with it now.

clove oil
^ number one fix

This and 800mg ibuprofen will fix the pain right up until you can afford a doctor

tried ibuprofen 2 hours ago, didn't work

Go to the dentist you troglodyte,
Especially if it is a throbbing pain.

Watch cast away and then bash your jaw with an ice skate OP.

Normally takes a crane to remove.

i got money from my communist uncle so i can go to the dentist, but i'm going to use it to buy hummus

Dad get off B

came here to say this

Go to a doctor, it could literally be cancer. Thought i had a tooth infection, really had bone cancer of the jaw. They had to replace part of my jaw.

With my toothache I did the following:

>Salt water swishing mixed with mouth wash
>Hot water drinking. Relieves pain.
>Tooth numbing cream from CVS
>Actually brushing my teeth.
>Take an antibiotic, like Penicillin.
>Meditation, because pain is an illusion of the mind
>Drink some Kratom. It works well with ridding one of pain.
>Go to the dentist, because eventually it gets so bad you can't stand it.

Ultimately you're just going to need to go to the dentist. A word of advice: DON'T LET THEM PULL YOUR TOOTH!!! They can remove the nerves and put a cap on it. I literally had a sliver of my actual tooth left and they managed to cap it securely.
Also, if they pull your tooth (say, the top left molar), then insurance wise they will REFUSE to cover ANY TEETH on your top left part of your mouth. THis is because removing a tooth will eventually lead to your teeth growing all jacked, which causes more problems, which insurance companies don't want to pay for.

If they tell you there's no other choice other than pull it, refuse their service and seek another dentist who will give you a tooth canal and cap your tooth, rather than simply remove it. NEVER LET A DENTIST REMOVE YOUR TOOTH!!!

That's all I have to say.

>Meditation, because pain is an illusion of the mind
calm down there xavier

>i've got a toothache, tried most remedies and pain relief things but they didn't work, any help?

Try going to the dentist.

Put a cap on it, Zapit!

try having no money and an addiction to hummus

> Find vid on pornhub.com
> Click 'like' on twitter
> ???
> Profit!

Sounds like your chickpeas are more making you chick-pleas...for pain relief.

hah hah
hoh hoh
hee hee

Tooth fracture = crown.
Untreated tooth fracture = root canal + crown.
Untreated tooth no treatment = extraction + bridge.
Waiting to find out if the tooth is repairable could be unwise calculation, Senator.