I have been around since before your Sun was born. You call me Angel

I have been around since before your Sun was born. You call me Angel.
Ask me anything


Why did you make up a bunch of bullshit just to seem cool on Sup Forums? Gonna write a book on the results?

Wait. What?

There is someone here who has an important question to ask.

What are the best set of questions? What are the most beneficial to me and my species answers? How are these two sets similar and different?

Oh yo angel, do angels fuck? Could u spritz some tinkerbell dust on my balls as you ride me? Is that possible?

Do you know long division?

Are traps gay

Do you love God?

So, like, how accurate would you say the Christian bible is?

Yea its why again are you assuming people will accept your little roleplay & play along. Seriously. Pathetic.

What happens if i blink while you are across the room...?

Has anyone told you to bite them and you considered it?

You gon die

>I have been around since before your summer
Fuck off.

You can ask me open or closed questions. Not all answers are beneficial. I'm not here to suggest the questions.

how do I cure herpes?


What do you call yourself?

We do not reproduce though we are very interested in who you reproduce with.

Is humanity ready for free energy?

God is your creation. Its a running theme in all species of your nature.

>We do not reproduce though
LARP already failed.

September 23.

But how can i figure your number?


Yeah an Angel will never say that... Or go on Sup Forums lol

Are you going to answer this?

Do transcendental things, such as love, originate in the material world?

Is the symbol the basic unit of spirituality?

If so, how could this be reconciled with God still existing even though no one is there to believe in Him? Perhaps the answer is related to my first question?

Is God love? Does love exist in some form, even before or without conscious life to express, use, live, and discover its forms and ways? How, then, do these two connect? What is the science?

It is the most accurate record of life at the time.
Most of the people mentioned in it existed in the capacity mentioned. None of them had any form of supernatural powers. Jesus was just a Christian whose followers elevated him to what he is known as now.
I can assure you Mary was not a virgin as this area is my specialty.

Why not be where a bulk of international subconscious plays?

>Jesus was a Christian
Pants on head retarded


Sure. Its all about gravity and the Sun.

Jesus was a Jew though.
Christianity was founded years after his death.

Should I kill myself?

what is the best way to get an early preview of the higher planes? to perceive them and "travel" within them? preferably without the use of drugs such as DMT or actually dying.
also, what exactly is the effect of DMT? does it briefly show the user the higher planes?

You called us Angels and associated us with your God. This association was and is helpful to us.
We are not your guardians but your guides.

Hey, you never know, man.

God is just a word. What does it signify to you?

Why use words to describe it?

Why use images?

Because we seek to be comforted by the things our brain automatically does. Perhaps a person's concept of God is a result of the mind holding onto a strong truth which, once it recognized its power, it "processed," using all of its good ol' mechanisms, into that person's version of God. Now, it's not just the mind doing processing, it's society as well.

God is certainly a powerful thing.

We tend to anthropomorphize powerful things.

And you can call me Father, Son.

i keep seeing the number 413 everywhere. it's gone beyond simple coincidence at this point, the rate at which i see it and the sources i find it in are so frequent and implausible that i have to assume something bizarre is happening.

She was before Jesus.

>inb4 ridiculous roman/jewish accounts.

Love is the key to everything. There would be no material world without it. You would all of eaten each other before you crawled out of the swamp if it were not for the chemical reaction you call love.

I was worried about the economic adjustment period. I got the thing, mine is about mimicking the physics potential in a moving object.

If the Law says that a son cannot be punished for the sins of his father, then why is death the punishment for all of Adam's sons because of Adam's sin?

I will add more to this. Is God love? No, love is god.
Love is the driving force of all life in the universe.
Love is chemical, mathematical and spiritual.
Love existed at the same moment 1 + 1 = 2.

re-asking these

Is there eternal progress open to all human souls?

There is no afterlife. There are ways to adjust your chemistry to get a different perspective of where you are but I only recommend experimenting once you have found love and reproduced twice.

Now you will see 512 more often.
I hope that helps.

You sound like a drug dealer when you consider it a chemical. Crack is the key to motivate you. Were all used to our amygdala being tickled its embarassing.

Do we make you high? Our love soaked brains and you riding a contact buzz?

Quotations. ..forgot em around the crack thing there. ..

it doesn't. it just shifts the problem.
are the numbers themselves significant in any way or am i just obsessed by my own devices?

Satan was an Angel before his fall. Satan also decieved other Angels to fall with him. Maybe your just a fallen Angel bound to Satan here to decieve like your father the devil. May God rebuke the devil. Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and all knees shall bend to his glory. Including yours... You can't deny all this must come to pass. The end is near and you are here to decieve more souls for eternal perdition. Everyone open your eyes and ask yourself if the world ending. Hell is a place made for the devil and his angels not for you or me but if you follow the devil in his rebellion against God then you too will burn for eternity. Accept Jesus and receive forgiveness of your sins. This is not about religion this is about saving your Souls from perdition wether you believe it or not. God gave us all free will so we have to make that choice.

Do you remember your name?

Im not going to get into bible bashing but just to move things into the real world you should start to consider Adam as a microscopic hermaphrodite.

if that's the case, then what happens to our consciousness when our bodies die?
returning to a higher plane?
simply out like a light forever?

Hey faggot you said ask anything. You going to help me out here?

I'll assume it's the same assumption I have.
That the bible is bullshit

>Do we make you high? Our love soaked brains and you riding a contact buzz?
Yes! We are rewarded when you choose the right partner as well as you species. Very astute of you. Im coming to visit.

Wait, no. Better question.... do you find us addictive?

report what happens user. this should be interesting.

If it just shifts the problem then you will know for sure the previous set of numbers didn't mean anything.

There is no Satan. Its just good and evil. There is no eternal reward waiting for you of which you will be aware.

Ive got some nice music for ya when you get here. Some of it you might find stifling ironic. Im afraid i might try to impress you with my many voices.

Why my peepee small?

Here we are know as Angels. In other places we are known as what ever the locals refer to us.

No. Normally I would say go ahead but its not for you.

i'm constantly tempted by things that would be considered evil, grimy. things that have a bad energy. i can feel it.
but inside, i know what i want. purity. love.

Eh low cultural sensitivity is a good baseline expectation.

So far i can do several cats meowing at once. Its cute.

Why do you say that?

Lies. Just all lies. I guess thats all you can do. Why are you trying to decieve us?

Are you just an old Alien from another planet or something more complex than that?
Are you from another dimension or a different universe?

Small parts of your consciousness are passed on to your offspring. You are also sharing your consciousness with every one you come into contact with. You will never be reborn but you will feed new life. You did wonderful things and should just be happy about it.

What's it like roleplaying on Sup Forums faggot

how can i contact you or others of your kind in the future?

Its the same story all over the universe. Its just always seems cultures cant cope with being alone and create a purpose for living.
Some eventually let go.

you can't because OP is a faggot roleplaying

How do you feel about naturally occuring self aware conscious amalgams?

I will get to you in a few secs.

too late im already killing myself. just to spite you.

Does the girl like me

No bloodplay. I already have a chosen if i want a hybrid.

And he is o blood type so ....eh

Same universe. We are not a life form as such.
We are what binds everything together.

You will only be passing on the pain to someone else whos special to you.

I know you're just roleplaying now, because there is nobody who is special to me for the "pain" to be passed to.

TL;DR: OP is a faggot.

your larp is fucking retarded just stop trying, we're cringing REALLY hard

nice larp faggot get bent

Your special to me, to us.

What's my name? If I'm special to you, tell me.

I will be back tomorrow at the same time for the last time this year.

Terri terry Terrance trey? (not op)

>can't prove he's not an angel-kin that predates the sun


I just cringed harder at this than anything OP has said.

talk about love a bit more.
i'm not sure how to describe it, but it makes me feel something i rarely ever feel.
peace? optimism? neither of those really cover it, but that's sort of the idea.

Amber amy aster (not op)

hi OP