Hey Sup Forums, what does your room look like? Here's mine

Hey Sup Forums, what does your room look like? Here's mine.

sup op when its time to sleep do you just move everything? or shrimp around it. pretty comfy room.

I have my bed in the corner of my room






Aye you got a cat?


it was cool until you shared the same room as your cats shitter

Typical dog people

i dont own any pets. but i still think that you shouldnt put a litter box in the same room as you sleep in

you just have the 1 room? do you not have a whole house? i do

I clean it every time they use it, I'm not disgusting man pig

Alright give us a tour then

look at the stained carpet around the litter box

that's literally the litter (and shit) being ground into his carpet by the cat stomping it into the carpet

fucking kek

plus this is exactly how you get infected by toxoplasmosis gondii

crack house

Hey user, see the little girl toy/statue thing next to your monitor? What are those called if I want to look them up?


Dolls. Go to Toys R Us if you want one
