Sup Forumsros im extremely scared for my life idk what this is please can a medfag help me understand if i have an STD...

Sup Forumsros im extremely scared for my life idk what this is please can a medfag help me understand if i have an STD or not... Im beggining you


not lethal quite sadly

NYPA Faggot find out yourself stop having people fight your own battles find out yourself rotten stank dick kek

Well looks like a zit. But I've been around the block way to many times so yeah I've gotten the weird dick diseases. Just go into your doctor tomorrow. It looks fine. I wouldn't be scared for your life. Just get it checked. Better to have a professional look then a bunch of b tards tell you.

You have an ingrown dick hair, you spastic nigger.

No you dont understand it was leaking blood earlier

Looks like STDS to me back me up on this anons

If its more sore than it should be than its possible its herpes. Everyone thinks the outbreaks are on your dick but mine are almost always where the sore is in your picture.

What are herpes side effects like does it itch or burn or both?

That's what I'm saying bruh this dumbass nignog probably won't even go to the doctors watch stupid OP you gonna die soon boiiii

Side effects include death.

Thats after a long amount of time though

Side effects are unintended effects of a treatment meant to heal you.

Symptoms are the effects of a disease.

Im not just gonna die the next day i dont believe it

A long and painful amount of time.

You know i meant Symptoms smart little asshole Fucktard

So doctors have medicine ,the medicine will make it not hurt i bet

Can you still get an erection? If not it may have spread internally into your dick.

Witchdoctor here, you should stop fucking baboons and spread some tiger semen on that.

Is it accompanied by any kind of odor?


Homeopathic doctor hear. Try wheatgrass pills.

It smells a little like sulfur mixed with old fish

Looks like a huge pimple. I get one of those in the same spot once every like 4 months


Right now i can't get an erection im scared asf

Doctor of paleontology here. Shove dinosaur bones up your ass.

Your a dipshit give me information not fucking pointless retarded shit ideas

Its aids, did you fuck a nigger recently?

I was worried that might be the case. It is definitely spreading.

That has nothing to do with anything your autistic

>scared for my life
Asks Sup Forums for advice

No if i didn't notice i swear i could get an erection

congrats you have herpes

I have only had oral sex with a nig nog

Neither itch or burn. More like tender or a very localized ache.
Also, you feel it coming on a couple days beforehand

Did you have open cuts on or around your pubic area? If not you most likely contracted it from your parents, are they virgins?

Looks like a zit or ingrown hair.

There are all me. It's been fun trolling you, OP. Now seriously, you are probably fine, but go to a doctor to get it checked out for peace of mind.

And while you're there, get your brain checked too. Why the fuck did you come to Sup Forums for medical advice?

So if it burns im in the clear i just don't worry about it? And it will go away?


No ive had sex with 4 and a half different girls the half time was a blowjob

Ask your doctor if Sup Forums is right for you.

You can get diseases from a blowjob if you're not using a condom.

Came to ask you fucking assholes because you guys have been my go to friends for 3 years assholes....

You don't actually need to go tomorrow. Just don't fuck anyone until it heals, and see your doctor soon. It's not an STD most likely. Just a blister or wart.

>says a bunch of dumb shit no one acknowledges
>lol I trolled u

Fuck ur dumb

I should have known huh

Im into paraplegics too user

you'll know herpes the first time you have an outbreak. The virus lives around nerves so it's a unique feeling unlike a cit or zit or infection

If you've really been on here for three years you should've known we'd give you shit advice.

In any case, you've been a good friend to us tonight, this provided a good laugh.

Thats not what i meant at all


I've had this several times and it is nothing. Don't let these idiots worry you. What you should do is monitor it over the course of a week or So (apply polyspourin or something like that if you have it lying around)

it's the herp until proven otherwise.


Fucking retards don't even know their own physiology enough to know they have an ingrown hair.....

you have HIV, congratz user

Looks like crotch aids to me. Seek help asap

Fuck you asshole you don't understand how bad it was hurting i had to ask someone im not gonna go ask my real life friends and show they fucking dick acting like im retarded at least i asked about it unlike you, you probably would get herpes and just let it eat you away stupid fuck

Takes years. Obviously not next day bro

Are you sure?
Im just fine i dont have to go to the doctors

I recommend beating up whoever gave it to you. Make sure to blow up their social media publicly so people know they gave it to you. Don't hold back. Serve justice. That's clearly not treatable and whoever spread that to you set you up to fail.
>source: I'm a doctor

Can you at least tell me if it's an STD

It is herpes. Textbook case. Do you know who have it to you? You can tell the health department and get them on the books for being dirty. Or call them out in a text/social media. Probably the latter.

Or can I at least know who you are to show your an actual doctor

Ok i need to know if your a real doctor first

or get fucked by a nigger?

Lol I honestly think OP should live stream a suicide because it looks like aids better to die now than in your last days of miserable pain back me up bros

Pretty sure it's not herpes, herps are fluid filled blisters that are common in clusters and don't bleed like that.
Looks like a zit, ingrown hair, boil or a cut.

If you're still afraid then go to a doc, why sit and have panic attacks over it?

Everyone is saying its herpes if anything i believe that you can't con me into killing myself newfag

its a penis... dont panic... its supposed to be there

But everyone is telling me different im trying to get to the bottom of it

looks like it may be a brown recluse bite... thats a spider in case your dumbass didnt know

Ill keep you guys updated tomorrow this is to much stress

Are they lethal?

While you are sleeping, your genitals are attached by these creatures. Eventually, they will lay eggs in your brain.

What do you expect from a bunch of autists?

It's flesh-eating radioactive mutant stag beetles swarming your body while you sleep..

It's actually giant Blood Worms. While you sleep, they exit your rectum and begin biting you..

Trust me I'm a doctor he's right

Hey man. Looks like a bad ingrown hair. Did you try to pop/ squeeze it when you first noticed bump? If you did, you could have opened the wound and caused the tenderness/ bleeding. Hell it could have opened up by chaffing on underwear if you're active. Is that your only one? If so, I wouldn't freak too bad.

