Sharing room with mother in my brothers trailer borderline homeless. What's up with you guys?

Sharing room with mother in my brothers trailer borderline homeless. What's up with you guys?
pic related

Is your mom hot? Post pics pls

Heee. No definitely not worth

Goddamn, atleast keep it clean.

Prove it. Anyone that's asked if their mom's hot is going to deny it regardless

Nowhere to put shit and it gets piled

That's a fair point but will it do saying that she has to use a cpap machine

Talking about the garbage and dirty plates jackass.

I am a rat boy

Well is she fat? If not then post.

Yes she's been working out lately to cure that

I guess you have quite a problem with hygiene there.

I keep myself personally clean but not anything around me

How fat are we talking here? Just a bit of belly chub and thicc thighs or full blown land whale with 60 inches of girthy leg?

Bout in the middle

Here you go. Taken when mom was going for groceries.

Show pix of you fucking your mom

She's failed as a parent and is only good for sex

I'm not sure how I could get away with that one.
Especially because she's overwhelmingly "Catholic"

Where are you from?


Are you guys gypsy?

I wish that was the excuse

Your mother looks very European.

Nice place

I didn't post that

Wanna come over?

So what happened for your life to get to that point?


Lol that made it funny though. I'm too gullible.

Old landlord cucked us over after we did plenty of work on the house we were in and after all of it she kicked us out and is suing us for 25k

Why the fuck are Jews responsible for your life condition? I don't understand why we're blamed for everything bad in the world.


This is now a shitty room thread.

She was also lesbian


Post away

I'm sorry that happened to you brother. I know how it's like to be poor, desperate and depressed. Life can change though. It has for me. I'm lucky to be quite well off after growing up in absolute poverty. So hang in there, your luck might change.

alright bro. Time to get off Sup Forums, you can't seem to resist the trolls


Thank you I'm trying to figure what I'm gonna do through this

Do you sleep in the cage?

That's a really comfortable mess


How old are you? Have you considered emigrating?


Once I get enough dollar just turned 19 no diploma bc she thought homeschool was a good idea but didn't even go through with it

Where's the cage?

Roma gypsys r not fkin european

How do you masturbate?

On the floor next to his chair.

Micro bathroom

Well as long as it is not trash or old food, I think this bitch knows what shes doing lol

and op don't worry just work or work harder find 2 jobs, get a bike, just get some spending money and clean up when bored, you problem will go away SLOWLY.

I'll try my best here

Like I said if you get a little cash you can even by those boards that faggot streamers use and make a micro room in a corner if you clean up enough and make space.

That would be op but kinda annoying to move out of the way when putting down the bed but definitely possible

put the temporary wall board in front of the bed and use floor supports, make the right sight moveable so you can go in and out if you wed it out of place, you gotta rearrange alot lol but good luck, it could be worse. Better start saving now even a dish washer is not bad, never get sick and work everywhere.

make the right side* moveable so you c an go in and out if you wedge* it out of place

Man am i high.

Been there man, lived in a trailer with my mom and little brother for about a year, same thing got fucked out of our house after a new rental company took over. I actually didn't mind we lived at a pretty damn nice rv resort, and everyone was really nice. Just the living space was tight. And it does get messy fast lol. You should probably just sell your computer and kill yourself though. It never gets better. Haha jk dude keep yo head up. And clean the small space you have faggot.

10/10 cozy house
would never leave

can you jerk off without your mother hearing it in the night?
or maybe you want her hearing you doing it.
I bet you did it at least once knowing she can hear you, maybe even see you.

I'll try to make the best of it thank.
Also chek'd

Maybe a smidge

Any pics of you fucking your mom?

Still dry on that