Dubs decides

Dubs decides

Sup snaggletooth


"Send tit pic faggot, and roast beef too"

R e r o l l

Just one more

What's up rammadan steve!


Omg you're beautiful, you remind me a lot of my sister....
We don't speak anymore after she found the spy cam in the bathroom.
Will you call me Sup Forumsro when we fuck?

your tits were made for tittyfucking

Nice Bush

i was just wondering how much you cost for a night?!?

So your Mum and uncle were close then...


if you were on fire i'd probably piss on you to save your life baby.

I'll conquer your shithole


Link her this thread

OP is a faggot that wont deliver

May I touch your poopie place.

Let me fuck your face and I might knock your teeth straight

are traps gay?

What is 12″ long and makes a woman moan all night?
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.


OP = faggot

OP's a faggot again?

So I know you from somewhere?