I wonder if it'll show the dark period in Sheldon's life when his autism so drove him into loneliness and depression that he became addicted to trap and furry threads on Sup Forums and didn't snap out of it until his dad finally smacked him upside the head, sold his katana and made him buy an xbox instead.

From what I've seen from the preview commercials, I think your on the right track.

We can dream.

I hope he brings a fucking rifle into his school at the end of season 1 and fucking massacres everyone.

Big Bang Theory and this show are for stupid people who wants to feel smart but not understanding the punch line to intellectual jokes.... you're all sub human niggers for pretending to enjoy it

I give it 1 or 2 Seasons

>exactly the same as all television

Yeah I'm sure you visit Sup Forums and only watch Nova.

3 until it's cancelled.


You wildly underestimate how much people like the Big Bang theory.

Big bang theory is insanely trash

>gatekeeping this hard

Yet you're on Sup Forums

is this a joke?

no joke now, really.
i have watched some episodes from HIMYM, BBT when i was visiting a friend, he was laughing and shit, seriously he finds this funny, the jokes and all.
I cant even understand whats so funny about this, it gives me cancer to watch BBT, everything in this tv show is just 100% not funny. its so bad i cant even laugh because its so fucking bad. all characters, the jokes, nothing is 1% funny or what it should like.



the jokes are usually basic,
-a few ones that are either specific to a specific study (basically an inside joke) or ones where you have to think about it for a min


Whenever someone i know watches these with me in the room i always laugh in sync with the "audience" laugh.

No one watches this shit with me any more.


>for stupid people who wants to feel smart but not understanding the punch line to intellectual jokes
This is... poorly worded, to say the least.


I wanted to beat the shit out of this guy since I first saw him as an adult. Now I want to beat the shit out of him as a kid, too!

I fucking hate this character, he needs to be skinned alive and made an example of, so that no fictional character ever dares follow his footsteps.

Who cares. I tried watching Big Bang Theory and literally fucking fell asleep from how bad it was.


I don't have high hopes for Young Sheldon, but BBT is an utterly innocuous sitcom that distinguishes itself from many others by having somewhat pleasant characters. I watched most of it on long plane rides. Didn't hate it.

Why is this show such udder shit? I've had penal sugary that was funnier. And now a prequel?? Jesus god, you guys would watch fucking paint dry

Thank you. Atleast some people make sense

Calling it right here mother fuckers

Sheldon will have a black teacher that he's sexually attracted to.

I bet any one of you mother fuckers they're going to do it.

Ooooh I do love Nova. And PBS Spacetime.

Isn't the rapture or apocalypse or planet x crashing into earth or something supposed to happen Saturday? That might be our only hope

The characters are the worst part.

Sheldon is a dipshit who makes unreasonable demands all the time and is fucking obnoxious, and yet he's enever called on it. 75% of conflicts in the show could be solved by just telling Sheldon to shut the fuck up, and yet no one ever does.

Leonard is a little bitch, who is nowhere near handsome, successful, pr smart enough to be as egotistical as he is.

Raj is gay.

Howard is just "le silly pick up artist man" + Jew stereotype.

Penny is just awful. She's a huge slut, stupid, mean, a mooch, shallow, useless, says cuntish shit all the time, and just generally a huge bitch, yet Leonard is in love with her for some reason and we're all supposed to find her endearing somehow.

Fuck that show.

So, Malcolm in the middle with Sheldon? Why...

I never had all the hate that losers here and on reddit and throughout the internet had for the original show, its fine. Not great, not that awful, it amuses some people. But I don't get this spin off. Even if you liked or were fine with BBT I don't know anyone who thought this sort of spinoff was desirable. Not sure how this got approved.

No, its just a sitcom that has some nerdy and tech jokes that are very simple because it has wide appeal. You really have issues if you think you are superior to its audience or that its audience is trying to "feel smart". "Nerdy" stuff has been mainstream for years now and this sitcom just milked that for some simple comedy fodder. THat's all it is. Stop attaching other peoples identity to it and your own to being opposed to it, its pathetic.

Shows have been spewing techno mumbo-jumbo for years. Donatello in TMNT is the same sort of character. All that happened is as gaming and being a movie nerd and computers and tech have all become mainstream it became possible to have a sitcom with several of these characters as main characters rather than one techie side character.


I'm an asshole and proud of it. I do petty things to ruin others enjoyment of things because I need to feel superior about primetime television choices. I'm going to die alone with a forced smirk on my face as I fail to convince myself I made the right choices in life.

Me neither. I have feeling iz going to bombbbb.


hahahahahahah that's hilerius.

that's the point moron - he is autistic and you have to put up with his bullshit.

I bet the show is going to have transgendered, openly gay people and who knows how many other things that wouldn’t have existed when Sheldon was young.

>Penny is just awful.
Yeah, but...

Ugh, another Cali 7 with a decent body and some notoriety being lauded across middle murica as So fukkin hot broh.

For that ass to be worth putting up with her shit she better be lettin me go balls deep in it every chance I get.

>lettin me
i'm bigger than her, she has no say in the matter. my dick will get berried in that fat ass

seriously, is there not a show today that isn't filled with fags, transfags, niggers showing whitey the way, stupid white men, etc. why would this one be any different. i can't go 3 clicks on netflix without a homo or a minority hero worship movie.

they should have a show of Penny back in her po dump town getting a train ran on her by the football team and she sucks off every nigger in her high school.

Fucking die all of you. This show will be fucking autistic. It truly baffles me how people criticize actual good shows and movies for not having 1 thing that they wanted in there but to them the Big Bang theory and this fucking audacity are god sends. FUCK YOU ALL. THIS WILL NOT BE A GOOD SHOW AND IT NEVER WILL BE. FUCK YOU ALL FOR MAKING THIS FUCKING HEADACHE SO POPULAR

Can't believe I'm saying this... I'd rather watch the same fucking shit episode of rick and morty over and over and over again with the same stuttering and god hating jokes for hours and hours on end then watch a single minute of the big autisic theory or young Sheldon. What a waste of time slots on tv