Catfishing a chick

Catfishing a chick

Need someone to post their giant cock with the timestamp 6:40PM EST and that says For Sil

You need to be white because I am too, this chick gives videos for dick pics

thanks Sup Forumsros

If you're willing to show your face in another pic with a similar timestamp then that would be even better, just face, doesn't need dick in it too.

Enjoy pepperoni nips in the pic.

Other urls found in this thread:

first, you give grill pic relateds
2th you give proof u need em
3th ???
4th we got profit no matter what happens after 1

shit I didn't even know there were rules to this, hold on.

like fags ever did anything without nudes or lulz

Come on Sup Forums

if OP does post some shit i might do it, or just give me her snap i'll send dick and tell her it was you

I am OP, I can show a reddit PM of her asking

yes i know it's reddit, safe than doing it from my phone.

id fuck the shit out of her

Big enough? 9 inch

Yeah, need a timestamp that also says 'For Sil'

Does she have Kik?

might scare her off... Things a monster

Nope, for some reasons she uses Reddit. Probably doesn't want her phone number involved in anyway even though kik wouldn't know it.

idkwtf I didn't just upload the pic here


fuck yeah bro, thanks

faggot who wants to see dude's post their cock

post results

Nope, but that shit does occur often


IM glad I can use my cock for good


I got more but they have face, she said if I share any pics don't share the face stuff.

I see no reason to cause her drama

Crop or blur the face out then

Yes sir MR big dick sir

What's wrong with your dick? Too small?

I'm actually black and she wants white.


Well, I don't blame her. I respect her decision, nigger

jokes on you, I'm white and know better than to put my dick on the internet, especially when plenty of bros will do it for me.

You said you were white in the OP... no dick for you, nigger

Packing like 2 inches aren't you faggot


jokes on you I'm really big dick mcgee and my dick is too famous to go online

It's the bro that gave you his large pingus here, why actually didn't you use yours? Because it's not Giant? If so that's not something to be ashamed of

No, the joke's in your pants


This bait, lmao

get a life cuck

It's not bait, I'm the guy. I swere...

Oh god user just stop

Prove it.

Forget timestamp, just write "OP IS A FAGGOT" on your junk

fag detected

Don't catfish bro you don't need to do that to urself. Just let me smash

Give me her contact info, I'll show her a real dick



No chance it will be bigger than If so prOve it my man

Who dis slut? Samantha Rone?

gigafaggot? Isn't that a bit much bro?

The twist is there is no girl and OP is actually catfishing *us*.

With great cock, comes great responsibility

Nah you ballbag
