So apparently the world's supposed to end tomorrow again. Any thoughts Sup Forums?

So apparently the world's supposed to end tomorrow again. Any thoughts Sup Forums?

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No one knows when they end will come and those that say they do are liars. That being said my body is ready.

What's the story this time?

Again? What makes it different this time?

A christian "scientist" thinks the world's ending because of last months eclipse. Supposedly the 12th planet will smash into Earth tommorow.


Pick one


you mean pluto?

Don't get my hopes up OP, been through a lot of these "end is nigh" things. I hope every time it's for real this time.

>spoiler: still alive

do you ever think that this happens

>god in the heavens "this should be nice for the new humanoids im creating, fuck those assholes figured out when the apocalypse is coming. well better move it to another 5 years. I want to catch them when they least expect it."

I've got to go take a shit.

About time

i mean its a load of shit but might as well get shitfaced anyways just in case right

>when they least expect it

Honestly by this time, someone can say another bullshit date and no one will believe them. Then bam, it happens. Like reverse psychology.

Better be fucking real this time I'm like $300 in debt

that is so true hundreds tried to predict the end and were wrong.

If it doea I love user sluts.

Back from taking a shit.

What if it ended already and you're all actually part of my psychological social output just like everyone else. What if I'm the only real one? What if you are? What if we are just living in some fucked simulation and they give us terrible political and weather like updates so they can watch us squirm.

What's true life, user?

What if im the only real one and you just posted that to try and trick me into thinking im not the only one who has this thought proving im not in a simulation but in "reality" tricking me but im just a simulation posting this to try and trick you into thinking your not a simulation

nah, m8...that's this


>supposed to end tomorrow
Anybody got a timeframe or just sometime randomly after midnight gmt? I don't want to sleep through it, but if it's gonna be like 4am local time forget it, the world can end without me.

4800 east coast specific time

>end tomorrow again

.. but srsl, I went to Sup Forums and asked, and it seems they're already moving the goal posts (or simply running off with them) and are now claiming that the prophecies never said anything about the world ending, or even any actual happening on 9/23 -but that this date is merely the date where something.. kinda.. begins, yeah. So, there we have it.


and shit and such.

quick link the moon is falling save us

What time tomorrow? I have a date and I was really kinda hoping I'd get some!

oh great, there's the new date.

.. and so it begins again.


If it was going to happen tomorrow then we'd see this planet in the sky.

>it's been september 23rd on the other half of the world for hours and nothing's happened
>it must only count in the US

The Mormons were right!

If i had a dollar for every time the world was supposed to end I'd be able to go get a nice dinner.

Almost every year someone says this shit.


Its already tomorrow in Australia

not if it's coming from underneath us

>Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb!

The prophecy has been fulfilled

And is nobody going to check this nigga's quads? I got you nigga.

Dam it I remember the last time the world ended it sucked

Oh shit. Thanks friend, I didn't even notice.

been thru y2k it was harmless
been thru June 6 2006 nothing happened
been thru 2012 nothing happened
September 23 bring it


Hugh Ross The Science of Genesis and the Anthropic Principal

>>East Coast

A genius amongst us.

yeah, fuck what you christ-tards think. the world is not ending. fuck you.

welcome to heaven motherfuckers

Feels like hell

OMFG now that i checked his quads i can definitely day tomorrow, thank you!

Don't mention it friendo.

if we want to see tomorrow we have to play the oath to order


that would explain why in the bible it said something how the skies would look like 3/4 of the stars are falling (because of the collision and the atmosphere hitting the object)

Hey look a fag

same as any other conspiracy on Sup Forums

trolls trolling trolls

Fingering my bum hole.

ha! you believe in god. lol!

Bring it on.

Your thinking is no less dogmatic than that of a christian

It's already tomorrow in Australia so I would not worry to much

How the world would end in one day? Is it going to be just a moment withing this day? Poof, gone?

Final question, on a scale of 1-10, how retarded is the idea of the world conveniently ending when foretold?

What tf do you mean bottom?

exactly 666, fuck the christfags

What makes humans so special to be around when the earth gets destroyed? Seriously, there were billions of years prior to our existence. We don't mean shit to the universe

fucking christfags don't get that.

I fucking hope so

Atheists don't either. Fucking humans are dumbucking idiots that think their meager intelligence warrants some special honor like a downs syndrome retard winning a metal for keeping his pants up during the entire 10 meter dash.

$300 is my lunch bill. Talk to me when you're 6 figures in debt

jews for the win

i'm busy tomorrow

i'll attend the next one OK

Yea, you believe rocks hold moral messages and worshit gold cows after the Egyptians run your lazy asses out

sure nigger, I bet that's what you say about your son's baseball games.

muslims for the win!

Pick one

Because we are on top of pancake earth not the bottom