Every fucking day in this fucking piece of shit of comunnity just jerking off working buying food and supplies to the...

every fucking day in this fucking piece of shit of comunnity just jerking off working buying food and supplies to the next day whats the reazon to keep on living¿

Living isn't so bad for me, guess I'll just relax.

its an exausting meaningless routine i wish i had the balls to kills my self im just tired up ahead everything just seems fateless

There isn't a reason

I'm just going to exhaust my body before I kill myself, Because this ATM is better then nothing (death).

find someone to jerk off into

What is the reason for dying?

To do it all over again tomorrow fag



boi thats not the problem il go directly into a gay chat lobby and find some dick to suck on and drink its cum

>whats the reazon to keep on living

there isn't one, we just do.

Deep af

there is no meaning but there is pain and suffering and we all know that they suck. but by being alive you have the ability and therefore the responsibility to reduce the suffering of others in the universe in whatever small way you can. if you kill yourself that's still a win for suffering, sure you end your own suffering but that's just the suffering of one. at the same time you're inflicting it on others and removing your potential to reduce it in others simultaneously

I live to serve God. My best friend and lover died, I think of her every day and want desperately to be with her. So I looked for a higher purpose in life, and I found in God. I pray every day, read the Bible, and try to serve him, by listening to what He has to say. Not a church, or religion, I listen to God directly. God takes care of me, and makes me feel loved. That's my reason, hope it helps.

in other words you need to adopt a noble aim in life and take on some real responsibility, something too important for you to get distracted wallowing in self pity

What's his youtube channel? I wanna hear him too.

Do you know WHY your life is so terrible? Or do you just blame the blacks/jews.
If you do know why your life sucks, why are you not fighting it?

The only reason I can come up with to keep on living is the unknown. You don't know what is going to happen if you kill yourself. I don't like to make uninformed decisions. Who knows, you could get reincarnated as someone in an even worse situation. Of course you might just be at peace for eternity, that would be cool. I certainly hope there isn't some judgmental god that wants us to burn for eternity but it wouldn't surprise me, this world sucks bad enough to believe it.

>So I looked for a higher purpose in life, and I found in God

i have no use for false hope

I live to see this skeezy fucker and his grifter family go to prison.

>What's his youtube channel?

I started reading the Bible, instead of having others tell me about it, there were verses in there about you testing God to see if He would answer, and I did, and He answered. So I started believing, not what some preacher told me, what I read and found out for myself.

When my S.O. died, I seriously had no other reason to go on, she was everything for me, I had money, a nice job, great health, but all I wanted was her, and I could never have her. So I sorta dedicated myself to Him, cuz otherwise, my life has no meaning.

I am not trying to sell you my fish, just my story, sorta answering the question posed on the thread, but if I found my reason, I am sure you can to.