Medfags unite! I need help. This rash is keeping me from having sex and hinders work. Painful and itchy...

Medfags unite! I need help. This rash is keeping me from having sex and hinders work. Painful and itchy, white/yellow fluid and scabs over. Not parasite or std, my girl would have it too from sex and sleeping in the same bed, no change in diet, soaps, or detergent. Put antibiotic cream, no effect. Thought it was heat rash, used hydrocortisone and aired out, no effect. Keeps on spreading and is on my stomach now. Please help! Will transfer license from any steam game in my library.

Might be poison ivy.
Go to a doctor and get some Prednisone or some shit. Maybe a steroid cream.

Looks like you shaved yourself and it's now festered in to a bad case of simple razor bump. If you're going to shave your pubes, you need to prep the skin and take care of it afterwards, and even then it only mitigates the bumps, not eliminate them completely. The key is moisturizing, using a fresh razor, and not letting it get all dry afterwards. Also, don't scratch. Sounds easier said than done, but scratching only agitates it worse.

Bed bugs?

Naw dude.
He said it spreads.
Meaning it's a poison rash.
Get steroids from a doc, op.

Fungus. Try Tea Tree oil (or some other anti fungal cream). Also, stop shaving for a bit, you're only aggravating it.

OP here, it popped up while they were full length. Thought it was heat rash, so I trimmed them with an electric trimmer.

Buy athlete's foot spray, like tinactin. It'll clear up your rash. What you have is a form of ringworm. I'm certain. Seriously. Also, steroid cream would work, but usually requires a prescription.

Thanks. Best advice so far. I'll try it.

Fungal infection of hair folicle. Get some cream from the doctor.

Or alternatively the cheap-ass way; keep the area dry during the as much as possible. Use hand sanitizer five times a day on it.

Source: Folliculitis. I had it for years, my girl never contracted it, Dermatologist suggested Tea tree oil (Super cheap and effective anti-fungal). it immediately started disappearing and is completely gone now.

Oral or directly applied?

Athletes foot is also a fungal infection.

Direct. Never take it orally

You will smell like a fresh cut lawn for a while though...

Lol try it orally and you'll very quickly figure it out

This cause from shaving, I’ve seen her legs covered in it. You used the wrong soap.

It's either a fungal infection or scabies, doesn't look like scabies though so probably fungal.

I had a fungal infection a while ago you get get cream over the counter. If you're embarrassed just say you have athletes foot and need some cream.

Next time stay away from the disposable razors and use Nair.

Dude wtf is wrong with people like you ? When shit like this happens you don't ask random strangers on the internet who are notorious for fucking with people


Stop shaving upwards dipshit that all it is not major std