Anyone here willing to kill me for money? I'm a girl btw

Anyone here willing to kill me for money? I'm a girl btw.


Depends how much for femanon.

PM style?

giv mig din adresse


Nej men jeg vil gerne stikke min pik i dig for penge.

Vis os dine patter i stedet

Can it be with a gun? Like shoot me in the head kind of thing?

Can you pay me in sexual services?

only if i can rape your corpse

Yes I'm danish

I would be willing to pay you for sex

Så lad os da se dine patter forhelvede



I can pay with money or sex I don't care really I just want to die afterwards


Så post et billede af din krop.

Hvis nogen kan modes inde i assistenskirkegården?

Tell you what, i'll take you on a hunting trip and we can have a "boomstick" related accident. Sex first of course.

top kek

If I can fuck you do death, I don't need any other compensation. I'm just 30 km south of Aarhus.

I don't want it to be painful, we can have sex and then just shoot me in the head afterwards

Skal vi arrangere en gruppevoldtægt?

helst ikke.

I recommend choking with a pillow while I stimulate you to an orgasm.

Du er ikke frisk på at blive misbrugt af en stor gruppe mænd?

Jeg har en ledig plads på min ubåd.

Hvis jeg må slå dig ihjel og så kneppe dit lig så er det fint.

Hvordan kan du være serios når du ikke engang vil poste patter.

if choking to death isn't too painful, it's mainly the pain i'm afraid of.


Er ret ligeglad hvad du bruger mit lig til

Nordsjællands luder

if your an ethnic European Danish girl then no way. If you're an african or middle eastern migrant pretending to be Danish because you get benefits then I will be happy to oblige.

vi lader det bare gå på omgang

Too bad submarine-madsen is in jail. He would be perfect for the job.

Jeg har ikke lyst til at slå dig ihjel og kneppe dig hvis du er grim. Post et billede af din kusse og patter.

Born here, middle eastern background, will that suffice?

Pale with brown hair though so it's a bit difficult to tell.

It's painless and suffocating while having an orgasm is a wide spread fetish.

But why should we continue this sharade. Wishfull thinking? Of course you are trolling. But it gave me nice ideas, so 8/10.

The numbers tell me you need to vacate this plane of existance. But I can't be arsd traveling to Denmark today so good luck in your en devour.

Did he deliver a coherent reason yet why he killed and dismembered the woman? The whole mess seemed a bit rushed and pretty amateurish.

Why dont we go eat at Bones instead? They got good ribs, perhaps maybr we could talk about life stuff. Death aint the way my dude

If you are close to the location you can meet me there and find out, you got nothing to lose other than a bit of time.

I think you should focus on finding out why u are unhappy and feel like dying... Find a new hobby or a new interest to be passionate about. You might find that life isn't so bad after all.


88 kek


Please stop saying that, I'm tired of people trying to change my mind and extending my life, I wanted to end it years ago. Nothing is going to change with or without hobbies.

agreed, need proof of eagerness and sex

Ok lad os modes. Jeg knepper dig imellem et buskads og så finder vi ud af om du er serios og aftaler derfra?


>close to the location
Got no target coordinates yet.

This guy is on it. Lets all go out to a nice restaurant and have a good meal and some hearty laughs together. Lets drown all of our sorrows in a big bowl of strawberry ice cream!

... and organize a mass suicide

Jeg skal nok skjyde dig
-sand neger

Jeg forstår dig. Lad os modes, jeg knepper dig, ser om du er serios, og så kan vi aftale hvordan vi gor. Knepper også dit lig der nok bliver brandt og begravet langt fra hvor du bor.