Are they the future?

Are they the future?

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China is the only one that is actually developing.

Imagine if America just decided to go full European and take all five of them out before they had a chance

>that fucked up Brazil, Russian and SA flag

>Lumping Brazil and Russia with China and India
and I don't even know what the fuck South Africa is doing there.

China, India
Brazil, Russia
>Lol no
South Africa
If Brazil gets their political shit together, then it´s a Yes.

Brazil was developing rapidly when that group was created, until it stagnated with all the political turnmoil. They probably included SA when they realized they lacked a nigger leader in their group. I would´ve included Nigeria instead of SA, but maybe t wasn´t adequate at the time.
Im also rooting for MINT (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey

Only india.
China is already fucked

BETA version of USA wait for development

Only has military

A literal zergrush.
A lot of manpower,retarded people with shit values,a shittier,weaker china
the future enemy of the world
>south africa

>implying anybody is capable of overthrowing our global American overlords

You feel that 12 inch (black) pole up your ass? That's freedom. It's not going anywhere anytime soon so you better get used to it.

Typical Australian, espousing cuckold statements in favor of Amerika

BRICS should be part of EVIL

>A literal zergrush.

They were supposed to be the chosen ones, but they have failed to fulfill this fate.

China is the future, Russia and India are wild cards. Brazil will continue to be mediocre.

Can we replace Brasil?

only when your economy be among the top 10
until there you're no better than SA

do you want to replace SA?
How wonderful would it be, BRICP


Brazil will be the future. The economic liberalism ideology and the right wing is growing much faster here.

BRINC would ruin it, it had to be BRICS so it sounds like bricks, like it's building something other than failure.

>monroe doctrine cuck
economic liberalism is cancer
if you are for economic liberalism you are cuck

yeah top kek m8

Brazil needs another 50 years at least

Brazil needs to stop being short-sighted imo, they have the resource curse and outs fucking them over.


>India, China, Brazil

Sure, why not


Nah lol

>South Africa

ummm no sweety xx

>people surprised about South Africa
Wikus van de Merwe will take care of those prawns.

BRICS? lol that's a 2012 terms
More like RICS


>Hues, drunk poor slavs, poo in loos, deadly escalators, and Planet of the Apes: the country

South Africa is in the process of killing itself rn, you won't be alone as a former BRICS country.


>Brazil: It's a shithole but has potential. They need a major cultural shift though
>Russia: No my dude
>India: Superpower 2020 memes aside they have the most potential on the list. Lots of work to be done
>China: Increasingly 1984-tier totalitarian nightmare with no law other than the party's desire. Very successful but might get JAPAN'd if they keep bailing out their zombie corporations
>South Africa: No my dude

Why the fuck is Russia so lowballed?

>bunch of absolute shitholes nobody would ever want to live in

>They need a major cultural shift though

closed, micromanaged markets do not prosperity make

our GDP per capita is like 5x yours and our total exports are 2x yours despite having like 1/6 the population my dude. You need protestantism in your life

>our GDP per capita is like 5x yours and our total exports are 2x yours despite having like 1/6 the population my dude. You need protestantism in your life
fuck off, if southern europe can do it so can we, also what use does GDP have when you are a miserable nihilistic autistic fuck than cant do anything but cry and work

Well for starters they have like negative birthrates

>You need protestantism in your life
when will this meme end?

hmm perhaps you should take a break and enjoy some delicious soup instead of thinking about all this "working" stuff

Protestantism is the source of the Anglo's and the Nordic's success

not really, your "success" is unironically living miserably and individualistic, caring only about richness and boasting your superiority through graphics and numbers created by yourself only to justify your own "superiority" and point out how inferior the rest is. The best example of the success of nordic and anglo countries is unironically Sup Forums, a place where people waste their lives debating their superiority and pushing superficial analysis and philosophy about the world in your own POV circlejerk that way justifying your own way of life and misery and that way enable you to keep on believing in this endless cycle of superiority and misery as the way of life

England, Germany etc. were sucessful countries compared to other European ones when they were still Catholic as well.

>bricks, like it's building
or being shat by the enemies amirite

>Brazil acting like his country isn't a shithole
Hue, must be real fun being in one of the most violent countries on Earth

Right now you are literally doing what he described, though.

>Hue, must be real fun being in one of the most violent countries on Earth
see this is exactly like I was talking about, It's not about seeing the good things about some countries or cultures, or actually solving problems but to actually point out their inferiority and laugh about them. Also create a whole system and culture to push this as the global standard, ridiculize those that are against and create a global collective conscience about it. Literally what every global MSM, social network do nowadays.
So what does that site indicate for Brazilians then Joao? :^)

Yes, but I am not the one pushing for post-modernist shit

Meant for

autistic people that hate their country and want it to be like the US by killing leftists and having military dictatorship

they are demographically fucked, but will still continue to grow economically (just not as fast).

Go look on 55chan then Slovenia for a comparative autism study

Almost like all chans are for autistic retards and have little bearing on real life populations?

That is Slovakia.

Alright thanks, I don't have many memes for Slovakia and Slovenia.

well yeah, since it's anonymous and all posts with the most (you)s and not the best content are those regarded as the best posts. It's literally an echo chamber for the thoughts of the chan culture, which most of the time is created for the people that apart of society and moderated for this to continue therefore not really a changer of status quo or a knowledge enabler for the posters. Chan system was created based on japanese culture, which relies on the posters being educated and rudeness, sarcasm, fake knowledge is considered a bad thing meanwhile in the west it isn't. Hence why it's doomed from the start

Only India and China
Brazil and specially Russia will not be

Making fun of others for allowing gays and niggers isn't all that effective when your flag is Canadian.

>You need protestantism in your life
some of the most protestant countries in the world are irremediable shitholes
the source of your success is smart decisions, war and colonialism.

>Only India and China

They're about 600 million people past an optimal population size.

>Brazil is a riot, just waiting for another junta
>Russia is fucked because emperor putin just wants to annex his neighbours
>India still shits in the street and can't pay taxes because lol corruption
>China is coming up to the point their middle class find their government can't deliver
>South Africa, is going the way of Zimbabwe

Brics was a meme then, its a meme now

>Brazil is a riot, just waiting for another junta
Lula will win the elections in 2018

Prisoners cant be elected

>he believes moro will arrest lula
silly silly boy, even globo is already desperate. Lula already won and the people believe more in him than at Lava-Jato. You can see that by the polls, even with the demoralization and difamation of him, he keeps on growing. PSDB is ded, Bolsonaro is a meme, PMDB is ded too, the left is the only one growing like hell

>What’s also interesting about the CNT polls is the high number of undecided, blank, and null votes: 70 percent.

lel, go vote you lazy cunts!

Seems to have offended you enough to reply

>february polling
this one is the last one

voting is mandatory here m8

I don't think so.

Russia is already collapsing and falling apart, there will be no this country on the world map by 2020, mark my words.

in a way they are since there are loads of ppl who cant afford anything
once they can theyll be a huge market and the 1st world will benefit from selling shit over there massively

what if we became the first world nations and the rest of the world succumbed to the destruction of their own values?

Brazil should turn Sao Paulo into another state, you have a quarter of your population living in Sao Paulo while the rest are unpopulated shitholes

well all industries and jobs are in SP, what can we do

Develop the rest of your country

Well for that we need a strong government and not one submissive to the US

>this flag
>this post

Literally 95% of your country is an uninhabitable shithole.

Brazil needs to restart it's auto industry and nuclear program.

Why would ANY administration in Brazil like the US. Our government doesn't like you. Why do you think you and argentina were left out of TTP and TISA and spy on you?

And only half of Brazil is, mini-Australia

I don't think the U.S views Brazil as a formidable opponent you guys are more like that weird exchange student that everyone thinks tries to hard, but fails. Also joining BRICS isn't really what I would call submissive to the U.S

that wont happen
consumer needs are too big
you all want iphones, intels, bmws, HD samsung tellies etc

and those companies will capitalize on it, killing any competition
then the rest will come, importing food you could just grow locally, banks to lend you money, insurance companies to make your purchases safe
you will be a colony again

Because you guys pay up our right-wing policians and most of them are paid by multinational corporations that have ties to the US and want our country to be a giant Chile, literally a giant cheap commodity exporter to your multinationals.
>Why do you think you and argentina were left out of TTP and TISA and spy on you?
Also that happened because Mercosur and you guys spy on us either way
Our nowadays government literally let the US army to hold military drills at the Amazon, and wants to destroy the worker's legislation and capped every state investment at 2% of the GDP, also is selling our newly discovered oil reserves to Texaco and other American multinationals

what the fuck are you doing to your country

China is your largest trading partner now though. Don't they have politicians they own? The wp?

Well China doesnt have the global reach the US have. For China it's interesting to have a strong brazil, because they mainly buy our stuff not mattering if cheap or expensive, meanwhile the US has a stronger presence due to global companies seeing us as a market, therefore they push for globalization, a weaker government and a weaker Brazil that gives them power over our commodities and politicians. That's why the media, companies and the high-strata usually are for the US and the right-wing, meanwhile the general population due to catholicism and our culture are for nationalistic candidates which usually are in the left-wing spectrum

China is the only one carrying them all.

So maybe.

Care to explain why user. How exactly is China different from SK 1945-1993?



Ummm where were you in 1989?

It isn't. They're just continuing their long steady rise and watching all the western and gook butthurt over it is incredible.

It's a meme. It's not future, its already past.

Same old same old.

>South Africa, is going the way of Zimbabwe

People have been saying that for nearly 25 years.

China will fall apart in the future like USSR, when their people realize that they can live better, and they have their firewall in order to not show this

no offense to russkies here but russia itself is just a mafia state with poor as fuck people. the moment oligarchs are done with selling off russia's resources the country collapses and people of russia left behind, humiliated and used.
russia is basically being ruled by criminals

The Chinese are worker ants they don't care