Thread of butts and of those who praise them

Thread of butts and of those who praise them

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I gotta stop watching youtube cooking shows.

Start watching mukbang shows instead.

But the problem is it makes me want to eat.

Candy eating then.

Butts are cool but id also rather worship some cute paws

Why not both?




You want me to watch videos of people eating candy?


Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. Mirror neurons and all.


Butt rubs?

I don't praise butts. I just want to use nice ones. With kinky stuff being in play, too.

Hotdamn didn't know i could pic both
Talk about the best of both worlds ^-^


Read my mind.

Who doesn't praise butts?

It gets better!

I'm not sure why I just watched someone eating candy.

>dog in latex dog suit
more of x in y latex pls

Oh lawd!

Was it Swedish candy?

How about this?

exactly what i asked for.


It was the rock eating candy for the first time since 1987.
I didn't want to watch a 20 minute video and all the other thumbnails were off putting.


I've never seen a rock eat candy, so that's kind of interesting.

Got eem

Anyone else have this (idfk what to call it) permission fetish?
It makes me rly good at edging but also rly bad since if i get ordered to cum i feel like i have to do so
Funny thing is i dont have any sub nature but this just sorta just feels right

Anyway srry for the book but anyone else have this?

I do, in a way. Usually it's set up where I post either number ranges for a roll or give it up for an user to choose from those options. Yesterday I did it in some thread like this:
1-3 fap to something
4-6 fuck a fleshlight toy
7-9 use harsh e-stim
0 user decides
I rolled 7. It was... intense.

It called submissive

whad i miss last thread

Nigga i have no desire to be dominated by some fag bro
I'd fold him in half like a garden chair
Inb4 still sub rawr xd

e-stim? My lingo isn't up to date i guess

Someonewants to buy a switch or something except that just faggotry

Electro-stimulation. It can range from really pleasant and rhythmic to hard, sharp shocks.

Wtf sounds like something quite a weird feeling
Just looked up a vix and now i kinda wanne give it a shot

Rip my grammar there

Yeah it is really odd at first, but you start to figure out what feels good, what kinda hurts a little but feels good anyway, and then what just HURTS but makes you cum. You certainly don't have to go to that extreme; I just have a bit of a masochistic streak that comes out from time to time.

The butts must flow.

Hmmm sounds to me like something I'd definitely be able to get down with
Tho i have a problem with hurting my partners

I used to date this girl that eventually wanted me to straight up punch her full fist
That shit spooked me

>wanted you to full-force punch her
>bailed on her
Wise decision. You don't want that level of trouble.

>trouble hurting partners
That's why you test it on yourself. I don't believe in the whole Old Guard One TWUE Way!!11 high-protocol nonsense where you're either dominant or submissive and to become dominant you first have to be sub for years/decades, but knowing how things feel helps getting the desired effect on whoever you're playing with.

who cares about grammar user?

what the fuck is high protocol nonsense? like victorian bdsm?
me, ill always sub, and i blame circumcision and the prostate.

Very rigid codes, high barriers to entry, all sorts of stuff like that. Not my thing.

I'm cut and some days I'm in one hell of a top/dom mode and others I'd rather get ridden by a qt trap or, ideally, a woman wielding quite the strap-on.
That thing is magic if you keep yourself in good condition.

all that exclusionary shit sounds lame as hell.
it's more my personality than my body, but my dick sure as hell doesn't feel as good to rub as my Primary Erogenous Zone, the butthole.
prostate just feels way better than the meatus

This stuffs complicated fam
Like i just need to fuck a dude already tbh
Ive only had wemon before
When i was 16 i had the chance for a treesome with a gay girly dude and a girl but i passed cuz i was to unsure at the time
And boy do i regret it

>tfw no even fingered my butt before
Unless u count a single finger tip
It just doesn't feel right to me

Wear a latex/nitrile/whatever glove, use a good bit of lube, gently massage and probe the hole till you can slip in bit by bit. When you can get to the 2nd joint or so, then feel "forward" toward your front. When you hit your prostate it should feel a bit strange, a bit good and a bit like you need to pee. You play with it enough and it feels really good. And, well, if you don't like the feeling after giving it a shot, then no big deal it's not for you.

Life is complicated man. That's what makes it fun and frustrating all at once. There are plenty of gay hookup apps/sites if you can't find anyone otherwise.

Anyway I have got to go to bed. I need to be up in 6 hours. Good luck to you!

(And thanks to whoever posted the latex/kinky stuff.)

Thanks for the advice have a good one


looks like darkgem
