So, I'm kind of late to the party on this

So, I'm kind of late to the party on this.

I've only started playing overwatch recently.
I just need some tips for my main (pic related) so I can rank up.

I like his doom fist ability, and short range burst damage on his s hand cannon - but I need to work on combo-ing his seismic slam with his rising uppercut for greater effectiveness.

Any tips?


is this a troll, or did you meant to post doomfist and post winston by accident?

Play a better game.

man you really are retarded arent you...


>posts Winston picture
>describes Doomfist
Is this a trolling attempt? What are you doing? Stop it. It's stupid.

You fucking idiot

stop playing overwatch, its a dead game and the leftovers of the comunity are fucking toxic as shit


You fucking idiot

say that to my face faggot ill 1v1 you in a custom game with my main you pussy bring it on

I'm glad I don't play that shit game

thats what I thot pussy bet you just deleted your blizzard account

It's a racist joke!

i thought only fags said "toxic"
like toxic masculinity or toxic racism or a toxic relationship.

Or toxic as in shitty and game ruining

toxic as in you can get fucking iradiated from playing the game too much, your eyes start bleeding and your skin turns a strange color after a while
i got stage 3 terminal brain cancer from that game

>everyone says overwatch is soooo toxic
>never dealt wit the Planetside 2 community

you should've just called doomfist winston's little brother

>Planetside 2 community
Theres a community? I thought there was only the zerg.

sadly, the 'comunity' is only on plebbit as Sup Forums's attempt at one is just one giant shitposting stat obsessed circlejerk


Fuck i miss PS2 before everyone quit. Some of the best times ive had in vidya ever.

it's still fun. been playing for everything except the first year. right now we're at a crossroads. the game is now generating enough money that they're actually expanding the staff with new hires. but either combined arms initiative will kill the game or critical mass will save it

Get a room

my biggest piece of advice is dont play a bad game


when you have PTSD from spending 4 hours trying to take the Crown you tend to share warstories with other survivors