Go to church

>go to church
>get shot
nice country, america


Other urls found in this thread:


>go to kids concert
>get blowed the fuck up
>go to hospital
>get acid to the face
>welcome to UK

Well if you allow any retard to buy guns, this is going to happen. Too bad you're all dumb Americunts.

It's weird that Norway still holds the world record for deadliest mass shooting kek

statistics show shootings have much higher body counts in areas that have gun restrictions

Norway is still a thousand times better than your shithole, americunt. Good luck with that manchild in white house.

The answer is very simple. MORE GUNS!

So your ass is a statistics factory. That's neat

By statistics, do you mean brietbart?

not that weird, norway cops were fucking useless, took hours to get to the island. People shit on american cops killing niggers, which is partly true, but when real shit goes down, dumbfuck euro cops can't handle shit. Hell, fucking french cops were unarmed and got shot during the paris attacks. useless euro cucks.

>only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun

or something like that.
i dont know.

Murder rates and mass shootings are completely different

well, if someone is on a shooting who do you call? you call the peope with guns...aka the police ya fuckwit

He only managed to kill 1 or 2? Why is this such a big deal? Back to >>Sup Forums

let me guess
a nigger did it
let's kneel for the niggers
because crime is a black privilege

so cite your sources

Thank fuck europe is not a police state like shithole America. Your cops can kill your fat mother and get away with it. Our cops are at leaet responsible.


Of course they are different. I don't know what point he's trying to make by that statement though. Mass shootings are a type of murder. They account for well under 1% of gun deaths though.

I want to live in Japan for non-weeb reasons. Imagine being able to walk around a city at night!

Pretty sure I'd rather be shot in the head with a gun than be doused in acid by "peaceful refugees" kek

like it would make a difference to your ugly ass face

I was thinking more of how painful it would be Mr Vanity

>be me
> be aussie
> rarely any shootings
> never any bombings
> feel bad for yanks & eurofags
> taking in violent refugees not even once

So this is the exact opposite of the Dylann Roof shooting. In this one a black guy went in and capped a bunch of white people in a church because presumably they were all engaged in some kind of "keeping him down" behavior?

>literally says he was apprehended by a legal carrier
How retarded are you?

The Sudanese aren't exactly known for being a peaceful or rational people

>have animal populations destroyed by cane toads
>Have crops killed by bunnies
>Can't play most M rated games
>absurd prices on games not totally banned
>can't go in most of the ocean
>fucking awful Internet
Yeah it's great.


White people

>have animal populations that are thriving (fuck queensland)
>Have crops killed by bunnies just like every other country with crops and rabbits
>Have R rated game system, have done for years
>absurd prices on games if your retarded and pay full price for them
>can go in the ocean because we aren't too fat to swim
>Abos are much better that niggers & mudslimes
>fucking awful Internet, that one is true

Troll harder americunt

>Live in Texas
>Living in Texas

Yeah then the church bros could defend themselves.

Sauce please. the United States is fine, and I want to know where this Chart gets its data. Some don't count self defense.

>Be anywhere else in the world
>man with knife goes to rape your ass
>reach for gun
>get ass raped because no defense from knife guy

Australia has a rape problem, and frankly, it's probably the defenseless populace.

>Walk in street at night
>implies Japan has no *knife* robberies at night
>total fucking weeb
Japan is extremely Xenophobic, goodluck user, I really hope you're japanese.


>be aussie
>rapist comes at you with knife
>reach for gun
>no gun
>get raped
nice one mate.

Most of the U.U. murder stats are confined to small areas and communities. Outside of those, the stats in the U.S. are closer to the rest of the civilized world.

An Immigrant from AFRICA is the shooter - 1000 to 1 he's a MUSLIM.


>implies everyone in america is fat
>implies niggers are worse than abos
>implies we should pay for used games like poorfags
tfw you realize that most of the people who drive on the street are fat
tfw you realize that the niggers here never stop the riots
tfw you realize that games are pricey as fuck and you buy them used anyway


If everyone in the church had a gun, they could have defended themselves. gun restrictions don't block guns, the UK has so many terror attacks and australia has an outrageous rape rate. No matter where you go bad shit will happen, atleast us amerifags can protect our fat asses.

Implying most Aussie's can't disarm some pussy with a knife, or aren't already carrying a bigger knife

>call trump manchild
>attacks president rather than show proof that gun banned places are safer
Everyone just attacks trump. STOP EUROFAG

>Australia has a rape problem, and frankly, it's probably the defenseless populace.
Sp you're in favor of Oz chicks carrying guns as a defence against rape?
Is that a thing in the US?

I own a gun myself. It doesn't mean there isn't a problem with people going crazy though.

I am pro-gun, anti-mass shooting. And if you are American you would know that there is a problem. Even in my small ass city of 45,000 in the middle of buttfuck no where has shootings all of the time. And it is spreading to even the "good" parts of the city. Places where I grew up and would hang out, even at night. Now they are basically no-go zones at night, unless you are in a car and don't plan to stop for anything. The USA does have a problem, and it isn't guns. It is the mass killings themselves.

>Implies that to defend themselves from knife is to have bigger knife
>against americans having guns for the same reason - defence from shooterfags

The shooter was black, this cannot be allowed on the news. Tell us about how the NFL are heros for not saying the pledge of allegiance.

Anymore tips, expert gaijin? Please tell me more.

Yes actually, they usually only have to shoot it if the raper doesn't just GTFO when they see the gun.

Yeah but if everyone had a gun, and children were educated in public schools, then everyone could defend themselves. Its hard to shoot up a church if everyone points a gun right back.

Japan sucks, Japan has crime just like everywhere else, expect to mugged at night via knife just as you would in the states or anywhere else.

I think you missed the point of my post. It is not the guns, it is the mentality. What you are saying is NOT happening right now. People are ignorant and uninformed. That is the problem. Americans in general on any subject only know what they learn in public school or on TV.

I must have avoided it all narrowly while I was there!

Thanks for the information guy who has never been!

>guy who has never been
Mugged at tokyo weebfag, fucking chink used a mini katana, thought it was a joke, japanese freind had to tell me this chink wanted our wallets.

...and everybody clapped!

Boom, we have to inform people. We need to add real NRA sponsored gun education in schools, biased towards pro-gun? yes. Gun safety none the less? YES

>j-j-jee a-user, if y-you love j-j-japan s-so m-m-much, w-why don't y-you just m-marry it
What the fuck do you want me to say?
>kek user you are right, japan is perfect!

It's almost like retards with nothing to live for can be any color or something

The NRA is tainted as gun toting maniacs by the media. There is no hope really, so I don't feel like I should have to inform people.

I own a gun, and if someone fucks with me to threaten my life, they will die. That is the most I am willing to contribute to the situation.

It is just shitty that a "first world" country has to deal with such bullshit. It is entirely the population's fault, I don't even blame the government at this point. Americans choose willful ignorance. And for that they pay the price by getting shot up literally everywhere.


I am just saying I have been and I've been talking to the same Japanese friend for over 6 years. And she always asks me questions about the USA, and that combined with visiting Japan has made me realize how FUCKED the USA actually is.. just leave it once and you will see that the USA is no longer the greatest nation to live in. It would be lucky to make it into the top 20.

have fun getting kidnapped by yakuza, turned into a trap, and sold to some mob boss who will rape you literally to death
>goosh goosh

Believe it or not, literally millions of people walk around cities in the United States every single night and arrive at their chosen destination totally unscathed.

Everyday violence is confined to small pockets of the country. Let's just say that night isn't the darkness you should be wary of.

But, yeah, move to Japan.

this is the worst that can happen, pic related

I have a gun and I'm all for responsible gun ownership but fuck the NRA. The amount of partisan bullshit they pull puts moderate liberals off and makes guns a more partisan issue than it needs to be. After eight years of "obumma's takin yer guns" nonsense, now they're doubling down on killing anyone who's taking your guns? Nobody's removing the second amendment any time bros.

if its gotten to the point you need the police, you previously failed a whole lot of easy steps like intelligent gun control, treating mental health, having a stable society etc

it's like everyone has flamethrowers and shit keeps on catching on fire and your response is "hey we need good guys with flamethrowers"

Not even once.

>gun safety
>population is armed
>regular atrocities
yeah gun safety will fix that.
These threads are hopeless, Americans still argue against the wacky magical connection between people having guns and people getting shot with guns.
All your arguments end when you see how countries with noguns are not crime riddled shitholes at all. In fact, the places with the most weapons are the dumpster fires of the globe.
Selling you guns is big business, you're paying double when you get used to gross bullshit like these shootings.

>not the greatest nation
Best military on the planet, in the history of mankind
Great president
Extremely Fair government system with checks and balances
Total racial and gender equality
Guaranteed freedoms of speech and religion and such
Capitalism motherfucker, privatised glory
Patriotism everywhere
Land of innovation
Massive amount of land still ready for development
World super power
All day with the natural resources
Guns Nigguh

KEK tell me another place with all these things?

America is the greatest place on Earth.

>>go to church
>>bitches masturbating inside
>nice countries, europe

>tell me a place with ANY of these things because it ain't goddamn america you monkey

At least we made it a few replies in before the trolling began.

lol fuck off Sup Forums
world leaders in mass shootings and adults who believe in angels
you've dropped the fuckin ball, america

should've used the Holy Hand Grenade.

And ppl like you are why I gtfo years ago....jesus christ.

>Australia has a rape problem

Australian here, you're an idiot.
Such a fucken dumb thing to say.

>America has gun deaths though
No. Most gun stats in america that show deaths count suicides, accidents, and self defense right next to murders.
>But countries without guns user!
They usually have high terror rates, murders, and rape rates.
>But america has gangs and stuff!
In isolated pockets. Chicago and Detroit get rolled into the mix, and it's just not fair. Crime is a part of big cities, and America has the most Major Cities (cities like Seattle, New York, Minneapolis, Houston, Sydney, London, etc.),so comparing just number of deaths isn't fair.
Still doesn't take into account the big cities and the fact that a fully rural country with 360mil. people will have much less death than an urbanized area of 360mil. Comparing countries with stats is often unfair on both sides, as few neglect many veriables, or glob them all together in a way that makes no sense.
>Guns are bad user, I'm done.
In many parts of the world, guns are viewed differently. In the US, owning a gun is a fundamental right, just like free speech.

check mate patrick

>adults who believe in angels
How is this relevant? Believing in angels doesn't automatically make you a dumb ass, it just means you have *ALOT* of faith.

I didn't know Sydney and London were in the USA, you changed my opinion oh wise McDonaldlord.

>being this faggy

Fuck, outdated statistic, my bad user

>being this faggy
kill yourself user, this is not an argument, and believing in angels doesn't make you an idiot, I personally don't, but there are people at NASA who go to church who do.

I wondered why this wasn't news here. Ah, the guys Black,

Not the guy you're replying to, but it's not really an "argument." I've lived in the United States for most of my life, many times in large cities, but I've traveled to 16 countries and the only mortal violence I've been close to was a guy getting stabbed to death after a card game... in Rio Gallegos Argentina.

You don't blame inanimate objects for the actions of humans. You don't punish law-abiding citizens for the actions of criminals. That's just common sense. If you're really so deeply concerned for the people who died, send over some flowers.

>continuing to be this faggy

guns don't kill people, people kill people. If it isn't guns, its knives, if not knives, sticks and shit.

>continuing to be this faggy
continuing to be this faggy

>continuing to continue to be this faggy

>Most gun stats in america that show deaths count suicides, accidents, and self defense right next to murders.
Hopeless stat dickering, hopeless.
>They usually have high terror rates, murders, and rape rates
You must have heard this somewhere, but no, they really don't.
>Crime is a part of big cities, and America has the most Major Cities (cities like Seattle, New York, Minneapolis, Houston, Sydney, London, etc.),so comparing just number of deaths isn't fair.
More vague stat wriggling, you shoot each other up much more than anyone in the OECD and you want to excuse it. It's like talking to a flat-earther or something
>In many parts of the world, guns are viewed differently. In the US, owning a gun is a fundamental right, just like free speech.
More vague crap. "In many parts of the world..." FOX news has killed you, the fact that guns are a right has no bearing on the fact that you shoot each other much more than anyone else in the oecd.
The NRA has been dropping these talking points via shills since the 80s. Violent crime worldwide has dropped but mass shootings in the US have risen. Oh but it's all hangfires, drunks cleaning their weapons and domestic arguments, right?
I love the USA and i have always loved guns, but this shit is so far beyond an emergency, your house is burning down and you're arguing about how to read the thermometer.

You do realize that "mental health" is a growing excused used in legal battles for the defendant right?
Much of the gun violence is caused by the state and their policies that caused a ripple effect. Take for instance the War on Drugs and the effect it's taken on Central American countries. That with a weak border, communities that are poor within our nations with illegal migrants from El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Mexico have gangs that terrorize communities. Mass shootings are terrible, but plenty of them happen in Europe(France, Austria, Norway, etc.) where they have extensive screening protocols before they give the citizen a license to own a firearm. In the states, I'm not denying there's a problem with mass shootings, but there is no feasible evidence comparing nations with different population densities, borders, political climate, etc and emulating a model of another nation would be the end all solution. A problem that I see here moreover is that people panic and look to the very state that caused this issue in the first place.

Why not give everyone a nuke, smartass. It's person, right? You're a fucking idiot.

>go to church
>get shot
nice country, america

Lil extreme but the high jump from knives and sticks to guns is valid.

A nuke is obviously different dumbass. A bullet won't flatten a city. Small caliber gun wounds are easier to treat than full deep stab wounds.
>implies guns kill people

Yank cops WERE armed and got wrecked during that sniper/parade/bomb disarming robot ordeal some months back

Yeah, it was all I could come up with.

Cops usually have a reason to kill blacks, all you hear is "he had a watergun wtf" or "it was a nerf gun in the park" the truth it usually "he was aiming an airsoft gun with the orange tip painted black at people in the park and threatened to shoot them" or "he was aiming a REAL GUN out the window and waving it around". Sick of fake sjw headlines.
