




Never happened.


lasagna exists



Clicking this shit I ain't

click it nigger, its gud


do it faggot, its worth it

You should cherish relics of old, newfriend.

holy shit is she ok


dude, i'm a fucking autistic loser with no friends drinking a whisky at 1pm and I'm not even close to living like that

That's it.

I don't even know where the fuck to begin... Why do people like you find dead bodies something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible things like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? This is very fucked up, yet crazy assfucks like you are posting dead things like it's nothing. Sick fucks, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about things like this? Let me tell you guys, you are all fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you guys even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now when they have someone they've known die. You are all such disgusting bullies. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you guys really find funny about this? Stupid fuckers I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours, OP. Sick fucks. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about death. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

still fuckable

she's fine, it's from a movie

This is a scene from Final Destination 5 you newfag

was about to say, someone really isn't good at cutting their wrist if it looks like that and there's no bloodflow


Old school rekt thread?

meh, could do with more realism. You'd never fold in half like a piece of paper

Not the guy you replied to. But what movie?

went to the watermarked website, have no fucking idea what I'm looking at even after translation

did he died?

It's cool. Someone said

He dead

>doesnt know a movie title
I can almost smell the smegma.




That one fucked me up back in the day. Was one of the first violent clips I saw on the internet and I was convinced it was real

You know honestly, I don't feel great about it, but it does have some redeeming values.
The main thing is, really is usually so hidden from us. Most of the people in our lives try to sugar coat things from when we are young. Some people even deny that certain things go on in the world. Seeing these threads, I always think to myself, "well, I guess I should look twice before crossing the street", "I guess escalators and elevators can be dangerous", "I guess there are people out there beheading people". It makes me think twice in these situations. It makes me more confident when people start arguing whether it's dangerous to vacation in mexico and I want to throw in my two cents.
Seeing a kid fall off an escalator and die may seem morbid, but you can bet if I'm ever bringing kids up an escalator, after seeing a thread like this, I'll pay fucking attention to what those little monkeys are up to, and me viewing this shit may therefore save a life.
On top of that, watching how quickly and easily life can be struck out of someone makes me appreciate it that much more.

same here


this is so rad. whats going on here? country of origin???

When you realize your lesbo gender studies professor was full of shit

Watching these videos makes you understand how futile and meaningless life is (I'm not talking about the ones where people torture each other, I don't really have an opinion on those); you see a child cross the street being run over by a truck, a mother dying in an escalator trying to save her child, an old man casually walking down a street that suddenly gets floored by a truck and so on; it really makes you think how worthless you (you=everybody) are, you could literally die tomorrow without having accomplished anything in your life, or if you had everything would disappear, you'll never see your wife, children, mother again and it's just a matter of when you crossed that certain street, used a certain lift and so on;
All of this makes me want to live my life without worrying about the future because I could be dead by tomorrow, I do have some goals but I don't get that sad when I can't reach them, I think it helps you grow up, sugar coating everything is bad as we don't live in a fairy tail, death happens and it's natural, I wouldn't joke about it of course but I do watch some of these videos when I feel bad about my life, it makes me think that I could be in that situation, but I'm not so I should be happy.

When you're brain dead but still have to twerk

Omg i remember 2003

he wanted to be a woman so bad

you have to be brain dead to twerk in the first place

Hell no I know I what that is I'm trying to eat right now and not be renew an old mental scar and newfag who da fuq you talking to I remember when Sup Forums was better


If anyone has the muslim crank massacre on 9/11 please post it.
I need it to cum

This 2 MB limit is killing me. 3 was really too much to handle?

I recognized this from the thumbnail, but I have a pretty sharp eye.
His asshole isn't completely open. It's only slightly ajar.
But hey, go ahead and click it. You don't have to act so butthurt.

go bulls!

The people walking by must assume the kid had it coming

it's a classic

Aahhhh. Darwin.

Shitters clogged

Damn! That one ball must've been packed with nerve gas to lay him out like that!

>publicly announce the size of puss you are.


Had to go back for that hat

Bull wins!


this is truly defines getting rekt


What's the story behind this?

She bought an iPhone with BFs credit card. He didn't like that so much. At least that's what I read about it once upon a time.

She ran up the phone bill with international calls so they had her place her phone on her head so they also broke the phone with the club to the skull.

Brazilian gf texting some other dude gets punished with the phone on top of her head.


see what you did there

That's so real barbaric shit, what shit hole country was that in?


I've seen this so many times and I've never noticed the phone

>literally an oversized cat
>being in any danger


looking at dick picks (black ones)

you are kinda dumb huh

Awesome! Checked

It's an old-ass clip, I saw it when I was 10-12

Good contribution user


Brazil, according to the liveleak post of it.

was not expecting that what so ever.
Random cow comes out of nowhere. He was suppose to be hit by a car.


his puss friend pulls out a gun but runs away the second that guy pulls out his.

a ten foot long siberian tiger is also an oversized cat are they no danger using literally and being this ignorant you are so fucking stupid


> takes bait as deep has he takes dick


N. Korea missile test?

you dont have to be old to have a basic understanding of the laws of physics


what a a badass

You mad xD?

Fuck off back to plebbit you flaming gay reddit fag

Whole thread worth just for comments on this post.




it's a Russian Proton-M. They literally installed the gyro upside down so the rocket thought it was the wrong way up and did a 180