
What the fuck is this shit, so Grimes was about to get her pussy filled with penises of men from the music industry.

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Why are men so vicious and vapid? I cannot believe that some idiots tried to get grimes sacred pussy, this isn't funny.

out in the world people try to have sex with one another. since we don't have big red babboon asses to signal for us we must "flirt" or even assertively ask for what we want.
sometimes men or even women will use available leverage to try to have sex with someone.
and now here's yolanda with the weather.

Makes me ashamed to be a men desu senpai baka

But that's inmoral, user. Can't you see?

>being a man
get with the times grandpa
grimes fucking sucks

grimes and pictureplane otp

she'd like a big black dick or 5

This is racist, sexist, islamophobic bigotry. Kill yourself

immoral is a human construct that doesn't exist in nature

But it exists in our society and what these men did is inmoral as fuck.

*takes deep breath*


Maybe if more women were interested in producing, it wouldn't be so male-dominated but they aren't. Most women just want to be the "star" so to speak and couldn't even fucking bother learning what a compressor is or how to properly mix a song

>"If I was younger or in a more financially desperate situation, maybe I would have done that."
>"Yeah, I would've sucked some dicks to get ahead if I had needed to."
>One excuse I would have used for being a vapid slut would be "I sucked some dicks because I was dumb and young".
>the other excuse I might have used would be "I sucked some dicks because I needed the money".

My Feminist™ hero. A literal textbook definition of a whore. Good ol' Slimes™.


exactly. only an idiot would lay down with dogs and then proceed to complain about the fleas

On the other hand, the women who do learn the theory and composition skills (thinking of people like Björk or Erykah Badu) get a piddling amount of recognition for their compositional skills. Björk has been one of the leaders in modern electronic music for years but is essentially known as "that Icelandic pop singer" even though her composition and production skills pass the vast majority of men in music. Why bother learning all that shit if no one is going to care when a man does it for you.

bjork doesnt get recognized? stfu n00b

I don't blame them. They know her music is so shit that they will lose money, so they might as well get something useful out of it.


bruh wtf is this


hardcore man shit

not dick apparently

>not knowing what the word "maybe" means

lmao there's a shit ton of female songwriters and producers in the industry

no dumbass shes saying if she was young and near homeless she may have

her music is shit lol

Grimesfags are everywhere.
They're the worst kind of fans.

>grimes sex tape never
Let me die already

98 votes

PLease, we all know that even grimesfag have voted against her just for the lulz.

that's disgusting, choa would never do that and that's why she's better

she's awful

That's not exclusive to women though. People who aren't that knowledgeable about music (the general public, basically) aren't going to recognize amazing compositional skills or knowledge of theory. I see nothing but praise for her skills in lots of music circles, though.

Why would any man in any way hit that?

Bump 4 moar awesome memes, btw.

like gender, as an example

Grimes declined demands for sex. What's the problem...

would you "fuck" grimes?

There's actually nothing sexist about what she's describing. Sexism implies an inherent hatred towards someones gender or at least having a sense of superiority towards them. All this implies is that the men working with her really like sex and don't give a shit about other people as long as they get sex out of them. They'd pull the same shit if they were gay, but that doesn't imply that theyre misandrist now does it. With that being said, this is still pretty revolting and these assholes should probably be looked into for potential rape charges

i hope our grimey is sleeping well

you don't fuck grimes you make sweet passionate love to her!

why are you projecting your own fantasies?
she did nothing wrong actually