Did Trump collude with Russia and mastermind a plan to hack the election?

Did Trump collude with Russia and mastermind a plan to hack the election?

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Yes, he did.

Everyone if he did, you're lucky he's in office

>Even if*

No. The whole thing is the DNC's damage control narrative gone pathological.

Russian trolls still making threads?
Fuck off already!

Is the entire US media "Russian trolls"? Because they talk about how Trump hacked the election literally nonstop

"Hack" the election? How?
What does the word "hack" even mean to you?

To believe that, you'd have to believe that the previous administration was headed by an absolute fucktard who couldn't find his ass with both hands and... oh wait.

The thing I find funniest about people who claim the election was "hacked" is that when pushed they immediately clarify that they don't mean "infiltrated vote counts and changed the results", which is what most people think when they hear 'hack the election'

Yes that is how it works.

>be me
Isn't Hillary the wife of a rapist?

No that bitch wanted bills dick.
The others are mad because they are not famous.

Exactly. And so many people's idea of "hacking" and "hackers" comes from laughably absurd Hollywood depictions of VR avatars flying through cyberspace tunnels, or some scruffy teen heartthrob randomly bashing a keyboard for thirty seconds and then whacking the table in celebration shouting, "I'm in!"
To anyone who thinks anyone "hacked" the fucking election - Russia or otherwise - it's all fucking voodoo.

Was there any Court decision?

i learned a while ago that caring for things that you cannot control is a waste of time and energy. now, would you kindly kill yourself.

edgy teen detected

colluding is not a crime and there is no state or federal laws against it

retarded american detected.

Not saying what Trump did was collusion, but there are federal laws against it


Is he blabbing on Twitter about how brilliant his plan was?
Then he wasn't in on it.

Collude, yes. Mastermind, no.


So what did he do that could be considered collusion? Wouldn't he be in jail by now?

>inb4 "investigations take time"

They've seen every email, phone call, text message. And he still isn't in jail. I doubt anything major will come from this investigation.

Investigations take. time.

investigations take time


Investigations. Take. Time. I'm willing to bet you're 22 years old and have never, at any point in your life, been forced to wait on something you felt entitled to.

In the olden days we'd just string 'em up... YEE-HAW

So which is it? Is trump a super genious or a moron? You guys cant have it both ways. He is either a super genious that he colluded with russia and so far no evidence has been found or he is a moron, but that would mean he couldnt have colluded because he would have left a trail...... pick one

To go to jail you need a trial. For a trial to be fair you need an unbiased jury. Unbiased juries are formed of people who don't have a priori knowledge of evidence that explicitly implicates the person on trial. Making any such information public would immediately place a Trump trial in jeopardy. So, you asking for any concrete evidence is pointless at this moment.

Congrats Germany. You did the world proud. Its over america, you've been brat by Russia not once but twice

Funny how any other crime they you know arrest you when they have the evidence. They dont just say oh well, we will wait for a trial to arrest him and tell him his crimes

So if it's unreasonable for me to ask for concrete evidence, aren't all the people claiming to know for certain that he colluded also being unreasonable?

You're why the world laughs at stupid america

>Did Trump collude with Russia and mastermind a plan to hack the election?

This is insanely delusional. The "Russian hackers" thing was dreamt up by the Jewess Debbie Wasserman-Schultz once she was exposed to be cheating to shut Bernie Sanders out of the Democratic nomination. Rather than taking the blame, she insisted it was "Russian hackers"... A Jew to the last.

Remember that up until the night before the election, he Rachel Maddow Jew lesbian snowflake rainbow news (((media))) was insisting that Hillary Clinton was going to win by a fucking landslide.

Arrests occur when lock-tight evidence has been accumulated. Otherwise you risk the chance of the suspect being found "not guilty"
I didn't say it was unreasonable. Just pointless. And, to the same extent, expressing the view that Trump did collude is purely speculative and pointless.

Yes but thats because in a liberals mind he is guilty until proven innocent. And since its immpossible to prove innocence, he will always be guilty

Didn't have to.

Putin wanted to mess up USA and he's done it with Trump, just like he is with AfD in Germany.

Putin hates democracy.

(CMNF and tribadism)

So again, there is NO evidence.....

There's evidence, it's just anonymously sourced and you can't see it.

What's that? You want to see it? You must be a Russian bot!

See that? That is a flock of my points flying completely over your head. Here you go with the possible scenarios: 1) there is no evidence so far and they are still looking or 2) they have evidence, but not enough to ensure a "guilty" verdict. That's it.

show me the proof faggot, there is no definitive proof at all. hillary won the popular vote and trump got all the electorals please tell me where they hacked into the system you are why america laughs at the rest of the world "the news and political officials said 2+2=5 so it must be true, these are experts!!!"

No, but the dems probably did.

Its more obvious with each new insight.
All the random shit this administration throws up as a distraction is so unfortunate, I wish they'd just make good calls instead of trying to bide their doomed time. Someone's going to jail, Russia doesn't give a shit and I just feel like my vote is continually being knowingly wasted by this swampy ass administration.

>It's more obvious with each new insight

'It' being what? What are these new insights revealing? That Trump orchestrated the hackings? That he gave the Kremlin money to conduct the hackings?

All of you fucking idiots first realize that this is about the President. Though it is clear as day that there was collusion between the campaign and Russia to help him win the election, and even after all the evidence comes out, Trump will never go to jail. Because someone will pardon him. A President needs to be impeached before he can be tried in court. That is never going to happen anytime soon because of the Republican controlled Congress. Trump doesn't give half a shit about anything else but his own image and will not let himself go to jail for this. And even for his subordinates to go to jail, there needs to be a trial. Just because you fucking want evidence right now doesn't mean Mueller will just come and post it on the internet to prove it to everyone. It will take some time, forming a jury takes time, gathering evidence without fucking with the lives of innocent witnesses takes time. This is not a 1 week operation. It will take at least a couple years for everything to come to light. This is a huge investigation, not a fucking Judge Judy episode.


Здpaвcтвyйтe, тoвapищ

OK: Let's say that Mueller has hard evidence that Trump colluded with Russia right now. Do you really think he would sit on that information for years and years in the name of "getting the details right?" Every decision Trump makes in the meanwhile, including possible wars, would be on Mueller's hands.

Yeah, just ask Hillary. I mean she lost right!

Any progress with getting a hold of the Trump wetsex vid?

the lack of evidence is just proof that there must be collusion! it's the perfect cover up

No, Russia just didn't want Hilary in office because her policies are inspired by Kissinger the warmonger and are detrimental to them, so they bought smear ads against her. These ads did nothing to sway the vote however, Trump won simply because he campaigned to the working class people in the rust belt who have felt screwed by politicians for years, the fact he is a celebrity, and that Hilary is unelectable.


>lack of evidence is just proof
....Oh wow

That is not how investigations work. Again, he's investigating a sitting President of the US here. When you are at that level, you better not miss. He can't put together half assed evidence and hope it sticks. Everything he has needs to be watertight and solid, so that the people involved don't get away. Even if he has something to prosecute successfully, it will involve a lot of legal proceedings to actually bring something to the table that will work. Revealing half the details of an ongoing investigation could just sabotage the entire operation. Which is why he will conduct the entire investigation and come out when he feels he has a strong case. I'm sure he could be in two different minds regarding all the bullshit and the wars, but if he fucks this up in a hurry, he might not be able to get another chance to get them back. Do you think Trump will not fight back with all his powers? His lawyers will try no matter how convincing the evidence is. Heck, Mueller could end his own career if something goes wrong. Put yourself in his position and think about it.

OK, so we know that Trump Jr met with a Russian lawyer possibly connected with the Kremlin and failed to get damaging information on Hillary.

We still don't know what Trump's role was, if any, in the Russian interference. Did he orchestrate the hackings? Did he pay the Kremlin to do the hackings? Did he make a deal for lessened sanctions in exchange for the hackings?

If you don't mind me asking, whats your education level?

It's a perfectly reasonable question, why are you so dismissive?

>the lack of evidence is just proof that there must be collusion!

I didn't ask the education level question.

This is me.

All fair points. Let's hope that Mueller actually does have some bombshells, because the Russia narrative has been blown up so much that if nothing comes of it, trust in the US media is going to be irreparably damaged.

Damaged moreso than it already is, I mean. And it's already very damaged.

I'm sure there will be something, otherwise everyone who is involved won't be lying about so many of their secret meetings and disclosing them after it comes out in the news, months later. If this was a nothingburger, Trump would not have fired Comey claiming "This would put an end to the Russia thing". And he would not have berated Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the investigation and called him names. He knows he's in deep trouble, which explains all the NFL bashing and other idiotic comments he keeps making to divert the attention from Russia. His main focus would be to fuck with NK and get them to do something, so that he can get an excuse to go to war, while this Russia investigation takes a backseat. Similar to what Bush did.

>Like are you serious
>like im literally like not gonna refute your arguement
>like you're literally like stupid whats your education level?

>Confirmed for ditch-digger.


lol you're so simplistic instead of attempting to make a reasonable argument you just call everyone who doesnt agree with you dumb

I dunno. Maybe. It's possible.

well ahead of the DonJr./JerdKushner meeting with the Russians Trump promised us something juicy but the only juice was Trump's flop sweat when he didn't produce.

oh and the Trump pit sweat from Mueller aiming that five-foot augur at Trump's anus

>five-foot augur

Pretty plausible

I think it was fagbook they got 100 from a Russian troll farm

Nope but you will not get a liberal to agree. You know when the DNC's corruption got leaked out they did the ole focus your attention to something else. Like OMG the "RUSSIANS" hacked us. They are bad go after them and forget about what was exposed.

Mate there are plenty of liberals who see through the red-scare fear mongering nonsense

Just as there are plenty of conservatives with full sets of teeth, no incestuous experiences, and a growing boredom with Trump's increasingly evident incompetence.

How dare you imply the democrats are trying to red-scare people!

the term plenty is a relative term. Just like if there are 10 out of 10000 that could be considered plenty. I have yet to find or run into any of these "plenty" you talk about.