The psychological harm from child sexual abuse is generally a product of culturally indoctrinated attitudes about sex...

The psychological harm from child sexual abuse is generally a product of culturally indoctrinated attitudes about sex that the victim internalizes and uses to gradually reinterpret their experiences with their abusers, and not from the sex acts themselves. Non-violent sex acts are not inherently traumatic or harmful in themselves no matter what the age of the person experiencing them is. Current attitudes about child sexual abuse are flawed and irrational, and this bias even taints professional psychological research on the topic.


Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself

It's not that it is flawed. It's simply the standard, one individual ruin sit for everyone. For every person there may be that will perform sexual acts with underage children in a non-damaging way (assuming this is possible), there will be another that will not.

So instead of having to deal with both cases, it is easier to simply remove children from exposure to either incident. There's no harm in preventing children from praticipating in sexual conduct with adults, versus the possiblity of harm if it were allowed.

Society tends to always go with the lesser of two evils kind of deal.


Come on, man.

My abuser murdered a kid a year older than I in the same house he abused me a day earlier.

I always thought of myself as lucky after that.

That's reasonable. Lots of unhappy pedophiles though.

So your abuser also happened to be a psychopath. I suppose you are lucky.

No, he was just afraid of getting caught and the kid managed to crawl out of the bathroom window so he ended up hitting him with a post in the alley to keep him quiet. Well then, one thing leads to another and the kid had to go. He was obviously caught anyway, though.

Normal people do not commit murder under those circumstances, whether they are sexually attracted to children or not. The person you are speaking about obviously had far more serious issues than being a pedophile.

So you're willing to roll the dice just because "mah boner"? You're making things unnessarily complicated. Have sex with a messed up chick your own age.

I don't think it's a MAN he wants to come on...


Certain people are tired of being told that their needs are not as important as the needs of others, and do not want to obey social norms based on lies that shift blame away from where it is due. The stigma regarding pedophilia and child sex "abuse" in modern Western society is not the product of the harm that correlates with in children, but of the hysterical sexual insecurities of adults who do not remember what it was like to be children and have dulled reasoning powers.

too much stigma with this topic, can't discuss without getting put on a government list

> assuming this is possible

It is not possible thus the foundation of your argument is flawed.

A child can vehemently deny consent for sexual contact. Another child can enthusiastically give verbal consent for sex. It does not matter in either case because as a minor they have not developed all the mental faculties provided to give consent. These things are serious and personal and cannot be given by a minor.

The fact that some children are not damaged by sexual contact is besides the point. All things must start at a fully developed human with the faculties to consent.

Lay off the acid.

Doesn't matter if what you're saying is true or not. All of western society is not going to change so you can diddle your little sister.

You don't magically get the ability to give informed consent at 18. (Which is what you're talking about, informed consent, not consent in general) The ability to give informed consent only relies on the information you have.

A commonly accepted example in sjw circles is that if one person lies about using a condom or having an std, the other person cannot give informed consent, and therefore it's rape.

So, by corollary, the reason children can't give informed consent is because they are not exposed to adequate information on what sex actually is. This is therefore a societal problem, not a developmental one.

So, either you accept that the problem is in a large part with society, or you admit that you oppose it primarily because it makes you feel uncomfortable.


the Govmt. doesn't care, unless they have proof

Bullshit. Thinly veiled rationalizations. Like the other user suggested: kys.

Additionally, what sex "actually is" is entirely subjective, and heavily influenced by cultural learning. For some people, sex is just a pleasurable activity that you order on the internet with no emotional component whatsoever, in much the same way that a child enjoys a candy bar.

You say that because you have limited cognitive ability to understand sociological phenomenon. More life experience, and maybe psychedelic drugs, will improve that. It is plainly obvious to me that people hate pedophiles and are terrified of children having sex because of their own psychological hangups, and not because of a legitimate potential for harm. They are the ones creating that harm.

There is well established science that children under 13 years old typically have not developed the capability of abstract reasoning, thus informed consent is not possible. You can provide an encyclopedia of sexual knowledge at a child and it wont matter if they are incapable of abstract reasoning and making good choices on that information.

You have a point on children older than 13, however even until they are in their early 20s the part of the brain that assesses risk and danger is still developing. Teenagers make notoriously bad choices because of this. One could argue that teenagers are still minors although that argument is harder to make.

you can't handle the proof


Can a child consent to receiving a candy bar?

yeah, you have to admit eighteen is completely arbitrary

As a pedophile myself with several friends who were sexually abused when they were younger, in reality it's a little bit of both.

There's an extremely high risk for harm with any form of sexual contact between younger (

The example that's commonly brought up among the intersection of sex-positive pedophiles and scrawny computer nerds is:

"Why are childhood sports something that children can be coerced into before they have the capability to consent (an activity that makes many un-athletic kids miserable) yet it's completely unthinkable with sex?"

No one cares about a child's ability to consent unless it's about sex.

i dont know but i remember being sexually active around 9 or 10 years old perhaps younger

Would you agree that it's a lost cause to advocate for issues of interest to pedophiles, and that pedophiles are better off just going their own way, living double lives and such? It appears that the majority of them are never prosecuted for crimes, and those that are are often not caught until they are well into old age. Maybe there's not much to be gained by social reform.

That's a good one. I'll remember it.

Untrue, because every culture feels this way.

my question to pedos is, what specifically attracts you to prepubescent, mentally immature children?

>terrible waist hip ratio
>nonstop chatter

>murder is worse than permanently ruining a persons life

Too many edgy pedos in this channel

Look up Anna Pavaga. If you don't understand, you never will.

it's not reality that's attractive, it's the idealized version in our heads


Most ignorant comment of the day. Probably 99% of cultures in history had no concept of harm coming from sex having anything to do with age.

i remember having an intense dick fixation when I was really little, I feel like I could've consented to playing around with an adult

Lost cause, no. Especially because the way it is now, pedophiles are one of the few groups that it is still universally socially and politically acceptable to advocate for the genocide of, across the board. People hear "pedophile" and immediately think "child rapist", regardless of whether you having any more crime than a mere attraction. Hell, nazis and even *serial killers* are more popular.

I think there's still a long way to go before it's no longer worth it to push for that.

But if you're asking whether it's a lost cause to advocate for lowering the age of consent so that pedophiles can diddle kids to our hearts' content? Eh, I don't really see us gaining much leeway there.

Ideal world, hard AoC at 15/16, possible with a wait to legally gain that autonomy as young as 13, with making it easier to charge with rape at ages 15-20 if there's an age gap or evidence of an abusive/manipulative partner.

depends on the abuse honestly. and what we call "sexual abuse" today isnt always

i dont think anyones saying kids cant have a sex drive. its the rest of their mind thats absent

blame japan lol

If I could even just be allowed to merely cuddle with little girls, I'd be happy. The fact that the thing I want more than anything else in the world is also the most fiercely illegal thing in that world makes me feel like I live in the Twilight Zone.

tl;dr Jews.

>in history
And that is where it will stay, in the past. Any country that practices pedophilia today is always underdeveloped and looked down upon by all first world nations.

Jewish mindfuck, goyim

i know right. would be so nice

Consider suicide.

> citation needed

>terrible waist hip ratio
That's hella subjective man. I happen to like my adults to have no hips and a flat butt/chest. ANd I'm not alone in this, there's tons of popular models that fit that description. There's nothing objectively sexy about wide hips other than it's association with fertility, and if that were the only measure of attractiveness we'd all be into fat chicks instead of anorexic models.

>nonstop chatter
Most of us think it's cute in an endearing way, and view it as tolerable in the same way that parents do of their own children. As pointed out, it's also largely an ideal thing, and much more annoying outside of fantasies. For my adult partners, I really like the DD/lg dynamic: I find the excited chatter endearing and adorable when I'm feeling affectionate or amorous, but when I'm just sort of chilling by myself I prefer when they can act like an actual adult. There's a reason why you often see pedophiles fixating on "precocious" kids.

Correlation does not equal causation.

Also, unhappy people will find a way to make the world shitty for everyone else too. They always do. Nobody else is going to get what they want either.

sounds like pedophile looking for an excuse to me

I'm starting to believe that shit.

Explain how a child can consent. Should we also send children to war? Allow children to work? Move out on their own?

Fuck off.

Childhood sexual abuse destroyed me

because they are people with their own minds? if they want to do it, why not let them?

That's irrelevant. Also, why do you compare sex to things like that? It seems that you have an unhealthy view of sex.

>There's no harm in preventing children from praticipating in sexual conduct with adults

Prove this assertion.

Was it violent, coercive abuse?


i guess that ties back to the whole informed consent thing, those are a lot more complicated than just playing with a ding dong

If you can control your dick and aren't a total mouth breathing neckbeard, just volunteer to help with kids (either babysitting if you're at an age where your friends/parents' friends need kids babysat or at your local boys-and-girls-club)

Older people who will sit with them and listen to them like they're not just larvae to corral mean the world to kids. Your attraction to them is an advantage you can use to tolerate what would otherwise annoy other adults, as long as you manage not to fucking touch them (inappropriately, that is. Some kids will happily climb all over grownups, as long as you're not a fucking creeper about it)

I've always had a reputation as being "good with kids" and have had multiple volunteer positions at both my local preschool and summer camp when I was a teenager. Just focus on not being a creep and most people will never suspect a "good guy" of being a pedophile.

That's the best that one can hope for I guess. Social acceptance is a delusional waste of time.

You're already on that list - and many other lists - for the simple fact for frequenting this site.

All of your online activities (websites visited, searches written, searches made, posts written, emails written, emails sent, chat messages written, chat messages sent) are already being recorded and stored in massive data centers in the US and UK. Even your phone activities are being recorded.

Think I'm paranoid?

Now you are the ones tip toeing around the topic when compared to any other activities. Leave it to pedos to fail at their own twisted logic.

Have a shitty life being hated by anyone who knows your true selves!

>All of western society is not going to change
Despite having changed drastically and radically countless times before?

All (well, most) of my close friends know I'm a pedophile. They're cool with it. They know I'm not a bad guy. This includes one of the ones who was molested as a 13yo.


Yes, yes, and yes.

At the very least, the age at which the worlds most technologically advanced societies determine adulthood is in general, and for the most part, inaccurate. I would argue that in most cases, a measure of one individuals adulthood varies mainly in their environment/circumstances, based on survival, and their access to amenities.

Children have been sent off to war before in the past, and have volunteered. Look at the Hitler youth for example, or the stories of underage youth lying about their age to join the army in the United States during World Wars 1 and 2.

It wasn't until during/after the Great Depression that child labor laws really started to take into effect here in the United States to assess basic humanitarian issues. Age barely had anything to do with it in my opinion. If I could go back in time and start working sooner, you bet your ass I would. I would have started working at 14, because making it today without a college degree or some sort of trade experience is next to impossible. Because my shitty parents coddled me up until I was like 18, I'm paying for it now at 22, with no future in sight unless I act fast.

My point is going back to what an earlier user said about informed consent. It all comes down to treating other people like they are capable of understanding something even on a basic level. This whole idea of anyone under the age 16 or 18 not being able to understand the full brevity of their choices is a presumptuous mistake.

I still hold my reservations towards having no age of consent. But it most definitely should be lower, and we need to re evaluate how we treat individuals who stray away from forced sexual norms.

That's a bunch of chaotic data that nobody cares about. Every single person has visited shady websites and posted shocking things on anonymous forums just to fuck with people.

Sure. That's why you have to try and justify yourself to a shithole like Sup Forums. You are pathetic and likely have no real friends, and anyone who truly knows this talks about you behind your back. If you ever have children and these people know it, they will likely call CPS on you weekly.

You tried.

>That's a bunch of chaotic data
That is easily indexed and retrieved should you become a person of interest.

>Every single person has visited shady websites and posted shocking things on anonymous forums
And all of it have been recorded.

>Should we also send children to war?
I don't think we should be sending anyone off to war in "peace" time, and history has shown that the draft age starts dropping as war efforts get desperate.

>Allow children to work? Move out on their own?
Both of these are things that children can ask the government to allow them to do (below the normal age) if they are deemed responsible enough to permit it. I know someone who got a state ID at 13 (and had the ridiculous photo to prove it on his driver's license) in order to get a job.

Thread reported. Fuck off you degenerate retarded pedophile, don't you dare come near any of my children or anyone elses. I hope a nigger rapes you in prison and then you'll just have to accept that you consented to his nigger cock in your ass because you couldn't accept the social attitudes of prison. sage in all fields.

I think it is awesome that someone took the time to make this image

>It seems that you have an unhealthy view of sex.
Well at least he isn't the one trying to get it from children tbh...

Thats why I browse 4chin in incognito mode. No way to track me down.

Oh, look. A Trump supporter.

Are you lost? This thread isn't about politics, its about the mental illness of low intelligent pedophiles. sage

Have you ever actually interacted with another human outside of your family or people on the internet?

The hysterical and irrational attitude that you represent is rapidly becoming less prevalent. You will one day be looked at the way elderly racists are looked at today.

>children ask the government to do
What? You need the government to raise your children now, just so you can twist this "logic" in a way that will allow you to have sex with them? Do you even process what you are typing?

not impossible but we probably won't see that happen in our lifetimes

Complete failure of reading comprehension.

Thinks his mental illness is a social progress debate. No it's more along the lines of something like beastiality or necrophilia, it's a paraphilia fetish and rape which will never be accepted in our society ever.

Great response Mr. "I need legal justification to fuck children"

I mean, I wasn't trying to justify myself, I was pointing out that you were wrong. And I know for a fact that you're wrong on everything you say here, though one friend has stipulated that I should inform any partner I choose to have children with of my attraction, or he will.

I make it a point of showing that I have friends that know what I am and still accept me so that others in my position might have courage to form a similar support group, not because I actually care about what you think.

It clearly makes you uncomfortable to consider that someone like me (whose existence makes you uncomfortable) has friends that like and support me, and consider me a good person, because that would mean you would have to reconsider your worldview on pedophiles automatically being disgusting creatures that no one likes. Fortunately for me though, Sup Forums isn't your personal safe space on this topic, which is why I get to express my thoughts here anonymously without getting banned.

If you want to circlejerk about how terrible pedophiles are without having your beliefs challenged, might I suggest tumblr? I hear they're fond of providing safe spaces.

i only browse in incognito so I don't have to keep deleting my history/cookies/whatever

my isp knows more disturbing and pitiful things about me than I would even admit to myself

>wants a discussion

Except it was for 99% of history. There are virtually no historical documents or other evidence hinting that any concept similar to the modern idea of "child sexual abuse" existed anywhere in the world prior to the 20th century. The whole thing is a delusion of modern Western culture, and society is responsible for indoctrinating children with toxic ideas about sex that cause them to feel deeply uncomfortable about normal experiences.

I was responding to the guy who insisted I was lying about having friends. I want have a discussion. He wants to feel good about himself.

Either you are lying about friends or you live in some backwoods cousin fucking part of the country. I have never met anyone from any country who condones pedophilia, besides pedophiles. And I have traveled around the USA and outside to various countries, both first world and developing.

Well since we're anonymous, what kind of things are we talking about? You can't just pique my curiosity and leave me hanging, man.

You can't argue with a pedo because they think "differently". You might as well be arguing with a low functioning autist who keeps repeating the same thing that will never be true but keeps hoping that it will if he keeps repeating it.

Read that and tell me where it says that fucking kids is a good thing.

There's only so many times you can parrot "hurr dur fucking kids" before it becomes clear that you actually do lack reading comprehension.

They make the laws and order their henchmen swine squad to be brutal when the goyim encroach on their fetishes.