Why NOW?

Why NOW?

Would the owners have tolerated this behavior during the reign of queen Obama?

you are so gay
im shocked people even like you are on this pigsty of a site lol

need more of them to join the protest

they are blackballing the original protestor

if they blackball too many no one is gonna tune in to watch white people play

stop posting this already

When exactly the fuck do you think this all started? The only reason it's a big deal this weekend is because Pres. Annoying Orange went on another alzheimer's spree and decided it was about him all along.

When they all stand during our National Anthem

So niggers weren't killed by the police from 2008 to 2015?

WTF are you on about? Yea, cops have been shooting niggers left and right since even before the 80's. That doesn't change when Knapperdick started this shit, and how this only blew up this week because of the Twidiot in Chief.

You seem upset.

I like that.

These protests started while Obama was still president you doofus.

Goodell seriously mishandled this one. Bring back Pete Rozelle. That fucker had a spine!

Darwinism at work.

Kappernik took this position because Trump won not because niggers were killed by the police otherwise he'd have done it under Obama.

Fucking niggers. Just take your money and perform your circus trick.


He started months before the election, when everyone thought Hillary would win

Aug 26, 2016... That's when Kaeperdick first took a knee. Is he a time traveler? Is that what you're saying? He traveled forward 11 weeks in time, saw the outcome of the election, then went back in time to take a knee?

Dude, we didn't need more proof that you're a triggered retard that doesn't know wtf is going on.

This kneeling shit is gay and so played out. It's false outrage and grandstanding. Show me how this isn't fucking stupid. This isn't about any cause. It's about being a fag. Thugs who play a game they love for millions of dollars acting as if the American dream was unavailable to them. Homos.

If the pumpkin hadn't made a big fucking deal about this, these protests wouldn't be happening

Ok so wtf is this kneeling shit about?

Former veteran here. I absolutely do not give a shit whether they kneel or not, just fucking annoyed they keep saying this disrespects all of us who were in combat, like I'm already on a side their narrative wants me to be in.

Nigs nog, its their culture. Cops enforce laws, its their job. Who's fault again?

One dude was like "yo, nigga gettin' killed by cops".

Sentient people were like "yea, we get it... whatever".

The Fake Tan in Chief was like "blah blah blah, I'm outraged, you're fired"

suddenly, kneeling.

fuck this gay earth

I first read this as "would THEIR owners"

Only dumb nig-a ligs, fagdcand sjw do this for ATTENTION. No other reason it's fucking gay. Just like vaping is. Somebody prove to me that this shit is not as gay as it looks.

Your a former vet? How did you no longer become a vet? I doubt you ever were in the military. Playing Call of Duty on the PS4 don't count.

Yea... none of that actually addresses this issue. Sure, they get killed.. that's been going on forever. Sure, some of them protest, whatever.. that's been going on for a while with no big stink. The Annoying Orange got on twitter and turned it into a national event... niggers bitching about cops didn't do that, Drumpf did.

The NFL has rules on conduct during the anthem. They are not enforcing them because dumb is contagious and star players will get suspended. Makes for shitty NFL games, owners lose money. And that can't stand.

didnt this start while obama was president?

This shit honestly ruined the entire weekend for me. Not the protests themselves, I don't give two shits about nogs nigging but the way the media covered it was dreadful. I would say 40-50% of the pregame shit was talking about this, 5 minutes into the kickoff of every game they were talking about this, postgame shit on NFL Network spent 40 minutes talking about it.

To make it worse, the football this weekend wasn't that great. Brady had a comeback and Falcons won on the road- that's the only interesting thing this week. All in all it was a horrible sunday due in part to the media.

All your are is a poser, you fuckwad. One is never a former veteran, you retard. A former soldier IS a veteran. The fact that you misidentified yourself like that means that you are full of shit.

yup. OP is a faggot. Surprise

They started it. And to me they should be kicked out of the country.

it's like you have no idea and didn't even bother to ask why, you just assumed cause you got angry before you had a real reason to be angry.

because you're an idiot.

Someone gets out, then decides to go back in... they're a former vet.

Sure, it's not what that guy did, but it can and does happen.

>The Annoying Orange

HA HA idiot in chief will always troll you. I didn't like Obama either but never was so butthurt. Trump is about himself. If you want him to go away, ignore him. He will go away. Best advice for you Sup Forumsro.

I honestly don't give a flying fuck what a bunch of idiot football jocks think or do. Whiny little bitches think they're on top of the world and people care what they think. Actually people just want to see them play football, nothing else.

Chicago fan here. Speak for yourself. Didn't even need Mr. Bisuit to put down the mighty Steelers.

One of them started it, and nobody gave a shit. Literally nobody cared till Trump did what he does best.. turns something on the side that's being ignored into a dumpster fire.

And if you really think someone should get kicked out of the country for protesting, let's start by rounding up all those alt-right shitheads wearing nazi gear.

I might have started it that way..hehehe

Your national anthem is shit.

And I guess Hillary would have been better? You need to kill yourself. You are one brain cell away from being a vegetable.

And top it off with all those Antifa fucks. I say we get rid of them all.

Dude, who the fuck didn't see this as bait? I mean, sure, the media bit, the players bit, but it's just him pulling his "ignore the man behind the curtain" routine. butthurt? no... I don't have to be butthurt or trolled to recognize shit as shit.

Why was it ignored under Obama?

You're actually right about that. I've always hated the Star Spangled Banner.

America the Beautiful is a much better tune.

We know. That's not the point. Personally I think the Stars and Stripes Forever should be the official anthem. Much more cheerful.

The fifth time I've seen this thread die, reporting this shit for spam

Because Obama didn't go on twitter and say they should be fired. Hell, it was ignored under Trump until he did that.

He is extremely adept at fanning the flames of the culture wars. That's how he got elected. It's how he'll get reelected, too. Wait.,.you'll see. Hillary acted like she was above all this. Talk like you belong in the top 20%, get about 20% of the undecided vote. Tell Billy Bush you like to "grab 'em by the pussy," win the election. It's that simple.

That isn't the issue. Its a subculture of ignorance on the part of these millionaire players.

Pittsburgh is a horrendous team. Bottom of the league in all categories and they made themselves look like absolute dipshits for not even coming onto the field for the anthem. Don't pretend like anything about that game was good for the NFL other than fantasy owners that started Howard.

La Marseillaise is a great anthem. But so what. We are a superpower and the French are not.

They're just disgracing themselves, that's all they're doing.

Yup. He recognizes how retarded and easily distracted so many voters are. He'll have a hard time pulling it off again though. Too many poor retarded white trash suckers are going to get burned by his inability to get anything done and the few things he does actually get done.

Aw poor little sissy needs his fagot porn.

Stuff a cohiba in an interns pussy and get re-elected

They were 2-0 and Le'Veon Bell is a beast. They have a top-5 quarterback and have won superbowlS (plural) recently. Say what you want, they are not as bad as the Bears, but the Bears beat them in an exciting game.

The Media is the ones that are adapt at fanning the flames. You fucks ignore that fact and focus on Trump like good little cucks.

Nah bro, I would never vote democrat, that said I am not a trumpster. Just laughing at the butthurt fools who can't help but be butthurt by the tangerine tyrant. Orange Oligarch. HAHA Pineapple Pinochet. Kermlin controlled carrot.

They were, along with retards of every other ethnicity in America. Funny how they're the only ones bitching about it. Also funny how they commit more crime than the others.

Wow, all this hoopla really is making all the racist come out of the woodwork.


Blow some Bush cock--41 is a raving pedophile

It blows my mind how much people care about a what football players think. Enjoy your cookies and carnival you low wattage fucktards.

He is playing he media like a fiddle. "Fake news" was a term libtards invented to cover up the fact that most of America hates them. He turned it around and used it on them: "You're fake news!" Brilliant. He doesn't make them keep him in the headlines, you know. But there hasn't been a day since he's been elected where he hasn't been in the headlines...


>Things from the past

Bell, lol. Steelers fans are faggots.

Spoken like someone who's so stuffed on Trump cock that they actually forgot how the media treated him with kid gloves during the whole election.

Human tribalism is ingrained in us for biological reasons. You can't remove human nature by taking a knee, just like you can't remove my need for water later by giving me a glass it now.

Hey, he only pulled off the biggest political upset in the history of...what...ever? You're probably right, though, there's no way he can do it again. (Pssst: most Presidents are reelected, and the democrats don't have a serious contender to run against him yet. Hillary doesn't count. Her party doesn't want her, because she lost. See: Adlai Stevenson.)

Tell that to 41.

Kid gloves? Get the fuck out of here with that shit! He was treated like the Deplorable-in-Chief. Attack ads called him racist, sexist, and--worse--anti-Muslim. News reports *repeated* the attack ads.

Because ratings.

And news reports repeated the attack ads he put out. What the media did do, however, was constantly give him crazy amounts of coverage, and talk about him, his "ideas", and his "policies" as though they were coherent thoughts. They didn't call him out for his word salad incoherent ramblings that lacked anything even remotely resembling actual though and stances. They didn't mock the absurdity and ignorance he displayed time and time again. They gave him more respect and coverage than he ever deserved.

I don't care if you don't actually remember this shit, the rest of us that were not blinded by his act do.

Huh? Upset? No. He always was about 35% in the polls. Hillary called the American people a 'basket of deplorables', essentially revealing exactly what the powerhungry socialist democrats think of the people. She was between 47% and 55%... until she did that.

Which part am I supposed to tell him? His win wasn't an upset. He was Reagan's VP...oh, you mean his one term? OK, look, here's what happened: about a year from the election, he was considered a lock to win reelection. Then the rust belt happened and the economy took a dump. And a smooth-talking politician who was very good at eating pussy promised our nation hope. And we bought it. The fact that you have to go back almost 20 years to find a Preisdent who wasn't re-ellected actually *proves* my point. Btw, the economy has actually improved under Trump, so...there's that.

Bill Rockefeller took down 41

>He was treated like the Deplorable-in-Chief. Attack ads called him racist, sexist, and--worse--anti-Muslim.

Attack ads are not made by "the media", they're made by the opposing party.

>News reports *repeated* the attack ads.

The fuck are you talking about?

fuck off you stupid nigger

Yes. Upset. Major fucking upset. 35% doesn't get you squat without a third party. Was Ralph Nader running in secret or something?

Thank you for your input

I'm talking about every fucking atory on MSNBC, CNN, HuffPo, etc. Anyway, you made the claim that he was treated with "kid gloves" so...I don't have to prove shit. You back up your claim, or it's meaningless. I mean, it's just like, your opinion, man.

This is the gayest shit. Nig-a-boos and homos kneel to express false outrage and place attention on themselves. Not offended by it. But I do find it cringy and gay as fuck. Still waiting for some faggy sjw here to prove to me that this trendy fake protest shit is not gayer than AIDS.

She was 4 points up in most major polls *on election night*. Stop making shit up.

90% HA! You believed that? FAKE NEWS!
It all went downhill for her, because she is a ubershittier candidate- Not because Trump was any good.

Fake polls

And by "go back almost 20 years", you mean "go back only 4 presidents". Of course, I should expect the rosiest possible outlook from someone who decided to forget/ignore that 41 was dumped because he came off as an out of touch asshole and the whole "no new taxes" bit.

So, uncommon.... from 45 we only have to go back to 41, then from there to 39, then back to 38, then 31, and 27, then 23, with 22 losing his first shot at getting back in, then you can finally find a real gap by going back to 8, then 6, then 2. So, 10 out of 43 lost a re-election bid.

So no, it's not uncommon.. crack open a history book and you'll see.

Hey. Go fuck yourself. You can think he's crazy, but he was elected and you are just a bitter user who thinks he's smarter than the leader of the free world. Media didn't "call him out?" Were we watching the sane media?

Probably the only player currently in the NFL that fought for his country. When the entire team sat in the locker room this morning to protest, he had the balls to do what was right. The only true American in football right now. If the others bout like it, go to another fucking county, nobody is making you stay here if it's so terrible. The if the comish has a spine he'd outlaw this discraseful shit. Ban protesting in NFL and then see how much those ungrateful niggers protest when you take their money away. Maybe the CFL will take them.

Not as fake as the bullshit storyline you're making up.

Then they wouldn't describe themselves as former vets. They would be in active duty. Technically you are right, but that honestly is something a smart ass would say. No offense, faggot.

Fuck this guy. Being a veteran don't excuse you for being a idiot

10 out of 43 you say? Ok, so 33 were re-elected. Listen, I'm not going to argue with you. It's pointless since you seem to think whatever fact you pull out of your ass invalidates my argument. He will either be reelected or he won't. I'm betting on reelection. You place your bets however you want.

> be the most powerful man in the world.
> get drunk and watch football.
> fucking nigger.
> start tweeting.
That nigger is just doing what makes America great. It's a true sign of freedom. Trump is too old to drink anyway.

It doesn't take brains to fool inbred gun-loving racists to vote for you, and it doesn't take getting elected to know that I'm smarter than the cheeto.

This is a mother fucking American Patriot and all of the other cock suckers need to be drafted and sent to Afghanistan.

I didn't see that but I respect the fuck out of this guy.