Why do all these android fanboys hate Apple so much? What real legitimate and educated arguments do they have...

Why do all these android fanboys hate Apple so much? What real legitimate and educated arguments do they have? And finally why do they get so upset over the brand of the device other people buy? Go.

both sides are stupid. spend your money however you wish. i've had both in the past and they have their own strengths and weaknesses

I can drag and drop any media as if it were a standard USB storage device, plays most formats, my phone has and SD card slot, removable battery, more freedom/open ended app store, phones are cheaper, wider selection of phones and versions of android tailored to your need.

I'm an iPhone fag and don't like the software. The lack of consistency between apps because of the lack of extra physical buttons like on android is mildly annoying.

The fact that is it so locked down is also annoying. I just listen to the radio in the car now, because dealing with Itunes for music is too much of a hassle. Data is expensive here, so streaming is somewhat out of the question.

Going back to Android once it's time for a new phone.

clearly too dumb for smartphones. needs more physical buttons fuckin kek

Please back up your arguments with facts please. no opinions. your preferences and opinions aren't a good enough argument to bash a company.

It's funny cuz us apple fags are never caring about what android users do and accept that people prefer different products and all the android fags rage like hell if someone says they like apple or are switching to apple.

which 99% of the population dont use. i get you do, but almost everyone else dont


HAHA. You can both fuck right off :DDDDD


I think your forgetting android is a OS not a phone.

I don't hate Apple. Without them, consumer pc market wouldn't exist. However, I dislike their closed ecosystem for development. I want to be the only one to police my phone.

Dealing with iTunes is difficult? I have a library of torrented music on my computer. I just plug my iPod in, hit sync, everything transfers over

this. and they are kind of a pain to develop for, too. every time they update their operating systems they deprecate a bunch of code or change something significant that requires you to be constantly rewriting basic shit.

>Why do all these android fanboys hate Apple so much?

because they get labeled as faggots for having cellphones sporting more features than Apple while costing less than half of an iPhone

Removable battery, micro sd, occasionally my phone can be Laggy but then it's a cheap Samsung, I phones don't lag as much as most Androids from my experience of others phones, I think the debate is retarded people should buy what they want, there isn't a huge difference like if you were to buy a mid range car and a high end one, they are mainly all made in China, Huawei /xiaomi will catch up with apple soon too.

Apple just steals tech from other companies tweeks it renames and charges rediculous prices.
Also the phones have the worst call quality fact

China slavery both devices, but Android has low cost


S8+ owner here. Wishing i had never dropped my mega 6.3 in the bath. (No removable batteries now... and you must press 2 screen button to hit back in firefox) Can't listen to yt while phone is in pocket because it hits rdm videos on its own because of tapered screen.

>wider selection of versions of android

so not being able to receive updates is a feature now?