Boycott the NFL

Boycott the NFL

Trump is literally destroying your country. It's hilarious.

>left wing retards acting like babies
>protesting, rioting
>somehow it's Trumps fault
top lel

Nobody gives a fuck if a bunch of overpaid niggers don’t respect murica, if you do care then you need to give your fucking head a shake and realize it means NOTHING.

i could give a fuck about the shitted jokes but could u leave my team out of it

>president says dumb thing
>pisses off half the country
>'lol nah not trumps fault'

Yes, and when Trump shits on your job in a twitter rant we'll call you a crybaby commie bitchboy for being mad about it.

.... is this cnn?

NK threatening attack
Countries trading oil in yuan
Billions being wasted on military
Perpetual war
Devastation from hurricanes
Prez turns UN against him
ANOTHER shooting (big surprise)
Healthcare in the shitter

All of this yet you (and idiots like you) care that a bunch of monkeys that get paid obscene amounts of $$ to play a GAME don’t stand for the national anthem...

>right wing retards react to taking a knee like pussies
>defend muh constitution

I don’t give a fuck what that idiot says about anything, what else ya got?

>you will never be stupid enough to elect a fucking reality TV star with 0 political background to run your country
Christ I love Americans, they're the joke gift that keeps on giving

boycott all whiney offended libtards

Another snowflake clutching his pearls over people's constitutionally protected right to peacefully protest.

Here's some things.

>original protest was against police brutality and race inequality
>other players showed solidarity
>Trump claims he's the reason the NFL is losing ratings, and that football was better when it was more violent
>players unanimously protest because the president essentially said they should be hurt more
>NFL, Player's Association, most coaches and owners have no problem and side with players

The only people who are mad are the ones who think the Constitution shouldn't apply to things they don't like, and people who practice extreme jingoism and worship a flag. Flag code says you can't have flag clothes or display the flag horizontally, but they do it anyway and call themselves patriots. Makes you think.

So let me get this straight.

A bunch of rich nigger thugs whose job it is to catch a ball think they are making a "difference" and are political.

Won't use their money to do anything good for anyone but act like they are building an orphanage by doing literally nothing.

Faggot liberal media makes them out to be american hero's for not lifting a finger in service to their country asks viewers t join the "movement" of not doing anything for anyone.


Caring this much about negros actions, Kek

Also how do i boycott something I already don't watch, pay attention too or purchase anything for

Did a white person take a kneel too? Because it was about police brutality on black people not giving them their liberties which is patriotic to defend

>Implying anyone with an IQ over 80 cares about niggerball

/thread. WHO GIVES A FUCK.

and how is that destroying the country?

pOlitics and football don't mix afroguy and trump are in on it together and cnn

I don't think you understand patriotism. what you're talking about is treason. police brutality is rare. you just think it happens a lot because you've seen 3 videos of it on repeat for the past 7 years

Sowing the seeds of a civil war.

Kek, try living in STL


>spoken by a white person

>ANOTHER shooting (big surprise)
Nigger shoots up white church, inspired by same BLM bullshit inspiring millionaire yard apes to kneel, thus politicizing what could be something that isn't divisive.

because there are "sides" now? because you treat people on the other "side" as an incompetent moron or worse, and because neither "side" can understand that the leader of our nation has to address the growing division amongst us and bring it back together, not do what he's doing now which is dividing the "sides" himself

united we stand, divided we fall

The problem with America is that it is too diverse. Initially that may sound racist but with no common ground or culture between citizens (besides fast food and bitching about everything), no one has anything to believe in or have respect for. We haven't had to defend anything about ourselves since the Revolutionary War so we take everything for granted.

Who was the last leader who tried to bring the two sides together? Certainly not Obama.

I missed my first of many games last night. If they can disrespect their Country and flag, then I don't need to watch. When the money starts drying up, it will be too late. Fuckem

Chances of being a nig shot by a nig: 1 in 2
Of being an unarmed nig shot by a cop: 1 in a trillion

Reagan. Those times are gone, my friend.

its not. anyone who thinks that had a sub 40 iq.

That and the things that used to bring us together because they were apolitical have now all been politicized.

>implying their entire audience is maladjusted basement-dwelling pseudo-neo-nazis

You aren't doing shit. Good for you for giving up mindless entertainment, though.

Like individualism and freedom of religion. This guy fucking gets it. Instead of accepting all the things that used to make this country great, everyone shoves it down each other's throats.

Yea those stadiums sure looked empty without you

I'd boycott your mom but I enjoy being balls deep in her and trampolining her every night when you go to sleep.

If you think sport has ever been apolitical you are sorely mistaken.

I'm right there with him saying dumb things then. Fuck those guys get them off the fucking field and fire their asses. Not only is it a term of their employment but it's no different than someone saying "I'm not standing for God Save the Queen" or "No to oh Canada". fuck those guys to. I'll stand for those fuckers to they're my allies

Here's the issue rich niggers want to help poor niggers by making a stand or knee against injustice.poor nigger act like idiots so all niggers are under the same set if rules.shoot niggers.sorry the world not change until the niggers rich or poor act like human fucking beings or the things they want will never happen

I think a more proactive approach would be to join the chorus of people trying to ban football because it causes brain damage.

>Good for you for giving up mindless entertainment, though
If enough people don't watch, it will show up in the ratings. If the ratings fall, so will revenues. If revenues fall, so will salaries. I am not alone.

I'm not that guy, but I don't think anyone is arguing that point. The problem is Americans have more respect for a sport than their own country. I can't think of another country on earth that hates itself so much. Its actually sad.

You're not the president, you have no responsibility not to say moronic things that divide your country.

Nah, suck a big fat nigger dick. Don't forget to suck a fart out of dotard trump's rancid old asshole while you're out it (y'know, since you're his ever faithful bitch and all).

No you aren't, regardless of how many edgelords with no respect for the country they live in say otherwise.

I'll just wage my own protest.

you don't know shit, and you never will

I hear a lot of libtards say that, but I grew up watching the NFL and the NBA, and with very few exceptions (Muhammad Ali comes to mind, and that was before my time), athletes were happy just to play the game, fuck bitches, and collect massive paychecks.
Usually what leftists mean when they say sports were always political is that they are politicizing sports retroactively.

what does obama have to do with this? this is how brainwashed you are man, relax

we need a strong leader not someone who divides us

Yes you like Kim don't you.... hhhahahahaha


take your meds, /pol

you should be in politics, being able to talk out of both sides of your mouth at the same time is a talent.

Yes we all know hating your country is the fashionable thing to do today. Get over yourself.

>president says dumb thing
obama started it

America has more respect for athletes than scientists and doctors, now that's fucked

>not someone who divides us
oh, like Obama?

Follow the conversation. He said we need a leader who unites us, unlike Trump. I asked who the last leader was to make that attempt and observed that it sure wasn't Obama. My point is that, despite what the hysterical left says, they were happy as pigs in mud to have a divisive president.

America is a joke; Trump is the punchline.

Patriotism? Hah! Hasn't existed in any western country since WW2. It was a tactic used to manipulate the poor and uneducated then, it hasn't changed since.

>If enough people don't watch

You know this dumbass shit has happened before, and nothing has happened, right? You know the only reason this is even being made evident to you is because trump dug it back up from the grave at a hillbilly rally in alabama and re-ignited the shitstorm, right? You know nobody is going to give a fuck in a week when this stupid faggot stops spamming these threads on Sup Forums, right?

not more respect, they just make more money because that's what the market will bear.

Fuck Cheeto AND the USA; I'm riding with the fucking NFL bitches.

Exactly. But we are all so deep in this media fueled hatred for this country, and the older generation that actually has respect for it doesn't have the numbers or presence to tell the retarded millenials and 40 something bandwagoneers that what they are doing makes them look like spoiled dumb children.

Good global citizen

And you guys say SJWs are easily triggered, hah

Low quality r8 0/8

>You know
I know, I'm done. You do whatever you want.

did you get off the couch for the anthem?

Fuck these morons. They have zero appreciation for how good they have it. Boo-fucking-whoo; black people who rob, run away from police, and make life difficult for regular people get mistreated by the police.

Fuck these creatures.

I agree. With nothing to defend, we take everything for granted.

What do words mean?

why is all you can think of, obama when you're faced with a difficult truth?

i don't agree obama did the greatest, but that's not the point.

the point is that trump is doing a horrific job of uniting us.


Kek, I see what you did there

triggering, and making a long term commitment are 2 different things.

It is Obama that started the racial divide.

were they taking a kneel for the people in Africa who starve after they fucked their model woman and got paid fat checks HAHAHAHAHAHA

Dez caught it

>did you get off the couch for the anthem?
I stand in the stadium, or at least I used to.

>everyone goes and takes a piss

I didn't vote for Trump, and I think he's every bit as shitty as Obama, overall.
I just tire of hearing liberals say "dissent is patriotic" (2001-2009), and then "respect the office, you unamerican rednecks" (2009-2017), and then "dissent is back, baby" (2017-).
I mean, fuck them.

I love how Americans are bitching about "BUT MAH COUNTRIES FLAG."
stfu, you fat sweaty bastards wear your flags on your disgusting bodies, put it on napkins you use to wipe your gluttonous mouths, and paper plates that you stockpile your disgusting food on.

because he sucked worse than Carter

>literal vegan logic.
You dont matter, and should probably consider an hero

You sure showed them lol

It's football, their entire audience is maladjusted in at least one way.

>Obama started it
No, shit tier cops shooting everyone started it. They should be better trained and equipped.

>I didn't vote for Trump
And I didn't vote for the witch.

Good one. And Lincoln started the civil war too eh. He forced the south to secede right?

yeah i don't disagree, this is great proof of how divisive leadership has been, and it's pathetic.

sure but can you not admit that trump is also doing a pathetic job and in fact inciting more division? it's not that hard to admit, but it hurts i know

k(N)eeling Football league

Remember a few months ago when the “evil Russian hackers” were the top news story? Everyone triggered and calling for trumps impeachment...then one day everyone forgot about it and it was gone, almost like it didn’t even happen..

Same will happen here, everyone will shake branches and screech as loud as they can thinking it will make a difference, it won’t, wonder what the next top story will be?

Time, commitment, eventually money.



Things you do in mom’s basement don’t count