Hey Sup Forums, I'm planning sex with a hot girl innawoods, waht should I take with me? Blanket is a given

Hey Sup Forums, I'm planning sex with a hot girl innawoods, waht should I take with me? Blanket is a given.

You'll need a hot girl first.

insect repellent


Something heavy to knock her out with and something to carry her in

Gaffer tape, blindfold, handcuffs, rope...

and a shovel.

Don't forget the cold beverage to waterboard her with.


this gif is mesmerizing

Take a gun to defend yourself from serial killers. I've seen this movie before.

My country is safe and bugs are not very present in this autumn weather. It's a small forest in my capital, I'm Czech, just fucking hope we can find a remote spot where there won't be anyone seeing us.

>My country is safe
>I'm Czech
Pick one

>safe woods

Nigger, they may be scary, but they are mostly safe during the day.

what about the town rapist?

>safe during day

I'm not a cucked german and can defend myself.

Czech is a lot safer than the USgay, look it up

I never had any scary or bothersome encounters even in the problem parts of Prague, i have a mace spray which is 3 years out of date but it can be used as a distraction while I gouge the assailant's eyes out.

He is the town rapist

water (to drink)
paper towels
a condom
a blindfold (this way you can film it)

A girl

nice, not many hetero porn i like but im hetero.

>Hey Sup Forums, I'm planning sex with a hot girl innawoods,
Doez she know?
If not, zip ties

Fucked up niggers, I love you though, funny fucks. She suggested it.

It's a trap, don't go.

sure you are