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Space nigger.

Is this the new Power Rangers villain?

I wish it was.......

Yeah I'm not loving their redesign either.

I don't get why they have to "redesign" Klingons as a whole in the first place. Can't they just say Klingons have different races just like humans, explaining why they sometimes have different physical characteristics?

what's up with the double penis gun?

Hyperspace Transdimensional Nigger

worf is displeased

Why does it look like an iguana?

I think the design makes sense as a halfway point between TOS and Next Gen Klingons. Maybe we will finally get an explanation of the evolution.

Atleast they do look alien now, before it was just a black guy with a toupe on...

gowron doesn't look too happy about the new design

at least they actually look like aliens

what is this?

Need more of this chink cunt.

she died

They need fatter lips to better represent niggerdom.

IT's too serious, it's missing the light corny humor star trek is know for, they are trying to turn start trek into a gritty sci if show, like battlestar galactica . Show is way to serious, and it rubs me the wrong way

she's hot

Come on, dude

some people are thinking that it's a side effect of the augment virus "cure".
kinda liking the show, otherwise. i'll give it a season.

it'll probably get at least 3 seasons as it's still trek

they are making them alt right esq villains, but why Klingons, the Ferangi exist and are already cast in a villainous light.

Man I sure am glad I stopped giving a fuck about Star Trek when TNG ended...

Your mission: an aligned morph from original Klingon to latest. I'll start you out; these are the originals: weminoredinfilm.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/klingons_star_trek_tos.jpg

best captain

Is this what Redguards will look like in the future?

It's a back up gun, in case the first one jams.

The Plot: Even the Vulcans couldn't make a human woman rational.

If you listen hard enough, you can hear a gentle whirring sound, thats Gene Roddenberry spinning in his grave

Well he was cremated, so it's probably just the sound of his ashes angrily settling.

>what is DS9
Literally kill youself, pleb.

Nice to see them using a shitty 80's rubber suit the found in the backroom.
Always recycle people.

OMG. This is actually true. lol.

True. Tho that ending was rough

Has this thing been pirated yet? I need to have a look

So ? Get a fkin shovel m8

So this is new timeline shit? I thought it was supposed to be the old one. But if "Klingons" have cloaking technology well before the Romulins it clearly isn't old cannon.

it's on covenant

But OP, didn't you watch the episode of enterprise which explained it??

yes ...but it's still fuckin crazy


>the Ferangi

They didn't show up, on screen at least, until STNG.

TNG was supposed to be in the original timeline too, and they explained that the different looking Klingons from the Original Series had a disease


is it because he looks like a nut sack?


Ya the Trials and Tibbleations explained it wayyyyyyyyyy better.


all of them were not black

I love you. We could be friends in real life.

That was Enterprise.

cisco was the best

even worf was scared of him he then became god

also he had a son and did not abbondon him and he was chill and bro but fucked up the enemy still ds9 is my least favorate star trek just before voyger and the new enterprise one tng is the best all others are shit


I think it works as a premise. It makes the Klingons relatable. The Klingons will be seen as the underdog heros. Hollywood will increasingly write them to be losers to try and counter this. That will undermine the premise that they are dangerous and formidable. But they will gladly debase their show to push their propaganda.

i would fuck her brains out tho and make her wear the pricess lea slave outfit

The Klingons have been second only to the Romulans as the main Star Trek villains since the original series. Ferengi, Borg and the like didn't show up until TNG.

And just from a production standpoint, Klingons are the most identifiable "villains" in ST for people who don't watch ST, so you want to start a new series with a villian new and casual viewers will recognize


Looks like Ron Howard's retarded little brother

Oh right. In TNG, doesn't Worf just say something like "We don't talk about that time anymore" ?

Thanks man

Is this the new Star Trek? I knew it was going to be SJW garbage, but that's a Klingon now. So glad I didn't bother watching that shit.

Nope that was DS9 =)


That was the Tribbles episode in DS9


I couldn't give a fuck about how they look. I want to know why they talk like it's physically and mentally painful to do. Too slow and deliberate. Literally bored by the end of the sentence.

You're really just embarrassing yourself, homes, and you have no idea.


DS9 had the best way to deal with that during a time travel episode.
>Worf said something along the lines of, "We don't like talking about that era of our past".
Classy, classic. Done. They were into plastic surgery for a while.
Which fits with the concept of Star Trek. Analyzing real world issues through the mantle of sci-fi and it's infinite possibilities.

I Noticed that too.
There is no flow to their speech.

Do they ever actually speak Klingon in the first episode?

I think they're quite fine!

Look at the nose, beautifully, greekly, sculpted, and that detail!

Good redesign work!

Previous Klingons, as everything in Star Trek (and I'm a fan), were silly.

Not that user... but.
DS9 is 1/3 trash. 1/3 better on paper. And 1/3 pure mother fucking gold!
The gold makes the better on paper bearable. As you'll appreciate what they went for but fell short on.
But that 1/3 trash is pure fucking garbage mixed in shit, piled on more garbage.
To prove my point. Wheelchair episode early on. Everything about it was full fucking retard.


what episode of Enterprise is this

Uhh... that would be a viable theory BUT Discovery is set 75-100 years BEFORE TOS... The difference in appearance of the Klingons was explained in Season 4 of Enterprise as a botched attempt at genetic augmentation by the Kingons....

they basically aren't Klingons.

People love the TNG/DS9 klingons not because of their forehead wrinkles but because they are fun, rowdy, dangerous group with their own unique code of honor and ethics.

If they think those Klingons are too "corny" for them, just make a new alien race to use. Don't shit all over people's fond memories.

This show is going to have the same problem as Abrams Trek. No new fucking ideas at all, and just bastardizing old ideas.



DaH impregnate

If you're going to cherry-pick bad episodes, TNG has way more terrible episodes than DS9. DS9 was weak in the first season, and the final season, but otherwise way more consistent than any other Star Trek show. It had the best writing, including season long over-arcing plots, and actual real character development.

People like TNG just because the characters like Picard, Data, Geordi, Riker were so likable and you wanted to actually work on the Enterprise. But TNG had a LOT of shitty episodes.

it's something weird

they have TOS phasers despite them not being introduced for a decade (they only appeared after Where No Man Has Gone Before, which used the The Cage Pistols)

and an entirely new uniform and department colours style a year after the Cage and a century after ENT established the (pre-monster maroons) Department Colours scheme

English or Klingon, they speak both like they have no clue what the next word out of their mouth is supposed to be and need a second to think about it.

TNG was Roddenberry. DS9 was not. Also, I kind of liked the crazy Sisko ending. Was neat. Different.
Will also agree that the overarching story was fucking epic. Which is why I loved DS9.
But to deny that 1/3 of the episodes throughout were utter shit is just laughable.
I picked the greatest offender because after all these years it still stands out as a glaring failure beyond failures.

TNG was simply more consistent on delivering an enjoyable experience, with the odd "this is awesome moment". The fan script post Roddenberry movies are shit though. Fuck TNG movies.
>P.S. TNG pre-beard Riker was absolute trash too.

well yeah

the Discovery is one of the rejected Phase 2 refit concepts

and these Klinks are based off taking the most out there of the TMP concept sketches and dialling it up to 11

Oh, and Ezri killed the show. Jadzia for life, nigger.

I always have wondered what a Klingons penis would look like ????

Send some fan mail to Micheal Dorn and find out.

blame Berman

Terry wanted to stay but he refused to even talk about renewing her contract for S7

Pls no more

Seriously? I knew it was something contractual. But I didn't think it was this way, or this bad.
That's fucking horrible. Was the replacement sucking his dick or something? Because based on her appearances/"talent" I'm left to assume that it's the case.

Checked. Also, last time i saw this picture was over a decade ago in FYAD.

Most of the latter half of season 4, dude. The whole point is that Klingons had space AIDS, then Phlox used human DNA and plot magic to engineer a cure, but a side effect was the humanizing of Klingons (no cranial ridges) and that's what we see in TOS.

They coil, like duck dicks, but they're barbed.

Look it up -- it's canon.

Different user here, but I vaguely remember this. Even though I didn't when first mentioned.

As a side: I'd like to inquire to you. Would you agree that Enterprise is "Star Trek: Quantum Leap"? Because I can't help but think that Scott Bakula and his Quantum Leap buddy are doing the same thing. Except this time they lept into the 23rd century to fix one hell of a time paradox.

>Probably caused by Janeway, because she's a cunt.

Look it up where? I don't think I want to see the results of googling "klingon dicks"

oh its worse than that

it went on for months, and anyone who knew her contract was up and that she hadn't signed a new one assuming (possibly with B&B hinting) that she was holding out

then he didn't tell the other writers that her contract was going to be up

thats why they skipped a perfect death moment in the one where Dax and Worf went to pick up the Cardie spy and she gets hurt

and had to do that fucking stupid death to Space Loki Dukat

she went through it at a con last year, and was in tears half way through

Makes me tear up just reading it....
Oh well. Was a fun ride while it lasted.
Time for Trek to die.

Is this the Nigerian prince that's sending me $1000?