Why do you not come visit me AT LEAST once a year even though everything seems perfect in your mouth, user?

Why do you not come visit me AT LEAST once a year even though everything seems perfect in your mouth, user?

You're fucking expensive. That's why.

If my fucking tooth hurts someday, I'll let you know, faggot. I'm not interested in giving you busy work I don't need.

Because I'm shit scared. I tell you every fucking time that I have a tolerance to your local anaesthetic, and you still give me the same shit dose as everyone else. Having someone drill straight into the pulp of a tooth without anaesthetic is straight up fucking torture.

You're too rough you asshole, I want a female dentist

Stop huffing nitro you junkie

So you DO have something wrong in your mouth.
What are you going to do about it if you don't let my drill in?
Do you think I've studied 10+ years to do something you can do yourself user?

This never magically heals by itself, your mouth is full of bacteria and they're expanding as we speak.


I bet you can't find MB2 without perforating you faggot.

I love is when you don't numb my gums and just ram the needle in and I feel that shit

A bet? Is this the reason you're not coming? You brush your teeths "twice" a day and HOPEFULLY nothing bad happens, right?

Well I bet there's something wrong in that mouth, and we'll never be sure unless you come to my office.

I know man. The only time I go to the dentist is when I have an emergency. To be fair, the last couple visits weren't too bad, my experience is just hugely coloured by experiences I had as a child. I do take much better care of my teeth now though, actually brushing twice a day, flossing and using mouthwash. I wish I would've got into these habits earlier though.

You're clearly not a real dentist - otherwise you would've got the reference.

Real dentist here btw.

The needle IS the anaesthetic, retard

Does it disgust you when people come in with shit teeth, or are you happy about the money you're about to earn?

Cuz I've never had a cavity in my life and my wisdom teeth grew in perfectly and I won the greatest smile competition 3 years in a row.

Because I've Dentures and don't need to have some asshat fucking me up anymore. Lost all my teeth due to them not being properly cleaned before my braces where put on. So thanks for that

I never said I was a dentist though.

You're exposing the fraud dentist.

Keep doing God's work.


yea but he doesn't numb my gums so it feels like a rusty fork is being scrapped around inside my gums

I am the home trained dentist

So you want an anaesthetic to allow the dentist to administer an anaesthetic?

and why is it that every time I go to see the dentist, he says I have a cavity and need a filling but that's complete bs and he is just doing it for free money and he knows this

I go every 18 months as that's what my dentist recommends as he's pretty cool and doesn't see the point in raping my wallet when my teeth are ok.

I never understood why people fear the dentist. Sure it's basically giving money to let a guy fingerbang your mouth but i just find it more annoying than anything else. Besides i'm in various kinds of pain most of the time anyway from my bad shoulder, possibly arthritic ankle, bad back etc that letting a guy stab my gums with a needle really isn't that bothersome.

well if he actually cared about his patients then yes, I know friends dentists who do this to them and actually have a nice friendly dentist and not a 1940s german one

How much would this cost though? I can imagine at least 2-300 dollars? UK here so I don't pay for dentistry (unless I go private)

I do. i get free dental care because of my job.
#fucksocializedmedicine #ifyouarentawagecuckyoucanhavenicethings


its like 500$ for a basic visit and cleaning

If you live in canada it costs 500-600 for just a visit and cleaning. Not including xrays.

Every time I go to the dentist I seem to always have exactly 1 cavity that needs filling - no matter how long ago I last went.

I hate your fucking lectures. Yes I know I must brush and floss etc. I don't like paying money to feel like a school kid being told off.

I visit you every 6 months faggot.

fuck the fucking dentist, i haven't been to one of those faggots in years and i don't plan on ever going back