One day a genie appears before you

>one day a genie appears before you
>tells you she will grant you only ONE wish
>any wishes thereafter are null

So, Sup Forums, what do you wish for?

An older genie



I, the great Sultan Simallah Bim, wish to be a panglot.

I wish to speak all languages

The younger genies virginity

a million separate genies

This thread is a good thread
Finally good old Sup Forumsanter instead of gayporn and ylyl


remove humans ability to hurt/hate one another

>everyone because a toothless qaud amputee


For this girl to like me back

Immortality with no aging.

Endless wealth.

The sweet release of death

let me fucking die

The ability to know the answer to any question asked of me. Not to know everything but I would progressively learn more as people asked me questions.

it would be interesting to see what would come out of it, maybe it would lead to mass suicide or someshit because people require pain to find themselves


Found the impotent faggot.

Grant me my wish you deceitful wench!


you should have wished for roofies, then raep

Portuguese you say?

I wish to fuck the genie in her loli ass anytime I want

what i call the ability to "plane shift".
which means the ability to teleport myself or anyone/anything from any point of space time to any other point of space time and in any possible dimension or alternate universe.

why ass?

Oh great and powerful genie, grant me the ability to persuade anyone to want and try to do what I would like them to do!

Or total control over all matter.

he typed in with a huge smirk on his face imagining all the possibilities. "finally going to see a woman naked" - he thought, and, right after tipping his fedora, he hit the post button

To be happy.

/b shouldn't be granted any wish, it would be the doom of all that exists.

Do you have a spycam in my room!?

more like visiting the medical bay of the Enterprise in Star Trek to see if they have any solution to my incurable sickness

So mind control?

I like anal. and loli ass pussy is best pussy

What a fucking cuck

>Pedophilia is completely legal and regulated worldwide

Suck it liberals.

10 Million wishes


The ability to turn into a hot woman any time I want.

I want to feel an intense orgasm.

You fucking idiot. Did you not read the goddamn OP?

Yea but rape isn't, so you still wouldn't get laid.

I want naked little girls

I wish the mods would permaban me for being such a faggot.

Congrats, you're now a virgin two times over.

im a liberal. you should stop with the us vs them mentality. everybody has a good idea every once in a while.

A life. Or a loving family.

Be able to manipulate anyone and bend them to my will.

a job that I will be successful in.


3dcg loli is 100% legal newfag


to be cured of my bipolar disorder.

More young Sheldon

i wish jews stopped existing

Give me full control over this universe. A life where truly everything is possible seems fun :>

Mind control over all other humans, all at once included.

Either the ability to stop time for everyone else or the ability to shapeshift, either would work fine

Unlimited sex with Genie.

i wish i can do anything


Exterminate the human race

You can fuck off right now.


Be the best looking man in the world.

wish for a machine that can make genies if that's not posible make a machine that can help me find genies


wish for unlimited wishes or a million genies

My soulmate.


A much shorter, less girthy penis.

More wish?

I wish that you, genie, would be my wife.
Yeah don't care that you are a guy, either transform into a sexy women or transform me into one but by the end of the night someone is getting a dicking.

max my fucking stats as a person without negative effects of it
>max intelligence
>get immortality in first place
>interstellar travel second place
>transfer between dimensions if necessary
>toy with the universe or create my own

Max out your stats... find out you are just a bit different.
Told genetically this is the best you could ever be.
Cry when you realize you were genetically chosen to be a failure.

For unlimited wishes.
> No rules against this

yeh its tough luck if you're fucked from the start, but i guess worth a try still

Gf sex for a year

You only get to ask for one wish and she disappears. Maybe she'll owe you wishes, but who says she's gonna stick around to grant them?

Then I'll report the conning bitch to the local authorities. I asked that wench for unlimited wishes and that's what I'll get.

$500,000 from a lotto winner trying to help me out.

Your hand now secretes lotion for a whole year.
What about her being my GF... I mean no more wishes but she has to live with me till I die or find a real girl.. who am I kidding, till I die.


A peaceful, strong, united Korean peninsula without western 'influence.' A Korea that puts Japan to shame.

To be God.

Trump Nukes Korea, and it comes out with it's shit fixed. The surviving roaches create a Eugini-macracy. (The creature with the most children rule the government.) And asks for admintance into the UN.

You cease to exist... like god

To live in the dbz universe

>nuking South Korea
Literally why?

>Trump finally signs the peace treaty DPRK has been offering for decades and delivers on his campaign-promise to leave the fate of the Koreans TO the Koreans, focusing instead on America and its many problems

Counterpoint: You are the farmer.

Not a bad ability to have but wouldn't it lead to some paradoxes? Especially ones that question the future? Also it would be a lot less useful without the ability to be able to remember all the information that you're saying.

Becomes living internet meme.

I'd wish I could be 135 lbs permanently, and my weight would never go up no matter what I eat, or how much.

>Endless wealth
>The mass inflation on the global economy would devalue every currency
>Endless dollars/coins worth absolutely nothing

I wish to become a celestial, one of my choosing, not the genie's

This was a ducktales episode.

I'd wish video games never had and never will exsist again

To have psychic powers like Telepathy and Telekinesis. I'd finally not have to deal with people's bullshit and really just know whats going on. If they are being exceptionally dickheaded, I'd use the telekinesis to make them think their house or office is haunted.

Which one?